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Drawings of objects found on Tutankhamun's body, created by Howard Carter

Howard Carter's "autopsy" drawings, recording objects in situ on Tutankhamun's body and within the body wrappings.

  • 18 annotated pencil drawings of groups of objects found in the body wrappings and on the body of Tutankhamun, recorded during the autopsy of the King's body, 11-19 November 1925
  • All by Howard Carter

Carter, Howard

Chariots: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Chariots. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Includes Carter's drawings with reconstructions of the chariots and harnesses, comparisons with chariots from other tombs and depictions of chariots from temple and tomb wall scenes.
  • An essay on Tutankhamun's chariots (TAA i.3.8.10-17), based on Howard Carter's notes, probably edited by Mrs Jane Waley in 1946-1947. Mrs Waley worked for the Griffith Institute and created the first catalogue for the Tutankhamun records.

Carter, Howard

Canopic equipment: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Canopic equipment. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's eight annotated typewritten pages with a description of the equipment and two scale drawings:
    • Carter's typewritten report on the canopic equipment;
    • Carter's typescript notes on the miniature gold coffin from the north-east receptacle;
    • Carter's drawing, the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b), plan with orientation, position of the goddess statues, scenes on shrine noting goddesses and genii, etc.;
    • Carter's drawing, section showing the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b).

Carter, Howard

Seal impressions: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Seal impressions. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Letters from James Henry Breasted to Howard Carter, 1923, on an article in Harpers Magazine, and Tutankhamun's seal impressions.
  • ii. James Henry Breasted's manuscript report on the eight types of seal impression found in Tutankhamun's tomb and 2 letters from Breasted to Carter dated 03-01-1923 and 15-02-1923.
  • iii, iv. Two folders marked "Seals A-H" and "Seals I-S", Carter's annotated typewritten reports with his draft and finished pencil drawings of each type of seal impression, with some manuscript and a few typewritten notes.
  • v. One record card with notes on seals, extracted from a letter from Breasted, dated 16-03-1923, copied by A. C. Mace.
  • Later typed note, dated 1960, with A. H. Gardiner's translation for Seal C.
  • Annotated photograph (Burton (sic) P0274b), almost certainly taken by Carter, of the outermost doorway showing the blocking intact with seals.

Breasted, James Henry

Howard Carter's diary for 1922

Howard Carter's appointment diary for 1922

  • Letts's - No. 46 - Indian and Colonial - Rough Diary - 1922
  • Carter's activities in Egypt include departures and arrivals, lunch appointments, meetings with officials and colleagues, and his excavations
  • Contains the first records on the tomb of Tutankhamun and its discovery
  • Significant dates include:
    • 4th November 1922: "First steps of tomb found"
    • 5th November 1922: "Discovered tomb under tomb of Ramses VI Investigated same & found seals intact."
    • 26th November 1922: "Open second doorway about 2 4 5 pm. Advised Engelbach."

Carter, Howard

Journal: 1922-1925 (1st to 3rd seasons)

Tutankhamun excavation journal 1922-1925, and miscellaneous notes

  • 148 numbered pages
  • Manuscript entries, with some drawings and pages with affixed newspaper cuttings

Howard Carter's excavation journal for the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1922-1925, covering the first-third seasons

  • Most entries are by Carter
  • Entries between December 5th and 27th, 1922 (pages 43 to 47) are by Arthur Mace

Also, Carter's miscellaneous notes on Tutankhamun and other subjects:

  • Notes on Synopsis
  • The Legend of Osiris
  • Nomenclature of certain Districts of the Theban Necropolis
  • Records of Royal Tomb Robberies
  • The First Theban Kingdom
  • Protocol of Tut-Ankh-Amen

Newspaper cuttings

  • The Times
    • 31 May 1923
    • 23 July 1923
    • 24 July 1923
    • 5 January 1924
    • 7 January 1924
    • 12 February 1924
    • 14 February 1924

Carter, Howard

Object cards: compiled by Howard Carter and others

Tutankhamun object cards with accompanying photographs, notes (some group notes listed below) and letters, compiled by Howard Carter and other members of the excavation team [TAA i.1.1-620]

  • Most cards are manuscript records, as well as many original typescript records
  • Many cards are illustrated with drawings of objects, or details of objects, by Howard Carter and A. C. Mace

    The object cards record:

    • Object number, main description of the object, location in the tomb, measurements, description of the object - Howard Carter and A. C. Mace (1922-1925)
    • Hieroglyphic inscriptions, transcriptions and translations - Mostly Alan H. Gardiner and P. E. Newberry, but some inscriptions are transcribed by Carter
    • Conservation records - Alfred Lucas and A. C. Mace (1922-1925)
    • Botanical and textile notes - P. E. Newberry
    • Photographic documentation - Harry Burton

    Other groups of notes filed with the object cards include:

    • Notes on the [ancient] robberies, by Howard Carter, Alfred Lucas and Lord Carnarvon
    • Notes on various aspects of the Annexe by Howard Carter (1-4, 10-43, 47-64), Alfred Lucas (5-9, 44-6) and A. H. Gardiner (41)
    • Notes and memoranda on various aspects of the tomb by Alfred Lucas
    • Notes on the contents of baskets by Howard Carter
    • Note on a wooden docket by A. H. Gardiner
    • Two letters from Howard Carter to A. H. Gardiner

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Collection
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

Archibald Henry Sayce Collection

  • Sayce MSS
  • Collection
  • 1872-early 1930s

Notes, photographs, squeezes, correspondence, and offprints. Contain, amongst others, references to Assyriological, Greek, Cypriot, and Egyptological material. Includes notes made by Petrie which were with Sayce at the time of his death.

Sayce, (Revd) Archibald Henry

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt Collection

  • Platt MSS
  • Collection
  • 1896

Ferdinand (Ferdy) Platt's correspondence relates to two excursions to Egypt, in 1896 and 1907-1908.

  • First group: eighteen letters and postcards, sent during Platt's first independent visit to Egypt in early 1896, when he initially travelled with a friend. Dating between 26 January and 19 April, the letters are addressed to Platt's mother and brother Erny. They record meeting Flinders Petrie and other notables.
  • Second group: thirty-one letters sent during Platt's second trip to Egypt in 1907-1908, when he accompanied the eighth Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, their relations Lord and Lady Gosford with their daughter Lady Theo, Sir Charles Cradock-Hartopp. Dating between 4 November 1907 and 8 February 1908, they are addressed to Platt's wife, Mabel (May). They record Platt's encounters with Winston Churchill, Alan Gardiner, James Quibell, George Reisner, Archibald Sayce and Arthur Weigall, among others. The letters also mention a meeting with Howard Carter when the latter was still earning a living as an artist, producing paintings for tourists; the letters provide important insights into Carter's life just before he began his partnership with Lord Carnarvon.

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt

[813] Statuette of Horuta

-Headless torso from a statue of Horwedja, with back inscribed (Memphis; Petrie Museum, University College UC14634; Late period, 26th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Horuta. Chief quarry master
to Necho.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[811] Statuette of Tahuti an official of Hatshepsu.

-Lower part of a seated statuette of Djehuty in block statue pose, with cartouches of Thutmose III and his co-regent queen Hatshepsut (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari?; Petrie Museum, University College UC14351; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Tahuti
an official of Hatshepsu.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[810] Statuette of Tahuti an official of Hatshepsu.

-Lower part of a seated statuette of Djehuty in block statue pose, with cartouches of Thutmose III and his co-regent queen Hatshepsut (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari?; Petrie Museum, University College UC14351; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Tahuti
an official of Hatshepsu.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[415] [Embalming table]

-Embalming-table with lions carved on the sides (Saqqara, step pyramid enclosure of Djoser, 'Tomb' 86 or "galleries of Mariette"; Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG1321 or 1322; probably Late period).
-This photograph is loose between pages 88 and 89. It is numbered 415 and of a slightly bigger size that the other photographs, which suggests it may come from another album.

[808] Bust from a stela. Thebes

-Upper part of a figure of man in high relief in shrine-niche with rear body and tail of Anubis jackal preserved above (Thebes; Petrie Museum, University College UC15519; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Bust from a stela. Thebes'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[806] Ushabti

-Collection of shabtis: upper part of a shabti of Seti I (top left); fragment of a shabti of the Divine Adoratrice Amenirdis (25th Dynasty) (bottom left); shabti, New Kingdom (right).
-Caption: 'Ushabti'.

-Also labels for 'Seti I' and 'Amen-iritis (unique)'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

Results 31 to 60 of 4092