- Petrie MSS
- Dossier
- 1893
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Section of Petrie MSS 2.3.
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Section of Petrie MSS 2.3.
Petrie Journal 1900 to 1901 (Abydos; Umm el-Qa'ab)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1904 to 1905 (Sinai; Wadi Magharah and Serabit el-Khadim)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1905 to 1906 (Tell Yahudiya, Tell Rataba and Saft el-Hinna)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1909 to 1910 (Maidum and Memphis)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1927 (Tell Jemmeh)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1928 to 1929 (Tell Farah; Beth-Pelet)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Canopic equipment: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication
Fait partie de Tutankhamun Archive
Canopic equipment. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.
Carter, Howard
Drawings of objects found on Tutankhamun's body, created by Howard Carter
Fait partie de Tutankhamun Archive
Howard Carter's "autopsy" drawings, recording objects in situ on Tutankhamun's body and within the body wrappings.
Carter, Howard
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Thebes' (ink)
Pencil note: 'Medamoud, Karnak and Luxor' (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'C' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss).
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt / JB' (ink)
Pencil note: '15'
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'E' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Various - mostly Thebes' (underlined) (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Ink table of contents with some pencil notes on piece of paper partially glued to cover:
Pencil notes partially covered by piece of paper glued to cover: 'This is a / rubbing / from some / Hieroglyphics / found among / the ruins of / Carthage / Given to me in Egypt'
Pencil note on small piece of paper mounted on verso of cover: 'Ask Prisse where lives / the man who cuts paper / inscriptions'
Pencil note on small piece of paper mounted on verso of cover: 'Lahaf / Vermilion / House'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: '12 / Views Egypt / Complete'
Pencil notes: 'List within / Mostly Assuan - / 1 Sakk[ara]' (rubbed out) (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'G' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss).
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Tracings Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Ink note: 'Tracings Egypt'
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'J' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Nubia & one Dendera' (originally all underlined, now only 'Nubia') (almost certainly by Dr Moss).
Back cover:
Pencil note: 'Tracings Egyptian' (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Sketches / Complete'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Designs / JB' (ink)
Pencil note: '3'
Ink table of contents on piece of paper glued to cover:
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Alternative cover inside, titled 'Various Sites / & / Uncertain / in Syria'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Antiques Naples / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Antiques Naples / Complete'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Antique Dress / JB. / I.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Complete / Antique Dress / Complete / Vol / 3 Nos'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Antique Dress / JB / II.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Complete / Antique Dress / Complete / Vol 2'.
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Drawings / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Sketches / Complete'.
Fait partie de Jaroslav Černý Collection
Various New Kingdom texts:
Notebook containing notes on work in Theban tombs, financed by Sir Robert Mond, 1909-1910
Fait partie de Charles Gordon Jelf Collection
Notebook containing notes on work in Theban tombs, financed by Sir Robert Mond, 1909-1910.
Fait partie de Charles Gordon Jelf Collection
Printout of the booklet "Charles Gordon Jelf. Born June 8, 1886. Killed in Action October 13, 1915" (printed for private circulation, 1915); from Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford copy [http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=oxfaleph013761443&context=L&vid=SOLO&search_scope=LSCOP_ALL&tab=local&lang=en_US].
Fait partie de Arthur Cruttenden Mace Collection
Petrie Journal 1899 to 1900 (Abydos; Umm el-Qa'ab)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Petrie Journal 1920 (El-Lahun)
Fait partie de William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection
Chariots: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication
Fait partie de Tutankhamun Archive
Chariots. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.
Carter, Howard
Drawings of Sudan (between the 2nd and 3rd Cataracts of the Nile)
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt. / JB / Above the 2nd Cataract' (ink)
Pencil note: 'Above the 2d Cataract'
Pencil note: '11 (second 1 added over 6)'
Ink table of contents (not complete) on piece of paper glued to cover:
Fait partie de Joseph Bonomi Collection
Portfolio titled 'Architectural / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Architectural / Vol 2 / Complete'.