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44 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards Collection

  • Edwards, I. E. S. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1938-1996

Notes, notebooks, photographs, negatives, proofs, transparencies, xeroxes, and correspondence.

Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection

  • Edwards, A. A. B. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1856-1892
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during Amelia Edwards's visit to the Dolomites.
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during her visit to Egypt in 1873-4.
  • Album with 26 pencil sketches and one watercolour titled 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874', made during same visit to Egypt.
  • Album, notebook, packet containing an assortment of drawings, letters, and notes, another packet contains copies of deeds and accounts issued following her death.
  • Two watercolours of the temples on Philae island, assumed to have been painted by A. Edwards.
  • First edition of Amelia B. Edwards, Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (1891); Kate Griffith's (née Bradbury) copy, with handwritten dedication to ‘My Katie - Novr. 1891 - A.B.E’.

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

Marianne Eaton-Krauss Collection

  • Eaton-Krauss MSS
  • Colección
  • 1966-2024
  • Correspondence with other Egyptologists (now deceased) and some miscellaneous correspondence. Includes Eaton-Krauss's exchanges with Cyril Aldred, Martha R. Bell, Bernard V. Bothmer, Jochen Briegleb, Helmut Brunner, Ricardo A. Caminos, Henry G. Fischer, Wolfgang Helck, Barry J. Kemp, Jaromir Malek, Geoffrey T. Martin, William Murnane, and James Romano.
  • Notes and correspondence relating to articles and books peer-reviewed by Eaton-Krauss.
  • Recommendations for appraisals of academic posts.
  • Correspondence with Marc Gabolde between 1987 and 2023 about a research project to study the monuments associated with king Tutankhamun in the Temple of Karnak; accompanied by a chronological summary to facilitate use.

Marianne Eaton-Krauss

Eugène Victor Dévaud Collection

  • Dévaud MSS
  • Colección
  • 1920s

A card index for a Coptic etymological dictionary and a large folder containing handwritten notes on Coptic etymologies, labelled "Devaud - 'Studies and Notes on Egyptian and Coptic Grammar, Lexicography and Palaeography'" (apparently unpublished).

Dévaud, Eugène Victor

Terence DuQuesne Collection

  • DuQuesne MSS
  • Colección
  • 1970s-2014

Complete papers, including manuscripts, photographs and digital files.

DuQuesne, Terence

Godfrey Rolles Driver Collection

  • Driver MSS

A collection of 19th Century photographs of Jerusalem, Lebanon, etc.

Driver, (Sir) Godfrey Rolles

Wildrid Joseph Dilley Collection

  • Dilley MSS
  • Colección
  • 1910-1923

1) Photograph album of a family holiday to Abu Qir, erroneously titled ‘Abusir. Summer 1923’, also including other older photographs (1918 to 1923).
2) Photograph album of family portraits [non-Egyptological].
3) Copy of the Arabic publication 'Arab Architecture in Egypt: The Principal Structural Characteristics of the Style Classified'; by Wilfrid Joseph Dilley (...); with plates prepared by F. Chatterton (...); translated by Mahmoud Ahmed (...); Cairo: National Printing Press, 1923; including 2 manuscript English translations of Arabic title page [non-Egyptological] [].
4) An additional folder with photographs, 2 postcards and a small group of family papers.

Dilley, Wilfrid Joseph

John Frederick Dewey Collection

  • Dewey MSS
  • Colección
  • c. 1980s - 2000s

Approximately 10,500 colour transparencies (35mm) mostly of Egypt (temples, tombs and other ancient monuments) [Dewey MSS 1], but also of different countries in the Middle East (Syria, Persia, Turkey, etc.) as well as the Far East [Dewey MSS 2]. They are cross-referenced with an extensive card index [Dewey MSS 3] and cover a period from the early 1980s until the early 2000s. They consist of images from virtually every site in the Egyptian Delta region and the Nile Valley.

Dewey, John Frederick

James Teackle Dennis Collection

  • Dennis MSS
  • Colección
  • 1906-1907

Some 250 facsimile copies of graffiti and ostraca found by E. Naville at Deir el-Bahari, probably mostly in the Hathor-cow Chapel, in 1906-7.

Dennis, James Teackle

The Graffiti Archive Roger O. De Keersmaecker

  • De Keersmaecker MSS
  • Colección
  • 1965-2019

Corpus of early traveller’s graffiti from selected sites and monuments in Egypt and Sudan, including transcriptions and photographs of graffiti, collated by Roger De Keersmaecker between 1965 and the 2010s, then published by him between 2001 and 2019.

De Keersmaecker, Roger O.

Warren Royal Dawson Collection

  • Dawson MSS
  • Colección
  • 1920-1937

Two notebooks

  • Diary with brief retrospective entries dated 6th January 1920 to 13th January 1939.
  • Notebook containing Dawson's list of his publications, 1903 to 1936.

Dawson, Warren Royal

Norman de Garis and Nina Davies Collection

  • Davies MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1900-1940

Papers, including notebooks, notes, tracings and squeezes, made in Theban tombs and elsewhere, photographs, collection of coloured hieroglyphic signs, indexes of scenes in Theban tombs, etc.

Davies, Norman de Garis

Alec Naylor Dakin Collection

  • Dakin MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1939-1945

1 folder containing unsorted notes.

Dakin, Alec Naylor

Walter Ewing Crum Collection

  • Crum MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1890-1944

Card indexes used in compilation of the <i>Coptic Dictionary</i>, photographs, photostats, notebooks, notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, negatives, and casts.

Crum, Walter Ewing

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Colección
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

Adolf Coyet Collection

  • Coyet MSS
  • Colección
  • 1846

Four xerox copies of sketches of Philae drawn on 26 January 1846.

Coyet, Adolf

Jacques Jean Clère Collection

  • Clère MSS
  • Colección
  • mid 1940s-1989

Notebooks, loose notes, drafts of articles, teaching notes, photocopies, card indexes, copies of inscriptions, impressions, photographs, negatives, transparencies (cut into strips and in rolls), videotape recording, tracings, drawings, and correspondence.

Clère, Jacques Jean

Somers Clarke Collection

  • Clarke MSS
  • Colección
  • 1880s-1926

Notebooks, notes, maps, plans, drawings, photographs, and correspondence. There is a small amount of material amongst these papers relating to Westminster Abbey (correspondence).

Clarke, Somers

Robert Thomas Rundle Clark Collection

  • Clark MSS
  • Colección
  • late 1920s-1970

Notes, notebooks, some correspondence, annotated offprints, lantern slides, and a small number of photographs and negatives.

Clark, Robert Thomas Rundle

Sarah Joanne Clackson Collection

  • Clackson MSS
  • Colección
  • late 1980s - 2003

Notes, transcriptions, translations, article drafts, lecture drafts, card index, photographs, slides, overhead projector sheets, electronic data files, microfilm, correspondence, annotated photocopies and off-prints, relating to Coptic and Greek documents and Coptic archaeology.

Clackson, Sarah Joanne

Chicago, Oriental Institute Photographs Collection

  • Chicago OI Photographs
  • Colección
  • 1924-1957

A selection of black and white photographs taken by the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey, Luxor, Egypt, in the first half of the 20th Century. See

  • Thebes, tomb of Ramose [Ramosi], TT55
  • Thebes, Qurna, Temple of Sethos I
  • Thebes, Deir el-Shelwît, Temple of Isis
  • Luxor Temple

Chicago, Oriental Institute

Gertrude Caton-Thompson Collection

  • Caton-Thompson MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1920-1985

Notes, papers, correspondence, etc., on prehistoric Faiyûm.

Caton-Thompson, Gertrude

Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Colección
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard

Jean Capart Collection

  • Capart MSS
  • Colección
  • November - December 1904

Annotated proofs of Capart, Jean (1905), Primitive Art in Egypt. Translated from the revised and augmented original edition by A. S. Griffith. London: Grevel [OEB 136284].

Capart, Jean

Amice Mary Calverley Collection

  • Calverley MSS
  • Colección
  • c. late 1920s-late 1950s

Over one thousand colour slides (group III), several hundred black and white photographs (group II), and correspondence (group I).

Calverley, Amice Mary

Minnie Burton Diary

  • Burton, M. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1922-1926

Diary kept from 4 May 1922 to 20 October 1926 by the wife of the British archaeologist and photographer Harry Burton (1879-1940). The diary contains detailed daily entries recording social engagements and memorable events, including the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter’s team, of which her husband was a member. The diary details her life and travels with her husband at home in Florence, their stays in Egypt (especially Luxor, but also Cairo), the trip they made across the US and to Hollywood in 1924, and various holidays in Europe (London, Salzburg, St. Moritz, etc.), as well as trips to friends in Italy. Lined account book, 400 pages, 8vo (179 x 110 x 28 mm).

Burton, Minnie Catherine

James Burton Photographs Collection

  • Burton, J. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1824-1834

9 mounted photographs made from drawings of el-Kâb, Philae, and Amada.
Microfilm roll with copies of the Burton MSS once in the British Museum and now in the British Library.

Burton, James

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