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Howard Carter Collection
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Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard

Thebes. Valley of the Kings. KV 34. Tomb of Tuthmosis III: decoration

Howard Carter's manuscript notes on the wall decoration in the tomb of Tuthmosis III, KV 34, Valley of the Kings, Thebes. Also three plates from from Loret, Victor 1898. 'Le tombeau de Thoutmès III à Biban el-Molouk / et la cachette royale de Biban el-Molouk'. Bulletin de l'Institut Égyptien, troisième série 9, pls. 4-6.

Thebes. Valley of the Kings. KV 35. Tomb of Amenophis II: mummies

Howard Carter's manuscript notes on the mummies found in the tomb of Amenophis II, KV 35, Valley of the Kings, Thebes.

  • Mummy of Amenophis II
  • Mummies of two women and a boy
  • 8 plates from Loret, Victor 1898. 'Le tombeau de Thoutmès III à Biban el-Molouk / et la cachette royale de Biban el-Molouk'. Bulletin de l'Institut Égyptien, troisième série 9.

Thebes. Valley of the Kings. KV 43. Tomb of Tuthmosis IV: foundation deposits

Two photographs showing the location of foundation deposits adjacent to the entrance of the tomb of Tuthmosis IV, KV 43, Valley of the Kings, Thebes. Both photographs are annotated by Howard Carter. Also an illustration with objects from deposit published in Carter, Howard and Percy E. Newberry 1904. The tomb of Thoutmôsis IV.

Tell el-Balamūn. Temple and Palace area. Central Approach. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: photographs, trench no. 3, finds

Howard Carter's photographs numbered 24 and 25 with manuscript captions, finds from trench no. 3, across the Central Approach, between two divisions of the Town, Temple and Palace area, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Tell el-Balamūn.

  • (24) Carter's inked drawing of a fragment with inscriptions, for the lower part of a green basalt statuette of [Dhjeuti]emsaf holding statuette of Osiris, 26th Dynasty, in Carnarvon collection H 3.
  • (25) Lower part of a stela, remains of scene, a king offering image of Maet to Amun-Re and two [seated deities], and two crocodiles with painted demotic text below, Ptolemaic.

Tell el-Balamūn. Temple and Palace area. Central Approach. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: photographs, trenches nos. 3, 3a, 3b and 5 finds

Howard Carter's photographs numbered 31 and 32 with manuscript captions, finds in trenches nos. 3, 3a, 3b and 5, across the Central Approach, between two divisions of the Town, Temple and Palace area, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Tell el-Balamūn.

  • (31) Trenches 3, 3a and 3b, pottery vessels.
  • (32) Trench 5, pottery vessels.

Some of the vessels shown in (31) also feature in another photograph, see Carter MSS iv.40.

Tell el-Balamūn. Temple and Palace area. Central Approach. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: photographs, trenches nos. 3 and 5 finds

Howard Carter's photographs numbered 33 and 34 with manuscript captions, finds in trenches nos. 3 and 5, across the Central Approach, between two divisions of the Town, Temple and Palace area, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Tell el-Balamūn.

  • (33) Trench 3, two pottery vessels, right pot "contained debased silver jewellery of Ptol. XIII Period."
  • (34) Trench 5, pottery vessels.

Another photograph with a different view of the same group of vessels in (34), see Carter MSS iv.41.

Tell el-Balamūn. Temple and Palace area. Central Approach. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: photographs, finds from trench no. 2 finds and other parts of site

Howard Carter's photographs numbered 35 and [36] with manuscript captions, finds from trenches nos. 2 and from Temple and Palace area site, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Tell el-Balamūn.

  • (35) Trench 2, pottery vessel, Greek period.
  • [36] From various parts of the site, pottery vessels.

Damietta. Modern town: photographs, views

Howard Carter's photographs, views of a town on the Mediterranean coast, probably Damietta.
The photographs are part of Carter's records for the Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Tell el-Balamūn.

Autobiography (Autobiographical Sketches): The Valley of the Tombs of the Kings; A History of the Theban Royal Mummies

Howard Carter's autobiography, draft typescript, a notebook containing a draft manuscript, and an annotated newspaper cutting. The typescript has the following section/chapter headings:

  • The Valley of the Tombs of the Kings
    • 5 pages, annotated typescript, pages [59]-61 are crossed through (cancelled)
    • 1 section/chapter title page
    • 4 typescript pages, numbered [59]-62
  • A History of the Theban Royal Mummies
    • Decadence and Destiny: I to IX
      • "Sketch IX" (Carter's annotation on page [63]
      • 82 pages, annotated typescript, most pages, except title pages, are crossed through (cancelled)
      • 4 section/chapter title pages
      • 78 typescript pages, numbered [63]-136
  • Notebook
    • 19 pages, draft manuscript, all pages are crossed through (cancelled)
    • 4 loose pages with additional manuscript notes, all pages are crossed through (cancelled)
    • draft manuscript used for the preparation of part of the preceding typescript
  • Newspaper cutting
    • Egyptian Mail Jan. 5. 1937 (Carter's annotation)
    • "Mummies May Be Re-Buried In Valley Of Kings | Selim Bey Hassan's Proposal"
    • Cutting from a single page, page number not recorded

Autobiography (Autobiographical Sketches): A Summary of Egyptian Chronology; Sketch I. Introductory; Sketch II. An Account of Myself

Howard Carter's autobiography, a notebook containing manuscript for Sketches I-II, also some enclosures including loose manuscript notes, a typewritten note, and a newspaper cutting.

  • Sketches
    • 72 numbered pages/openings, arranged with main text on right and notes on left
    • Carter's annotated page numbers, "1" to "72"
    • A Summary of Egyptian Chronology
    • Pages 1-2
    • Sketch I - Introductory
    • Pages 3-18
    • Contains one subsection, II, the title of this subsection, The Temporary Dwellings, is crossed through (cancelled)
    • Sketch II - An Account of Myself
    • Pages 19-72
    • Contains six subsections, I to VI

Autobiography (Autobiographical Sketches): Sketch VIII. The Valley of the Royal Tombs; Sketch IX. Tomb-Robberies and the Fate of the Royal Mummies; Sketch XI. The Finding of the Tomb of Amenophis I

Howard Carter's autobiography, a notebook containing manuscripts for Sketches VIII-IX and Sketch XI.

  • 69 numbered pages/openings, arranged with main text on right and notes on left
  • Carter's annotated page numbers, "150" to "219"
  • Sketch VIII. The Valley and the Royal Tombs
    • Pages 150-157
  • Sketch IX. Tomb-Robberies and the Fate of the Royal Mummies
    • Original title A History of The Royal Mummies crossed through (cancelled)
    • Pages 158-194
    • Contains 7 subsections, II to VII
  • [Sketch X. Freedom]
    • Carter's note on page 194 "For Sketch X. Freedom. Supp. ..."
  • Sketch XI. The Finding of the Tomb of Amenophis I
    • Pages 195-219
    • Contains 1 subsection, II

Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun

Howard Carter's manuscript and typescript records on Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun, part of Carter's records on the royal genealogy of the late 18th Dynasty.
This group includes:

  • 4 pages of manuscript notes on inscriptions from Tutankhamun rings, and arguments for and against Tutankhamun being the son of Amenophis III (Amenhotep III)
  • 4 pages of manuscript notes with the heading "Note re King Ay", discusses gold-leaf fragments with scenes of Tutankhamun and Ay, found in KV 58, Valley of the Kings
  • 18 pages of manuscript notes, many of the pages are crossed through (cancelled), perhaps notes for a lecture, including extracts from Theodore M. Davis's publication for KV 57, Tutankhamun's marriage to Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun's age at death, his parentage and succession, dated objects found in Tutankhamun's tomb, etc.
  • Newspaper cutting with a report of this lecture titled 'Secrets of Tomb of Tutankhamen. Dr. Howard Carter on the end of a Dynasty'. No record of which newspaper this comes from.
  • Howard Carter's notes for a lecture given at University College London, July 21, 1931.

Press cuttings

Press cuttings collected by Howard Carter, some mentioning Carter's archaeological work, including Tutankhamun, and Carter manuscript note from original housing.

  • Carter MSS vi.7.1.1
    • The Times Educational Supplement
    • 6 July 1929
    • Pages 307-8
    • 'Side Windows on history' (from a correspondent)
    • Mentions Carter
  • Carter MSS vi.7.1.2
    • Liverpool Post
    • 20 June 1929
    • 'A cosmetic 3,000 year old'
    • Cosmetic specimen from Tutankhamun's tomb (see following)
  • Carter MSS vi.7.1.3
    • Daily Chronicle
    • 20 June 1929
    • 'Cosmetic from Luxor Tomb. | Shown to women in London. | After 3,300 years.'
    • Cosmetic specimen from Tutankhamun's tomb, analysed by Mr A. Chaston Chapman and Dr H. J. Plenderleith (see preceding)
  • Carter MSS vi.7.1.4
    • Morning Post
    • 8 January 1929
    • 'The King's Epiphany gifts
    • Not obviously related to Egypt or Carter
  • Carter MSS vi.7.1.5
    • The Times (?)
    • Summer 1930
    • 'The Royal Academy | I.—Pictures and the public | A varied exhibition (By our Art Critic)'
    • Not obviously related to Egypt or Carter
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