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Sudan. Wadi Halfa

View of the Wadi Halfa in Sudan, close to the border with Egypt:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 8.4 (top) and Bonomi MSS 8.4 (bottom)
  • 13.8 x 5.8 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Wady halfa' (underlined) (pencil note)

Egypt. Derr. Modern village

View of modern village at Derr:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 8.4 (middle) and Bonomi MSS 8.4 (bottom)
  • 25.3 x 11 cm
  • [on mount] '4' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Sulb or Soleb. Temple of Amun and Amenophis III

General view of the Temple of Amun and Amenophis III at Sulb or Soleb in Sudan (TopBib vii.169):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 8.5 (upper)
  • 22 x 5.2 cm
  • [on mount] encircled 'c' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '5' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '2' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Sulb or Soleb. Temple of Amun and Amenophis III

General view of the Temple of Amun and Amenophis III at Sulb or Soleb in Sudan (TopBib vii.169):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 8.5 (lower)
  • 31.9 x 11.5 cm
  • [on mount] 'West bank / about half way / between Dongola / and 2nd Cataract' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] encircled 'b' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '5' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '2' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Sulb or Soleb. Temple of Amun and Amenophis III. Court. Two columns

View of two columns from the Court of the Temple of Amun and Amenophis III at Sulb or Soleb in Sudan (TopBib vii.170):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 8.5 (upper) and Bonomi MSS 8.5 (lower)
  • 23.1 x 27.6 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Soleb' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] encircled '5a' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on sketch] '31' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Gebel Barkal (Napata). Pyramid Field

General view of Gebel Barkal in Sudan, with the Pyramid Field on left (TopBib vii.203):

  • pencil sketch on paper (3 pieces glued together)
  • loose, originally mounted
  • 62.7 x 11.7 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Berkel' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '6' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '1c' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Nuri (Bellal). Pyramid Field

View of the Pyramid Field at Nuri (Bellal) in Sudan (TopBib vii.223):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted
  • 31.6 x 12.4 cm
  • [on sketch] '60 paces(?)' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '7' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '1' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Nuri (Bellal). Pyramid Field

Panoramic view of the Pyramid Field at Nuri (Bellal) in Sudan (TopBib vii.223):

  • pencil sketch on paper (4 pieces glued together)
  • mounted
  • 100.6 x 17 cm
  • [on sketch - recto] 'Panoramic view of the Pyramids of Nuri taken from the top of the Great Pyramid / with camera lucida' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch - recto] '9.4 / 11.4 / 20.8' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch - recto] 'G. Birkel' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch - verso] '(?)' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '8' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '1c' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Second Cataract

View of the area close to the Second Cataract in Sudan:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • partially mounted
  • 31.6 x 15.2 cm
  • [on sketch] 'above 2nd Cat' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'South of Nour' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '9' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '1' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Sudan. Second Cataract

View of the area close to the Second Cataract in Sudan:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • partially mounted
  • 31.6 x 15.2 cm
  • [on sketch] 'above 2nd Cat' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] 'Ambukol' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'South of Nour' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '9' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on mount] '1' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Tracings Egypt

Portfolio titled 'Tracings Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Ink note: 'Tracings Egypt'
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'J' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Nubia & one Dendera' (originally all underlined, now only 'Nubia') (almost certainly by Dr Moss).

Back cover:
Pencil note: 'Tracings Egyptian' (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Sketches / Complete'.

Pietro Bracci Manuscript

  • Bracci MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1750s-1773

Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs and related topics (Roman obelisks, Iseum in Rome, Isiac pomp described by Apuleius, Egyptian rites, mummies, etc.). Left unfinished.

Bracci, Pietro

Myrtle Florence Broome Collection

  • Broome MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1927-1937

415 items of correspondence written by Miss Broome to her parents whilst working at Abydos between 1927 and 1937.

Fifteen items are groups of two letters (16, 35, 51, 55, 97, 111, 154, 198, 227, 268, 306, 319, 325, 363, 408, and 414, not all of them by Miss Broome), four of which are actually cards/postcards (16A, 306A, and 414A-B); item 156 is a group of three letters [= 429 letters and 4 cards/postcards in total].

A few letters include drawings/maps; seven letters include photographs (111, 123, 273-276, and 279); letter 337 includes a newspaper cutting; many of the letters include the original envelopes in which they were sent; some other letters mention the enclosure of additional items which are now lost.

Broome, Myrtle Florence

Guy Brunton Collection

  • Brunton, G. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1937-1948, card index 1958

Drawings (by Winifred M. Brunton), letters, and working notes for a publication on button seals.
Negatives taken during the Matmar excavations in 1928-30.
Card index created 1958.

Brunton, Guy

Winifred Mabel Brunton Collection

  • Brunton, W. M. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1910s

Watercolour showing the initial stages of one of Howard Carter's excavations.

Brunton, Winifred Mabel

Minnie Burton Diary

  • Burton, M. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-1926

Diary kept from 4 May 1922 to 20 October 1926 by the wife of the British archaeologist and photographer Harry Burton (1879-1940). The diary contains detailed daily entries recording social engagements and memorable events, including the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter’s team, of which her husband was a member. The diary details her life and travels with her husband at home in Florence, their stays in Egypt (especially Luxor, but also Cairo), the trip they made across the US and to Hollywood in 1924, and various holidays in Europe (London, Salzburg, St. Moritz, etc.), as well as trips to friends in Italy. Lined account book, 400 pages, 8vo (179 x 110 x 28 mm).

Burton, Minnie Catherine

Amice Mary Calverley Collection

  • Calverley MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. late 1920s-late 1950s

Over one thousand colour slides (group III), several hundred black and white photographs (group II), and correspondence (group I).

Calverley, Amice Mary

Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard

Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Carnarvon excavations: photograph lion-hunt ostracon, verso

Howard Carter's photograph of the text on verso of the lion-hunt ostracon found during Carnarvon excavations in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes. The ostracon was found in 1920, near the, yet to be discovered, entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun, KV 62, is now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1453.

Thebes. Birabi. Asasif. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. Site 14. Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs: stela, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph, stela of Akhamenerau, Servant of Amun, Chamberlain, son of Paheri, before Osiris and four sons of Horus, probably 26th Dynasty, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44268, Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs (over Valley Temple of Hatshepsut), Site 14, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Asasif, Thebes.

Thebes. Birabi. Asasif. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. Site 14. Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs: statue base, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph, statue base with feet of standing statue, inscription with cartouches on front of base, faience, New Kingdom, found during excavation of Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs (over Valley Temple of Hatshepsut), Site 14, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Asasif, Thebes.

Weight of Shepses and a scarab of Amenophis III: notes with drawings

Howard Carter's manuscript notes with sketches.

  • Transcriptions of royal attributes for Ramesses IV, from his tomb, KV 2, Valley of the Kings, Thebes.
  • Weight of Shepses, stone, Old Kingdom, from Edfu, bought by Carter in Cairo. [see TopBib v.205A]
  • Lion-hunt scarab of Amenophis III, blue glazed steatite, found during excavations in Luxor temple in 1917 and purchased by Carter "for C.". A very similar scarab, or the same one, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 74392.

'Heretic Family' (Amarna Period)

Howard Carter's manuscript and typescript records on the 'Heretic Family' (Amarna period kings), part of Carter's records on the royal genealogy of the late 18th Dynasty. This group includes:

  • Typewritten genealogical table (folding) for Amenophis III (Amenhotep III), Amenophis IV (Amenhotep IV; Akhenaton; Ikhnaton), Smenkhkare, and Tutankhamun. Accompanied by 5 typewritten pages of accompanying notes, incorporating the comments of Dr Douglas Derry and Carter
  • Typewritten table with dates of accession and death for 18th Dynasty kings, excluding Neferneferuaten and Haremhab (Horemheb). - Accompanied by several pages of manuscript notes on regnal years, relevant bibliography, and miscellaneous notes
  • Letter to Carter from H. E. Winlock, dated 20-12-1925, regarding a discussion on Tutankhamun's parentage
  • Notes on dated monuments of Amenophis IV (Amenhotep IV; Akhenaton; Ikhnaton)
  • Letter to Carter from P. E. Newberry, dated 20-12-1931, responding to Carter's enquiry whether Amenophis III (Amenhotep III) had a son named Thutmose, off-print enclosed of Newberry, Percy E. 1928. 'The sons of Tuthmosis IV'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14 (1/2), pp. 82-85 figs pl. xii (OEB 146401).

Sarah Joanne Clackson Collection

  • Clackson MSS
  • Sammlung
  • late 1980s - 2003

Notes, transcriptions, translations, article drafts, lecture drafts, card index, photographs, slides, overhead projector sheets, electronic data files, microfilm, correspondence, annotated photocopies and off-prints, relating to Coptic and Greek documents and Coptic archaeology.

Clackson, Sarah Joanne

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

Walter Ewing Crum Collection

  • Crum MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1890-1944

Card indexes used in compilation of the <i>Coptic Dictionary</i>, photographs, photostats, notebooks, notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, negatives, and casts.

Crum, Walter Ewing

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