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Thomas Eric Peet Collection

  • Peet MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1882-1934

Index of Late Egyptian Grammar, index for Egyptian Dictionary, and various other indexes. 18 notebooks containing copies of hieratic papyri and ostraca. Small watercolour. 2 boxes of family papers and ephemera, including personal correspondence, certificates, photographs, notes for Peet’s books on Neolithic Italy, a couple of pages from an inaugural lecture, newspaper cuttings, a travel record small notebook, a Latin and Greek classes notebook, etc.

Peet, Thomas Eric

Oliver Robert Gurney Collection

  • Gurney MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1939-2001

Correspondence and notes relating to the geography of the Hittite Empire, Babylonian music, decipherment, and various other topics.

Gurney, Oliver Robert

Third copy of My Working Years by Sir Alan Gardiner (1962)

Third copy of My Working Years by Sir Alan Gardiner (1962).

With an unsigned dedication on the front matter by Mr Rolf Gardiner:

"For the Library of the Griffiths[sic] Institute
on the occasion of a Memorial Dinner
held, by invitation of the Provost, at the
Queen's College, Oxford, in commemoration of
Sir Alan Gardiner
on Saturday 23 May 1964

Followed by the signatures of the attendees.

With an enclosure at the back containing the souvenir booklet printed by Oxford University Press on the occasion of the Memorial Dinner (sections: "Menu", "Sir Alan Gardiner, Kt.", a portrait photograph, and "Sir Alan Gardiner's Publications"), and a loose calling card of Rolf Gardiner.

Pietro Bracci Manuscript

  • Bracci MSS
  • Coleção
  • c. 1750s-1773

Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs and related topics (Roman obelisks, Iseum in Rome, Isiac pomp described by Apuleius, Egyptian rites, mummies, etc.). Left unfinished.

Bracci, Pietro

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection

  • Edwards A.A.B. MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1856-1892
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during Amelia Edwards's visit to the Dolomites.
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during her visit to Egypt in 1873-4.
  • Album with 26 pencil sketches and one watercolour titled 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874', made during same visit to Egypt.
  • Album, notebook, packet containing an assortment of drawings, letters, and notes, another packet contains copies of deeds and accounts issued following her death.
  • Two watercolours of the temples on Philae island, assumed to have been painted by A. Edwards.
  • First edition of Amelia B. Edwards, Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (1891); Kate Griffith's (née Bradbury) copy, with handwritten dedication to ‘My Katie - Novr. 1891 - A.B.E’.

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection

  • Petrie MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1860s-2004

Papers of William Matthew Flinders Petrie including journals covering 38 seasons (1880-1929) and photographs of excavations. The collection also includes secondary material associated with Petrie's journals, photographs of objects in museums, souvenir photographs and photocopies of material held at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London.

Petrie, (Sir) William Matthew Flinders

Alan Henderson Gardiner Collection

  • Gardiner MSS
  • Coleção
  • c. 1900-1963

Notebooks, notes, card indexes of the Pyramid Texts and Late Egyptian, copies of inscriptions, corpus of transcribed hieratic ostraca and papyri, photographs, drawings, correspondence, copies of his own publications, and portraits.

Gardiner, (Sir) Alan Henderson

John Wintour Baldwin Barns Collection

  • Barns MSS
  • Coleção
  • c.1960-1974

Notebooks, notes, copies of texts, photographs, lecture notes, drafts of articles, and facsimiles.

Barns, (Revd) John Wintour Baldwin

Sarah Joanne Clackson Collection

  • Clackson MSS
  • Coleção
  • late 1980s - 2003

Notes, transcriptions, translations, article drafts, lecture drafts, card index, photographs, slides, overhead projector sheets, electronic data files, microfilm, correspondence, annotated photocopies and off-prints, relating to Coptic and Greek documents and Coptic archaeology.

Clackson, Sarah Joanne

Hector Horeau Collection

  • Horeau MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1838

Two portfolios with 45 loose sheets of mounted drawings and watercolours.

Horeau, Hector

Walter Ewing Crum Collection

  • Crum MSS
  • Coleção
  • c.1890-1944

Card indexes used in compilation of the <i>Coptic Dictionary</i>, photographs, photostats, notebooks, notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, negatives, and casts.

Crum, Walter Ewing

Charles Barry Collection

  • Barry MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1818-1819

Two albums containing plans and drawings of Egyptian monuments.

Barry, (Sir) Charles

Jacques Jean Clère Collection

  • Clère MSS
  • Coleção
  • mid 1940s-1989

Notebooks, loose notes, drafts of articles, teaching notes, photocopies, card indexes, copies of inscriptions, impressions, photographs, negatives, transparencies (cut into strips and in rolls), videotape recording, tracings, drawings, and correspondence.

Clère, Jacques Jean

John Gardner Wilkinson Collection

  • Wilkinson J. G. MSS
  • Coleção

Journal 1841-1842 and some correspondence.

Wilkinson, (Sir) John Gardner

Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds Collection | Copies made from originals in other collections | Not Griffith Institute copyright

  • Linant de Bellefonds MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1818-1826
  • 3 copies (1 typescript and two carbon copies) of a transcript made from Linant de Bellefonds' diary (1821-1822).
    • Titled: "Journal d'un Voyage en Ethiopie dans les Annees 1821 & 1822."
    • 279 typescript pages
    • Not Griffith Institute copyright. See below for details.
  • 14 glass plate negatives, two sizes, with a set of modern prints made from the larger-sized negatives (1818-1826). Not Griffith Institute copyright. Negatives made from the originals in the Louvre.
  • The negatives are copies of the following MSS:
  • B.15 (parts A and B)
    • Triple statue (same as following), not identified, with texts
  • B.26
    • Maison du Melek d'Argos
  • B.30
    • Gebel Barkal. View of Pyramid field (North and South groups)
    • TopBib vii.208, 203
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.7
  • B.32
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. View of interior
    • TopBib vii.209
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.2
  • B.32 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Sketch, general view showing granite stand of Taharqa, with Nile-gods binding sma-symbol etc.
    • TopBib vii.216A & 209(43)
  • B.36
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Inner Court. Meroitic battle scene, including man on horseback and archer
    • TopBib vii.219(30)
    • = Bankes MSS XV.A.28
  • B.38 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.700. Pylon (destroyed). West wing, outer face, Senkamanisken smites captives before Amun-Re
    • TopBib vii.214
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.8 [middle]
  • B.45
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. Third Hall. View
    • TopBib vii.209
  • B.62
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. Great Temple. Views
    • TopBib vii.264
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.15
  • B.68
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 2, three registers
    • TopBib vii.267
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.6
  • B.69
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 1, two registers
    • TopBib vii.265
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.5
  • B.73
    • Naga'. General view
    • TopBib vii.267
  • B.105
    • Naga'. Lion Temple of Apedemak. Exterior. King, Queen and Prince, before Isis holding captives, Mut, Hathor and Satis
    • TopBib vii.269(21)-(22)
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.C.7-8

Linant de Bellefonds, (Bey and Pasha) Louis Maurice Adolphe

The Graffiti Archive Roger O. De Keersmaecker

  • De Keersmaecker MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1965-2019

Corpus of early traveller’s graffiti from selected sites and monuments in Egypt and Sudan, including transcriptions and photographs of graffiti, collated by Roger De Keersmaecker between 1965 and the 2010s, then published by him between 2001 and 2019.

De Keersmaecker, Roger O.

Jaroslav Černý Collection

  • Černý MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1918-1988

Notebooks, notes, card indexes, copies of inscriptions, a corpus of transcribed hieratic ostraca and papyri, photographs, correspondence, and personal items.

  • Series 1 to 4, 6, 7 contain photographs, copies, transcriptions and translations of Egyptian texts, and photographs of objects and sites.
  • Series 5 contains articles and lectures, some unpublished.
  • Series 5 and 10 contain notes on Egyptian history.
  • Series 8, 14, 22, 24, 26 contain notes and indexes on lexicography and grammar and card indexes for a late Egyptian and general hieroglyphic dictionary.
  • Series 17 contains notebooks with transcriptions of texts from ostraca, graffiti, papyri and other monuments. There is a card index of ostraca with references to notebooks in series 28.
  • Series 18 and 23 contain Coptic notes and a card index for Coptic grammar.
  • Series 25 contains data on Egyptian personal names.
  • Series 33 is an etymological card index.

Černý, Jaroslav

Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Coleção
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

Norman de Garis and Nina Davies Collection

  • Davies MSS
  • Coleção
  • c.1900-1940

Papers, including notebooks, notes, tracings and squeezes, made in Theban tombs and elsewhere, photographs, collection of coloured hieroglyphic signs, indexes of scenes in Theban tombs, etc.

Davies, Norman de Garis

Elise Jenny Baumgartel Collection

  • Baumgartel MSS
  • Coleção
  • c.1960-1975

1) Two typescripts with pages from the published edition, and handwritten notes and editing marks, together with a small box of glass negatives of plates marked 'Plates for Part 2'. Both titled ''Egypt's Beginnings', being the third edition of The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt by Elise J. Baumgartel.' Also notes on the manuscript by Barry Kemp, dated 1975.
2) Collected notes and photographs relating to Predynastic material in The Brooklyn Museum. Two reports: one a copy of 'Report of Henry de Morgan on his researches in the Nile Valley between Esneh and Gebel-Silsilèh, during the winter of 1907-1908'; the other, no title or date, addressed 'To A. Augustus Healy, Esq., President of the Brooklyn of Arts & Sciences' [sic].
3) Seven card index boxes:
a) Naqada and Ballas Site Index [4 boxes]: Identified contents of grave groups from numbered tombs in Predynastic cemetery at Naqada, also Naqada town site, and Ballas (excav. Petrie, 1895), with current museum location; arranged by tomb number and cross referenced to Naqada and Ballas (London, 1896). The card index was created by Elise J. Baumgartel as the basis for her Petrie's Naqada Excavation. A Supplement (London, 1970); subsequently maintained and updated by Joan Crowfoot Payne, ‘Appendix to Naqada Excavations Supplement’, JEA 73 (1987), 181-9.
b) Petrie’s Naqada Site Records [2 boxes] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.
c) Petrie’s Ballas Site Records [1 box] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.

Baumgartel, Elise Jenny

George Alexander Hoskins Collection

  • Hoskins MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1832-1833 and 1860-1861

3 albums containing watercolours and sketches.

Hoskins, George Alexander

Joseph Bonomi Collection

  • Bonomi MSS
  • Coleção
  • c. 1824-1870s

1) Bonomi drawings and paintings: 52 handmade ‘portfolios’ containing pencil and pastel drawings, watercolours, tracings and commercial prints, almost certainly arranged by Bonomi, some later rearrangement was done by Bonomi's descendants [Bonomi MSS 1-52].
2) Typescript of diary: carbon-copy(?) typescript of extracts from Joseph Bonomi’s diary, entries for periods in Egypt dating between 25th March 1829 to 26th May 1834 [Bonomi MSS 53].

Bonomi, Joseph

Additional volume [website]

Digital publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2024), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan. [London]: Blurb (OEB 334316).
  • Content of the former website [no longer active], by Roger O. de Keersmaecker (1931-2020), with a collection of articles on specific travellers or groups of graffiti, a number of reviews of the author's previous publications, and some additional information supplementing the published volumes. This is supplemented with reprints of ASTENE Bulletin 77 (2018), p. 14 [review; see De Keersmaecker MSS 7.2 and 7.2A]; 82 (2020), p. 4-7 [obituary], and G/Geschiedenis 2020 (3), p. 64 [transfer of the archive to the Griffith Institute, University of Oxford].
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.

Volume X

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2011), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan X: the temple of Kalabsha, the temple of Beit el-Wali. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 169306).
  • Great Temple of Mandulis (Kalabsha) [see TopBib vii.10-21] and Rock Temple of Beit el-Wali [see TopBib vii.21-27].
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: author's personal stamp with address details on cover page; an attached page between p. 37-38 with two pictures of the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem on the recto and a picture of Cornelius Bradford's grave inscription on the verso (omitted from the PDF); and an attached page at the end with the author's biographical information (omitted from the PDF).

Volume XI

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2011), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, XI: Gebel el-Silsila: Great Speos of Haremhab, shrines, quarry and rock-stelae. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 169307).
  • Gebel el-Silsila: Great Speos of Haremhab [see TopBib v.208-213], shrines and rock-stelae [see TopBib v.213-218 and 220] and Quarries [see TopBib v.221].
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: annotations in the form of checkmarks on p. 6-9, "o" marks on p. 9-10, and text on p. 7 with "DK 2011 (2) DK / DK 2011 (3) 2011 (4)"; and an attached page at the end with the author's biographical information (omitted from the PDF).

Additional volume I

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2012), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, additional volume [I]: the temples of Abu Simbel. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 169314).
  • The Temples of Abu Simbel [see TopBib vii.95-117].
  • Most of the graffiti date from the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: the annotation "I" on cover page; inserted loose pages between p. 37-38 with biographical information on Giovanni d'Athanasi (Dimitrios Papandriopulo) (1798-1854), together with an annotated card titled "1824 ABU SIMBEL" containing a list of four individuals with their dates and number references; inserted loose pages between p. 59-60 with information on graffiti by H. B. Humphrey's / [HB H] BO USA 1840, together with an extract from email correspondence; and an attached page at the end with the author's biographical information (omitted from the PDF).

Additional volume III part II

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2013), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, additional volume III: Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt. Soldiers, artists and scholars. Part II: Portrait drawings by André Dutertre. With Supplement. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 204639).
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: non-annotated sticky markers on p. 85 (= PDF p. 84), p. 101 (= PDF p. 100), p. 132 (= PDF p. 131) and p. 141 (= PDF p. 140) [they have all been removed].
  • The PDF also includes [Part III]: Supplement (= De Keersmaecker MSS 5.18) at the end, with a different page numbering.
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