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Alexander Colvin Ainslie Collection

  • Ainslie MSS
  • Collection
  • 1853

Album of drawings and watercolour sketches made in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine in 1853.

Ainslie, (Revd) Alexander Colvin

Evelyn Blyth Collection

  • Blyth MSS
  • Collection
  • 1900-1906

107 postcards collected in Egypt between 1900-1906 by Miss E. Blyth (objects in Cairo Museum, sites, Cairo views, and Nile views) and 1 postcard of Bethlehem in Palestine.

Blyth, Evelyn

Amice Mary Calverley Collection

  • Calverley MSS
  • Collection
  • c. late 1920s-late 1950s

Over one thousand colour slides (group III), several hundred black and white photographs (group II), and correspondence (group I).

Calverley, Amice Mary

Yates Negatives Collection

  • Yates MSS
  • Collection
  • 1890s

118 glass stereoscopic plate negatives. Most show sites in and around

  • Cairo, in and around
    • General views of Cairo
    • Street views
    • Tombs of the Caliphs
    • Tombs of the Mamelukes
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq
    • Tomb of Abouseer
    • Mosque of Khat Bey
    • Al-Hakim Mosque
    • Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
    • The Citadel
  • Other sites in Egypt
    • 'Tombs at Thebes'
    • 'Rocks of Abusir', Second Cataract
    • 'Arab village'
  • Outside Egypt, mostly Israel and Palestine:
    • Bethlehem
    • Jacob's Well
    • Mount Tabor

Yates, Miss ?

Archibald Henry Sayce Collection

  • Sayce MSS
  • Collection
  • 1872-early 1930s

Notes, photographs, squeezes, correspondence, and offprints. Contain, amongst others, references to Assyriological, Greek, Cypriot, and Egyptological material. Includes notes made by Petrie which were with Sayce at the time of his death.

Sayce, (Revd) Archibald Henry

Arthur Cruttenden Mace Collection

  • Mace MSS
  • Collection
  • 1899-1903

(1) Excavation journals for 1899-1901 (working with W. M. F. Petrie) and 1901-1903 (working with G. A. Reisner).
(2) Personal correspondence exchanged between Mace and his wife Winifred during the Winter season 1922-1923, Winifred Mace and her mother during the Winter season 1923-1924, and other correspondence related to the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
(3) Two typewritten articles by Mace on work in Tutankhamun's tomb: "DESPATCH No. 5" (3 pages), and "THE CLOSING OF THE TOMB" (incomplete, first page only + newspaper cutting of The Times article); both submitted to The Times and subsequently published on 31/01/1923 and 28/03/1923.
(4) 39 photographs, most are original Burton images, some of which have been annotated by Howard Carter; they may have been used during the preparation of H. Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen i (1923).
(5) Newspaper cuttings, most from The Times, published between 1922 and 1925.

(y) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - typewritten version (TAA iv.1). Diary for 1922-3 (TAA iv.2).
(z) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - original handwritten version (TAA iv.3).

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

William Gell Collection

  • Gell MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1815-1820s

Three notebooks containing Gell's copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions from objects and publications, also drawings (some coloured) of objects seen by Gell in museums and private collections.

Gell, (Sir) William

Raymond Oliver Faulkner Collection

  • Faulkner MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1955-1965

A small group of Faulkner's documentation.

  • Translation of the stela of King Kamose [Kamosi] (Faulkner MSS 1).
  • Sections of Faulkner, Raymond O. 1962. A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Faulkner MSS 2).
  • Original housing for the group (Faulkner MSS 3).

Faulkner, Raymond Oliver

Myrtle Florence Broome Collection

  • Broome MSS
  • Collection
  • 1927-1937

415 items of correspondence written by Miss Broome to her parents whilst working at Abydos between 1927 and 1937.

Fifteen items are groups of two letters (16, 35, 51, 55, 97, 111, 154, 198, 227, 268, 306, 319, 325, 363, 408, and 414, not all of them by Miss Broome), four of which are actually cards/postcards (16A, 306A, and 414A-B); item 156 is a group of three letters [= 429 letters and 4 cards/postcards in total].

A few letters include drawings/maps; seven letters include photographs (111, 123, 273-276, and 279); letter 337 includes a newspaper cutting; many of the letters include the original envelopes in which they were sent; some other letters mention the enclosure of additional items which are now lost.

Broome, Myrtle Florence

George Lloyd Album

  • Lloyd MSS
  • Collection
  • 1842-1843

Album of watercolours, drawings, and tracings of Egypt produced close to the end of Lloyd's life. It is a folio volume (33 x 44 cm, pages 32.7 x 43 cm), containing 135 watercolours and drawings (74 of which are full-page and 1 folding) and 10 tracings (8 folding). They are all mounted and most are captioned either on the image itself or on the mount. Captions on the mount seem to have been added when the album was put together after Lloyd's death. The album also contains a loose watercolour, a loose drawing and a loose lithographed portrait of George Lloyd by Prisse d'Avennes, who published it in his Oriental Album: Characters, Costumes and Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile (1848). One of the drawings in the album is a pencil portrait of Lloyd sketched by Prince A. Soltykoff.

Lloyd, George

Diana Magee Collection

  • Magee MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1980s - 2010s

Complete papers (see catalogue for more details).

Magee, Diana Norma Elizabeth

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt Collection

  • Platt MSS
  • Collection
  • 1896

Ferdinand (Ferdy) Platt's correspondence relates to two excursions to Egypt, in 1896 and 1907-1908.

  • First group: eighteen letters and postcards, sent during Platt's first independent visit to Egypt in early 1896, when he initially travelled with a friend. Dating between 26 January and 19 April, the letters are addressed to Platt's mother and brother Erny. They record meeting Flinders Petrie and other notables.
  • Second group: thirty-one letters sent during Platt's second trip to Egypt in 1907-1908, when he accompanied the eighth Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, their relations Lord and Lady Gosford with their daughter Lady Theo, Sir Charles Cradock-Hartopp. Dating between 4 November 1907 and 8 February 1908, they are addressed to Platt's wife, Mabel (May). They record Platt's encounters with Winston Churchill, Alan Gardiner, James Quibell, George Reisner, Archibald Sayce and Arthur Weigall, among others. The letters also mention a meeting with Howard Carter when the latter was still earning a living as an artist, producing paintings for tourists; the letters provide important insights into Carter's life just before he began his partnership with Lord Carnarvon.

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt

John Frederick Dewey Collection

  • Dewey MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1980s - 2000s

Approximately 10,500 colour transparencies (35mm) mostly of Egypt (temples, tombs and other ancient monuments) [Dewey MSS 1], but also of different countries in the Middle East (Syria, Persia, Turkey, etc.) as well as the Far East [Dewey MSS 2]. They are cross-referenced with an extensive card index [Dewey MSS 3] and cover a period from the early 1980s until the early 2000s. They consist of images from virtually every site in the Egyptian Delta region and the Nile Valley.

Dewey, John Frederick

Joseph Bonomi Collection

  • Bonomi MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1824-1870s

1) Bonomi drawings and paintings: 52 handmade ‘portfolios’ containing pencil and pastel drawings, watercolours, tracings and commercial prints, almost certainly arranged by Bonomi, some later rearrangement was done by Bonomi's descendants [Bonomi MSS 1-52].
2) Typescript of diary: carbon-copy(?) typescript of extracts from Joseph Bonomi’s diary, entries for periods in Egypt dating between 25th March 1829 to 26th May 1834 [Bonomi MSS 53].

Bonomi, Joseph

Elise Jenny Baumgartel Collection

  • Baumgartel MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1960-1975

1) Two typescripts with pages from the published edition, and handwritten notes and editing marks, together with a small box of glass negatives of plates marked 'Plates for Part 2'. Both titled ''Egypt's Beginnings', being the third edition of The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt by Elise J. Baumgartel.' Also notes on the manuscript by Barry Kemp, dated 1975.
2) Collected notes and photographs relating to Predynastic material in The Brooklyn Museum. Two reports: one a copy of 'Report of Henry de Morgan on his researches in the Nile Valley between Esneh and Gebel-Silsilèh, during the winter of 1907-1908'; the other, no title or date, addressed 'To A. Augustus Healy, Esq., President of the Brooklyn of Arts & Sciences' [sic].
3) Seven card index boxes:
a) Naqada and Ballas Site Index [4 boxes]: Identified contents of grave groups from numbered tombs in Predynastic cemetery at Naqada, also Naqada town site, and Ballas (excav. Petrie, 1895), with current museum location; arranged by tomb number and cross referenced to Naqada and Ballas (London, 1896). The card index was created by Elise J. Baumgartel as the basis for her Petrie's Naqada Excavation. A Supplement (London, 1970); subsequently maintained and updated by Joan Crowfoot Payne, ‘Appendix to Naqada Excavations Supplement’, JEA 73 (1987), 181-9.
b) Petrie’s Naqada Site Records [2 boxes] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.
c) Petrie’s Ballas Site Records [1 box] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.

Baumgartel, Elise Jenny

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Collection
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Collection
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard

Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds Collection | Copies made from originals in other collections | Not Griffith Institute copyright

  • Linant de Bellefonds MSS
  • Collection
  • 1818-1826
  • 3 copies (1 typescript and two carbon copies) of a transcript made from Linant de Bellefonds' diary (1821-1822).
    • Titled: "Journal d'un Voyage en Ethiopie dans les Annees 1821 & 1822."
    • 279 typescript pages
    • Not Griffith Institute copyright. See below for details.
  • 14 glass plate negatives, two sizes, with a set of modern prints made from the larger-sized negatives (1818-1826). Not Griffith Institute copyright. Negatives made from the originals in the Louvre.
  • The negatives are copies of the following MSS:
  • B.15 (parts A and B)
    • Triple statue (same as following), not identified, with texts
  • B.26
    • Maison du Melek d'Argos
  • B.30
    • Gebel Barkal. View of Pyramid field (North and South groups)
    • TopBib vii.208, 203
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.7
  • B.32
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. View of interior
    • TopBib vii.209
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.2
  • B.32 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Sketch, general view showing granite stand of Taharqa, with Nile-gods binding sma-symbol etc.
    • TopBib vii.216A & 209(43)
  • B.36
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Inner Court. Meroitic battle scene, including man on horseback and archer
    • TopBib vii.219(30)
    • = Bankes MSS XV.A.28
  • B.38 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.700. Pylon (destroyed). West wing, outer face, Senkamanisken smites captives before Amun-Re
    • TopBib vii.214
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.8 [middle]
  • B.45
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. Third Hall. View
    • TopBib vii.209
  • B.62
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. Great Temple. Views
    • TopBib vii.264
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.15
  • B.68
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 2, three registers
    • TopBib vii.267
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.6
  • B.69
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 1, two registers
    • TopBib vii.265
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.5
  • B.73
    • Naga'. General view
    • TopBib vii.267
  • B.105
    • Naga'. Lion Temple of Apedemak. Exterior. King, Queen and Prince, before Isis holding captives, Mut, Hathor and Satis
    • TopBib vii.269(21)-(22)
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.C.7-8

Linant de Bellefonds, (Bey and Pasha) Louis Maurice Adolphe

Jacques Jean Clère Collection

  • Clère MSS
  • Collection
  • mid 1940s-1989

Notebooks, loose notes, drafts of articles, teaching notes, photocopies, card indexes, copies of inscriptions, impressions, photographs, negatives, transparencies (cut into strips and in rolls), videotape recording, tracings, drawings, and correspondence.

Clère, Jacques Jean

Charles Barry Collection

  • Barry MSS
  • Collection
  • 1818-1819

Two albums containing plans and drawings of Egyptian monuments.

Barry, (Sir) Charles

Walter Ewing Crum Collection

  • Crum MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1890-1944

Card indexes used in compilation of the <i>Coptic Dictionary</i>, photographs, photostats, notebooks, notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, negatives, and casts.

Crum, Walter Ewing

Hector Horeau Collection

  • Horeau MSS
  • Collection
  • 1838

Two portfolios with 45 loose sheets of mounted drawings and watercolours.

Horeau, Hector

Sarah Joanne Clackson Collection

  • Clackson MSS
  • Collection
  • late 1980s - 2003

Notes, transcriptions, translations, article drafts, lecture drafts, card index, photographs, slides, overhead projector sheets, electronic data files, microfilm, correspondence, annotated photocopies and off-prints, relating to Coptic and Greek documents and Coptic archaeology.

Clackson, Sarah Joanne

John Wintour Baldwin Barns Collection

  • Barns MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1960-1974

Notebooks, notes, copies of texts, photographs, lecture notes, drafts of articles, and facsimiles.

Barns, (Revd) John Wintour Baldwin

Alan Henderson Gardiner Collection

  • Gardiner MSS
  • Collection
  • c. 1900-1963

Notebooks, notes, card indexes of the Pyramid Texts and Late Egyptian, copies of inscriptions, corpus of transcribed hieratic ostraca and papyri, photographs, drawings, correspondence, copies of his own publications, and portraits.

Gardiner, (Sir) Alan Henderson

William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection

  • Petrie MSS
  • Collection
  • 1860s-2004

Papers of William Matthew Flinders Petrie including journals covering 38 seasons (1880-1929) and photographs of excavations. The collection also includes secondary material associated with Petrie's journals, photographs of objects in museums, souvenir photographs and photocopies of material held at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London.

Petrie, (Sir) William Matthew Flinders

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Collection
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

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