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Circular offering-table of Amenhotep son of Amenakht, New Kingdom, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, 22039 (Cat. 1762)

Circular offering-table of Amenhotep son of Amenakht, New Kingdom, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, 22039 (Cat. 1762).

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Altar of [Jmn-nḫt] Cat. 1762 [For the inscr. see opposite] T'.

Inscription on opposite page '[sš-nsw n nb tȝwjj Jmn-nḫt | sn=f sš Ḥrj-šrj mȝʿ-ḫrw jrt n bȝk jm=k wȝb n nb tȝwjj m st-nfr (sic = st-mȝʿt) Jmn-ḥtp]'.

Panel showing the deceased and his wife at a table, Dyn. IV, from Saqqara, North of Step Pyramid, Tomb B 3, Shery, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2554

Panel showing the deceased and his wife at a table, Dyn. IV, from Saqqara, North of Step Pyramid, Tomb B 3, Shery, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2554.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Part of tomb of [Šrj]. Florence Catalogue No.1534 [rḫ-nsw nb jmȝḫ Šrj] [mjtrt Ḫnt-kt]'.

William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection

  • Petrie MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1860s-2004

Papers of William Matthew Flinders Petrie including journals covering 38 seasons (1880-1929) and photographs of excavations. The collection also includes secondary material associated with Petrie's journals, photographs of objects in museums, souvenir photographs and photocopies of material held at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London.

Petrie, (Sir) William Matthew Flinders

Thomas Eric Peet Collection

  • Peet MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1882-1934

Index of Late Egyptian Grammar, index for Egyptian Dictionary, and various other indexes. 18 notebooks containing copies of hieratic papyri and ostraca. Small watercolour. 2 boxes of family papers and ephemera, including personal correspondence, certificates, photographs, notes for Peet’s books on Neolithic Italy, a couple of pages from an inaugural lecture, newspaper cuttings, a travel record small notebook, a Latin and Greek classes notebook, a diary, etc.

Peet, Thomas Eric

Richard Bruce Parkinson Collection

  • Parkinson, R. B. MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1989-2020

1) Unfinished manuscript of 'The Life of Sinuhe: A Reader's Commentary on the Middle Kingdom Version(s)' (September 2020) (print out and relevant Word documents and PDFs). Updated version August 2022 (Word documents and PDFs).
2) Drawings of reconstructions of the Theban tomb-chapel of Nebamun, now in the British Museum in London, including sketches, tracings and a measured perspective acrylic (1997).
3) Correspondence: Letter from Esmé Little (née Peet; niece of T. E. Peet) to Richard B. Parkinson dated 30 January 1989.
4) 35mm Kodachrome slides mainly from Nile cruises with Bales Worldwide and British Museum Traveller (c. 2000–2006) [1 oversize box].

See also H. Parkinson MSS 9-10.

Parkinson, Richard Bruce

Harold Parkinson Collection

  • Parkinson, H. MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1930-1994

1) Original measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [corrected version].
2) Drawings of Eighteenth Dynasty tombs (incomplete original set and complete sets of photocopies/prints) (1980s).
3) Prints of the measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [version with error].
4) Drawings of reconstructions of Egyptian boats (1993-4).
5) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for plaque depicting a scene from the lid of box from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1979) - the plaque has been sold in the British Museum shop since the late 1990s (copyright issued in the late 1990s for a while, then reissued c. 2010).
6) Model, plaster and resin moulds and casts for the mask of Tutankhamun (1978).
7) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for small figurines (2 seated Isis suckling Horus, Bes amulet and scarab, 1970s).
8) Album of newspaper cuttings titled "Illustrations", mostly from the Illustrated London News, bound in illustrated binding by Harold Parkinson (c. 1930).
9) Copy of Simplified Hieroglyphs arranged according to Gardiner's Signlist. Drawn in both left and right directions together with samples of cursive hieroglyphs and hieratic signs. Hieratic versions are drawn from Möller Hieratische Paläographie Vol. I (6th to 13th dynasties), of which 'Sinuhe' provides the majority of the examples, by R. B. & H. Parkinson (1988-1989).
10) Original measured perspective drawing of the White Chapel at Karnak, by H. & R. B. Parkinson (c. 1989-1990).

Parkinson, Harold

Painting of a chalice

Small painting of a chalice of Tuthmosis III published in Newberry, Percy E., 'A Glass Chalice of Tuthmosis III' in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jul., 1920), pp. 155-160 (OEB 146363).

Album of newspaper cuttings

Album of newspaper cuttings relating to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, excavation of the tomb and finds. The album includes a partial index. Roughly half of the album has been filled.

Calling cards

Photographs or calling cards of members of Newberry's extended family. Some are named on the back by Newberry with a note on genealogy. Includes photographs of: Newberry's mother Sarah Newberry, 1905; Newberry's Uncle F.J. Newberry; Newberry's Grandfather F.W. Newberry; Mrs Sarah Pine born Kenward (1790-?); Mrs Thomas Kenward; William Munk; James Newberry (1781-); Elizabeth Newberry (1791-); Thomas Kenward (1788-); Mrs James Newberry born Dixy. Also includes receipt for 12 calling cards, 1867.

Group photograph with Egyptologists 03

Note on the back of the photograph suggests that it is a photograph taken at Cairo University in the 1920s, and lists the people seated left to right as: 1. [?], 2. [?], 3. Selim Hassan 4. Newberry 5. [?] 6. Junker 7. Vikentiev 8. Henri? Frankfort 9. [?] and in the front row 1. Baudouin? Van de Walle, 2. [?], 3. [?].

Diana Magee Collection

  • Magee MSS
  • Coleção
  • c. 1980s - 2010s

Complete papers (see catalogue for more details).

Magee, Diana Norma Elizabeth

Arthur Cruttenden Mace Collection

  • Mace MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1899-1903

(1) Excavation journals for 1899-1901 (working with W. M. F. Petrie) and 1901-1903 (working with G. A. Reisner).
(2) Personal correspondence exchanged between Mace and his wife Winifred during the Winter season 1922-1923, Winifred Mace and her mother during the Winter season 1923-1924, and other correspondence related to the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
(3) Two typewritten articles by Mace on work in Tutankhamun's tomb: "DESPATCH No. 5" (3 pages), and "THE CLOSING OF THE TOMB" (incomplete, first page only + newspaper cutting of The Times article); both submitted to The Times and subsequently published on 31/01/1923 and 28/03/1923.
(4) 39 photographs, most are original Burton images, some of which have been annotated by Howard Carter; they may have been used during the preparation of H. Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen i (1923).
(5) Newspaper cuttings, most from The Times, published between 1922 and 1925.

(y) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - typewritten version (TAA iv.1). Diary for 1922-3 (TAA iv.2).
(z) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - original handwritten version (TAA iv.3).

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

Egypt, desert campsite, memorial portrait of George Lloyd by É. Prisse d'Avennes

Memorial portrait of George Lloyd. Lloyd is portrayed reclining on a rug, wearing Arab clothing and holding the mouth-piece of a hookah-pipe in his right hand. The scene is set in a desert campsite, perhaps fictional, in Egypt, with a man standing with three camels in the background. The drawing this lithograph was based on was created by É. Prisse d'Avennes sometime between 1843 and 1848:

  • three colour tinted lithograph
  • loose item, perhaps not originally with the album but placed with it later
  • 41.5 x 30.5 cm (print area of 36.1 x 27.7 cm)
  • [on recto of lithograph] 'Drawn on stone by Lemoine. [caption]
  • [on recto of lithograph] 'Portrait of the late George Lloyd Esqr' [caption]
  • [on recto of lithograph] 'James Madden_London' [caption]
  • [on verso of lithograph] '330' and enclosed ',1039' (pencil notes)

Prisse d'Avennes, Achilles Constant Théodore Émile

Explanatory note on design

Explanatory note on design:

  • pencil handwritten text
  • loose item, originally a tipped-in page perhaps for this album, with remains of mounting-strip on right side
  • 25.5 x 34.9 cm (including mounting-strip)
  • [text] 'I have drawn this simply as a title for my sketches. / The semicircle at the top, excepting the Cartouches / is from the doorway of the first vaulted Chamber / in the temple of El Assasief erected by Amensä / the mother of Thothmes 3rd. The other part is mere / composition. On the right is Thmai or Truth, and / on the left Safrä, the Goddess of Letters. The characters / are ornamented with the emblems of Lower and / Upper Egypt. The Cartouches are for Our Lady / Victoria, when I can get those from Birche's work. / 27th July sketched / 1st August finished / } / 1843 / { / G Lloyd. / Gurna / Thebes.'

Design for 'Sketches of Ancient Egyptian Sculpture and Painting'

Design for a title-page for Lloyd's 'Sketches of Ancient Egyptian Sculpture and Painting' with the goddess Seshat and Maat, which are based on two other drawings in the same album (see Lloyd MSS 103 and Lloyd MSS 104):

  • pencil drawing
  • loose item, originally a tipped-in page perhaps for this album, with remains of mounting-strip on right side of verso
  • 25 x 34.9 cm (excluding mounting-strip)

Thebes, unidentified temple or tomb, barque of Amun-Re

[Priests] carrying the barque of Amun-Re, detail of a scene in an unidentified temple or tomb at Thebes:

  • pencil drawing with edges folded in on two sides (top and bottom edges of album page)
  • mounted
  • 68 x 28.8 cm
  • [on verso of drawing] 'No 4' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of drawing] '77' (pencil note)

Thebes, Deir el-Medina, tomb of Kha (TT 8), female lutist

Female lute player, detail from a scene with female musicians performing for guests at a banquet in the tomb of Kha (TT 8), temp. Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III, at Deir el-Medina in Thebes:

  • pencil tracing with right edge folded in twice [right side of album page]
  • 41.8 x 66 cm
  • [on recto of tracing] 'Woman playing and dancing. / 19th (or perhaps 10th) July 1843 [lower part of date lost]' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] '9' (pencil note)

Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, tomb of Ptahemhet (TT 77), later usurped by Roy, two female guests with two female attendants

Two female guests with two female attendants pouring water or oil onto the head of one of them, detail from a banquet scene in the tomb of Ptahemhet (TT 77), later usurped by Roy, temp. Tuthmosis IV, at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Thebes:

  • pencil tracing with edges folded in on two sides (right <twice> and bottom)
  • mounted
  • 66.2 x 46 cm
  • [on recto of tracing] 'Lady in a bath. / Tomb at Thebes. No. 15 ? / 11th July 1843' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] 'No. 10 -' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] '8' (pencil note)

Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, tomb of Amenemhet (TT 82), three musicians

Three musicians (woman with harp, man with lute and woman with double-pipe), detail from a banquet scene in the tomb of Amenemhet (TT 82), temp. Tuthmosis III, at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Thebes:

  • pencil tracing with right edge folded in
  • mounted
  • 55.2 x 36.9 cm
  • [on mount] '7' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] 'No 11.' (pencil note)

Thebes, unidentified private tomb, two women holding sistra and bouquets

Two women, each holding a sistrum and a bouquet, detail of a scene from an unidentified tomb at Thebes:

  • pencil tracing with right edge folded in [right side of album page]
  • mounted
  • 42.9 x 55 cm
  • [on recto of tracing] 'Women making an offering / Tomb 4.' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of mount] '6' (pencil note)

Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, unidentified private tomb, two men carrying a large wine-jar

Two men carrying a large wine-jar with painted grape-vine decoration, detail of a scene from an unidentified tomb at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Thebes:

  • pencil and watercolour tracing with right edge folded in twice
  • mounted
  • 58.5 x 42.1 cm
  • [on recto of tracing] 'Gurna. / 25th Sept 1843' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '5' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] 'No 9 -' (pencil note)

Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, tomb of Haremhab (TT 78), female mourners

Two rows of female mourners squatting on the ground, detail from a funerary scene in the tomb of Haremhab (TT 78), temp. Tuthmosis III to Amenhotep III, at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Thebes:

  • pencil tracing with edges folded in on two sides (top and right <twice>)
  • mounted
  • 38.1 x 44.8 cm
  • [on recto of tracing] 'Women mourners wailing. / Tomb at Thebes. / No. 16 ? / 11th July 1843' (pencil note)
  • [on recto of tracing] '4' (pencil note)
  • [on verso of tracing] 'N 7 -' (pencil note)
Resultados 1591 a 1620 de 3531