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View of the modern enclosure wall and the entrance of Tutankhamun's tomb

  • Postcard
  • Photograph, photographer not known.
  • The photograph was probably taken in early 1923; the postcard's production date is unknown, but it was almost certainly in the 1920s.
  • View of the modern enclosure wall of Tutankhamun's tomb, erected by Howard Carter following the discovery of the King's tomb in November 1922, with the tomb's entrance visible in the foreground (left of centre).

Egyptian team transporting chests

  • Postcard
  • Photograph, photographer not known.
  • The photograph was probably taken in early 1923; the production date of the postcard is not known, but it was almost certainly in the 1920s.
  • Members of the Egyptian team manoeuvring a large carrying tray out through the entrance to the modern enclosure wall constructed shortly after Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered. The team are carrying two black shrine-like boxes (Carter 37) and (Carter 38) and a gabled-roofed box (Carter 32), transporting them from the tomb's Antechamber to the Laboratory.

"Tu tanks have just arrived"

  • Comic postcard.
  • "Tu tanks have just arrived!".
  • Issued by Inter-Art Co., London.
  • "Comique" Series no. 4491.
  • Mailed on Thursday, 27 May 1926.
  • Postcard sent by R. Wilman to Miss D. Dixon, 7 Victoria Buildings, Morecambe.

"Tutankamen in the Case with Cleopatra again!"

  • Comic postcard.
  • "What do yer think, Bill? —when I opened up this morning, there was Tutankamen in the Case with Cleopatra again!".
  • Issued by Micks Comics.
  • 110.
  • Published by E. A. Eden (Offset) Ltd, [London].
  • Printed in England.
  • Not mailed.

"A Dream comes to Tutankhamen"

  • Comic postcard.
  • "A Dream comes to Tutankhamen."
  • Image signed: "H.S."
  • Published by Gaddis & Seif, Luxor.
  • Not mailed.

Merchandise pamphlet

Merchandise pamphlet for the 'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibition at the British Museum in 1972.

  • 1 printed, gatefold pamphlet with a list of merchandise, some items illustrated with line drawings

Yates Negatives Collection

  • Yates MSS
  • Collection
  • 1890s

118 glass stereoscopic plate negatives. Most show sites in and around

  • Cairo, in and around
    • General views of Cairo
    • Street views
    • Tombs of the Caliphs
    • Tombs of the Mamelukes
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq
    • Tomb of Abouseer
    • Mosque of Khat Bey
    • Al-Hakim Mosque
    • Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
    • The Citadel
  • Other sites in Egypt
    • 'Tombs at Thebes'
    • 'Rocks of Abusir', Second Cataract
    • 'Arab village'
  • Outside Egypt, mostly Israel and Palestine:
    • Bethlehem
    • Jacob's Well
    • Mount Tabor

Yates, Miss ?

Jaroslav Černý Collection

  • Černý MSS
  • Collection
  • 1918-1988

Notebooks, notes, card indexes, copies of inscriptions, a corpus of transcribed hieratic ostraca and papyri, photographs, correspondence, and personal items.

  • Series 1 to 4, 6, 7 contain photographs, copies, transcriptions and translations of Egyptian texts, and photographs of objects and sites.
  • Series 5 contains articles and lectures, some unpublished.
  • Series 5 and 10 contain notes on Egyptian history.
  • Series 8, 14, 22, 24, 26 contain notes and indexes on lexicography and grammar and card indexes for a late Egyptian and general hieroglyphic dictionary.
  • Series 17 contains notebooks with transcriptions of texts from ostraca, graffiti, papyri and other monuments. There is a card index of ostraca with references to notebooks in series 28.
  • Series 18 and 23 contain Coptic notes and a card index for Coptic grammar.
  • Series 25 contains data on Egyptian personal names.
  • Series 33 is an etymological card index.

Černý, Jaroslav

Notebook Černý MSS 17.130

Various New Kingdom texts:

  • monuments from Uppsala, Victoriamuseet för Egyptiska fornsaker
  • hieratic text in Tura quarries
  • a group of records created from older notes including objects seen with dealers in Berlin, Akhmim and Cairo
  • copied from publications
  • copied from A. H. Gardiner's notes
  • note with a query concerning a graffito from Thebes

Egypt. Abu Simbel. Great Temple of Ramesses II. Great Hall. Lower Register. Third Scene. Lion

Lion with tongue out from the third scene of the lower register, in the Great Hall of the Great Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel (TopBib vii.103.(39)-(40)):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • loose
  • 41.9 x 26.8 cm
  • [on sketch] '.ABOO SIMBEL.' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] 'lyon de Sesostrifs' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] encircled '9' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on verso] encircled '4' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
  • [on verso] 'Abu Symbel etc' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Résultats 4081 à 4092 sur 4092