“Cambridge” Green Collection and other texts near [?] Hoskyn’s fragment
- Kahle MSS 1.24
- Bestanddeel
- n.d.
Part of Paul Eric Kahle Collection
4253 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
“Cambridge” Green Collection and other texts near [?] Hoskyn’s fragment
Part of Paul Eric Kahle Collection
Part of Jaroslav Černý Collection
List of ṯȝy-mdȝt attested, with notes.
Part of Jaroslav Černý Collection
42 letters from Žába.
Professional and personal matters:
Part of Jaroslav Černý Collection
1 letter from Šmíd.
Černý's student in Prague, who consulted with Černý regarding topics for his dissertation subject.
Part of Oliver Robert Gurney Collection
Correspondence from/to Čop, Bojan (1923-1994).
Černý, Jaroslav - correspondence
Part of Percy Edward Newberry Collection
Correspondence between Černý and Newberry including on: contributing article to volume in memory of Ippolito Rosellini; inscription above a scene of wrestling men referenced by Bunsen; references to other articles, publications and research interests.
Part of Oliver Robert Gurney Collection
Correspondence from/to Ünal, Ahmet.
Özgüç, Tahsin - correspondence
Part of Oliver Robert Gurney Collection
Correspondence from/to Özgüç, Tahsin (1916-2005).
Part of Walter Ewing Crum Collection
Material relating to:
Schenoudi. I : possibly Oeuvres de Schenoudi: texte copte et traduction. Part 1 (Paris, 1907).
Les actes des martyrs de l’Église copte (Paris, 1890) [see also Notebook 20].
Un document copte du XIIIe siècle: Martyre de jean de Phanidjôit (Paris, 1887).
Çilingiroğlu, Altan - correspondence
Part of Oliver Robert Gurney Collection
Correspondence from/to Çilingiroğlu, Altan (1944-2021).
Part of Oliver Robert Gurney Collection
Çatal Höyük:
The Martyrdom of Apa Shenube, copy with some restorations and comments
The Martyrdom of Apa Shenube, copy with some restorations and comments.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] Top and side views of knob inscribed with the cartouches of Amenhotep III, not identified, with measurements; [lower] sketch of a box, not finished:
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] Three sketches of feet trampling enemies. [Lower] Sketch of sandal with bound captive on the insole:
[Upper] Three metal vases, not identified, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico; [lower] wooden carving, openwork, showing Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere seated, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Bronze vases. / Amenhotep I and Aahmes Nefertari. Wood carving. T'.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] Partial plan and axionometric view of Egyptian temple or Egyptianising building; [lower] design for building tower with Egyptianising elements:
[Upper] Moulds for birds, not identified, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico; [lower] model palette, calcite, temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, Tomb of Amenhotep Huy, position not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 3080.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Stone moulds / Alabaster palette, funereal. broken. F'.
[Upper] Metal object, not identified, now in Bologna, Museo Archeologico Civico; [lower] spoon, wood, not identified, now in Bologna, Museo Archeologico Civico.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Bronze canopic figure. Roman / Wooden spoon, shell-form B'.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] Iraq. Nineveh. South-West Palace of Sennacherib. Room V. Slab 43. Relief depicting an Assyrian fortified camp, c. 660-650 BC; sketch from gypsum slab in situ, but reported stolen in 1995 (reversed).
[Lower] Frieze design with women holding amphorae and warriors:
[Upper] Horus lord of Letopolis as a shrew-mouse, dedicated by Imhotep, bronze, Late Period, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 926; [lower left] small statuette of a cat, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio; [lower middle] statuette of a cat, dedicated by Amenopetemhet, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 859; [lower right] statuette of a cat, dedicated by Ist(?), provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 890.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Ichneumon of [Jj-m-ḥtp] / Kitten. - Cat of [Jmn-jpt-m-ḥȝt] - Cat of [Jst?]'.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] View of the Kiosk of Trajan in the Island of Philae (TopBib vi.250). [Lower] Titulary of Psammetikhos II, unidentified hieroglyphic inscription:
[Upper] Dagger, bronze, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio; [lower] knife, bronze, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Bronze dagger / Bronze knife T'.
[Upper] Adze of Ahmosi Nefertere, wood, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 6303; [middle] spoon, wood, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio; [bottom] wand of Ahmosi Nefertere, ivory, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 6921.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Model adze, wood / Back of wooden spoon of [Rbsw] [See 168] / Ivory arm wand of queen Aahmes T'.
[Upper second from left] Relief fragment, remains of offering-text (from wall of tomb), Old Kingdom, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2573; [upper second from right] fragment of a pilaster showing Nebes before offerings, Old Kingdom, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2519; [upper right] stela fragment with the remains of an autobiographical text, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7595; [lower left] stela of Antefoker in a boat, Dyn. XI(?), from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7594; [lower right] stela of Nefern(a)iy, mid-Dyn. XIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2590.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablet of [Nb=s] Cat. 1536 F / [Jn-jt=f]'.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper left] sketch of inscribed metal vase, with copy of inscription, not identified; [lower left] incomplete sketch of sistrum, not identified; [right] copy of inscription with prenomen of Necho II:
[Upper left] Stela of Weri and woman Tjembu, early Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2511; [upper middle] stela of Senusertankh, end of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2579; [upper right] stela of Temer with his wife Wer(t) and Peninheret, early Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2498; [lower] see Petrie MSS 3.1.29.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablet of [Ṯmbw] Cat. 1554 / [T-mr] Cat. 1555 F / see next, 29'.
[Upper left] Stela of Tetiankh, Dyn. XVIII, from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6371; [lower left] stela of Minhotep, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2521; [right] rectangular stela of Khentekhtai, late Dyn. XII or Dyn XIII, reportedly from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2564.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'See 52 | 55 / Tablet of [Ḫntj-ẖtj] Cat. 1544 F'.
[Upper left] Stela of Iy(en)ash(n)ef, Dyn. XIX-XX, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1931; [lower left and upper right] stelae, illegible, not identified, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico; [middle] pillar (four-sided) of Paraemhab and Kema, Dyn. XIX, from Saqqara, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1892; [lower right] stela in the form of a door with 2 ibises, not inscribed, probably early Ptolemaic, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1902.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Pillar of [Qmȝ] B / From tomb of Kema, Saqqara'.
[Upper left] Stela of Amenhotep and his wife Sitamun, temp. Amenophis III, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2528; [upper middle] stela of Minmessu and his wife Sitamun, middle Dyn. XVIII, from Saqqara, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2538; [upper right] stela of Harmeni and his wife Djiat, temp. Tuthmosis I, probably from el-Kab, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2549; [middle left] stela of Harmin, late Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2583; [lower left and lower middle] tops of stelae, not identified, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico; [lower right] stela of Tanai and his wife Nub(em)waskhet, early Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2508.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablet of [Mnw-ms-sw] Cat. 1576 F'.
[Upper left] Small stela of Bekamun, mid-Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2574; [upper right] relief showing offering-bringers, Dyn. XIX(?), provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2580; [middle left] triangular stela showing Ankh-Ptah before Ptahmosi, temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2537; [middle right] pyramidion of Mery, Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2570; [lower left] stela of Amenemhab and his wife Hunay, prob. temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2592; [lower middle] stela of Djehutmosi, dedicated by his son Ptahmosi, temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, Tomb of Ptahmosi, position not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2565; [lower right] stela of Panebpahau and his wife Tenthetyt, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, from Abusir, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2588.
Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablet of [Bȝk-Jmn] Cat. 1586 / Tablet of [Ptḥ-mss]? / Tablet of [jn jmj-rȝ nbjj(w) Mrjj] / Tablet of [pȝ ... Jmn] / Tablet of [Ptḥ-ms] (see 152) F'.