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Kom Ombo Photographs Collection

  • Kom Ombo Photographs
  • Sammlung
  • c.1900s-1910s

20 mounted albumen prints of scenes from the Temple of Haroeris and Sobek Triads at Kom Ombo. Some annotations on mounts.

Karl-Heinz Kuhn Collection

  • Kuhn MSS
  • Sammlung

Notes, negatives, transcripts, photographs and photostats of Coptic documents.

Kuhn, Karl-Heinz

Edward William Lane Collection

  • Lane, E. W. MSS
  • Sammlung

Drawings, notebooks, notes and correspondence.

Lane, Edward William

Jenny Lane Collection

  • Lane, J. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1876-1887
  • J. Lane MSS 1-3: Journals of Jenny Lane, lady's maid to Lucy Renshaw, travelling companion of Amelia A. B. Edwards, describing in detail their various trips including the 1873-1874 journey through France and Italy, crossing from Brindisi to Alexandria on the Simla, thence up the Nile to Dendara, Karnak, Luxor, Aswan, Philae and Abu Simbel, and the return journey via Port Said, through Lebanon to Damascus, Baalbek and Beirut, Constantinople, Athens, and the Rhine. They contain vivid descriptions of the landscape, weather and peoples, and anecdotes and observations of fellow travellers and places visited. They cover the period from 4 September 1873 to 6 March 1876. 286 pages in three volumes, calf, worn, 8vo.
  • J. Lane MSS 4: Photograph album put together following Miss Lane's two trips to Egypt and the Near East between 1873 and 1876.
  • J. Lane MSS 5: Collection of antiquities and miscellanea collected by Miss Lane during her trips.
  • J. Lane MSS 6: Three framed portraits (Jane Collins, née Jane Lane, George Collins [first husband], and George Lane [father]).
  • J. Lane MSS 7: Photocopy of marriage certificate for George Collins and Jane Lane (20 October 1879).
  • J. Lane MSS 8: Related documentation (three letters to the Martin family and two papers) by Brenda Moon.

Lane, Jenny

John Lee Collection

  • Lee MSS

Notebook, and lithographs of some monuments by Madeley.

Lee, John

Frank Filce Leek Collection

  • Leek MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1966-1985

Notes and related correspondence concerning a prepared monograph on organic materials from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Two photographs showing F. F. Leek.

Leek, Frank Filce

Karl Richard Lepsius Collection

  • Lepsius MSS
  • Sammlung

Photocopy of diary by K. R. Lepsius, Oct. 30 to Dec. 7, 1844, discovered too late for use in L.D. Text.

Lepsius, Karl Richard

Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds Collection | Copies made from originals in other collections | Not Griffith Institute copyright

  • Linant de Bellefonds MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1818-1826
  • 3 copies (1 typescript and two carbon copies) of a transcript made from Linant de Bellefonds' diary (1821-1822).
    • Titled: "Journal d'un Voyage en Ethiopie dans les Annees 1821 & 1822."
    • 279 typescript pages
    • Not Griffith Institute copyright. See below for details.
  • 14 glass plate negatives, two sizes, with a set of modern prints made from the larger-sized negatives (1818-1826). Not Griffith Institute copyright. Negatives made from the originals in the Louvre.
  • The negatives are copies of the following MSS:
  • B.15 (parts A and B)
    • Triple statue (same as following), not identified, with texts
  • B.26
    • Maison du Melek d'Argos
  • B.30
    • Gebel Barkal. View of Pyramid field (North and South groups)
    • TopBib vii.208, 203
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.7
  • B.32
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. View of interior
    • TopBib vii.209
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.2
  • B.32 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Sketch, general view showing granite stand of Taharqa, with Nile-gods binding sma-symbol etc.
    • TopBib vii.216A & 209(43)
  • B.36
    • Gebel Barkal. Great Temple B.500. Inner Court. Meroitic battle scene, including man on horseback and archer
    • TopBib vii.219(30)
    • = Bankes MSS XV.A.28
  • B.38 bis
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.700. Pylon (destroyed). West wing, outer face, Senkamanisken smites captives before Amun-Re
    • TopBib vii.214
    • = Bankes MSS XV.C.8 [middle]
  • B.45
    • Gebel Barkal. Temple B.300. Third Hall. View
    • TopBib vii.209
  • B.62
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. Great Temple. Views
    • TopBib vii.264
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.15
  • B.68
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 2, three registers
    • TopBib vii.267
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.6
  • B.69
    • Musauwarat el-Sofra. South-East Temple. Interior. North-East row of columns. Column 1, two registers
    • TopBib vii.265
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.B.5
  • B.73
    • Naga'. General view
    • TopBib vii.267
  • B.105
    • Naga'. Lion Temple of Apedemak. Exterior. King, Queen and Prince, before Isis holding captives, Mut, Hathor and Satis
    • TopBib vii.269(21)-(22)
    • = Bankes MSS XVII.C.7-8

Linant de Bellefonds, (Bey and Pasha) Louis Maurice Adolphe

George Lloyd Album

  • Lloyd MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1842-1843

Album of watercolours, drawings, and tracings of Egypt produced close to the end of Lloyd's life. It is a folio volume (33 x 44 cm, pages 32.7 x 43 cm), containing 135 watercolours and drawings (74 of which are full-page and 1 folding) and 10 tracings (8 folding). They are all mounted and most are captioned either on the image itself or on the mount. Captions on the mount seem to have been added when the album was put together after Lloyd's death. The album also contains a loose watercolour, a loose drawing and a loose lithographed portrait of George Lloyd by Prisse d'Avennes, who published it in his Oriental Album: Characters, Costumes and Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile (1848). One of the drawings in the album is a pencil portrait of Lloyd sketched by Prince A. Soltykoff.

Lloyd, George

Alfred Lucas Collection

  • Lucas MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-1933

Notebook on 'Archaeology, Register of samples, and analyses. Tutankhamen and others.' (TAA i.2.11). Notebook on 'Examination of Materials: (a) Tutankhamen. (b) Various.' (TAA i.2.12).

Lucas, Alfred

Metropolitan Museum of Art Photographs Collection

  • MMA Photographs
  • Sammlung
  • 1900s-1940s
  • Thebes, private tombs: one incomplete set of Series T photographs [15 boxes] and a few duplicate photographs of the same [2 boxes], there are also some glass negatives of some of the same [1 box]
  • Thebes, Valley of the Kings, royal tombs: an incomplete set of photographs [1 box]
  • Thebes. Valley of the Queens, the tomb of Nefertari (QV 66), photographs [1 folder, in the same box as Valley of the Kings]
  • Deir el-Bahari (Deir el-Bahri), Temple of Hatshepsut, incomplete set of photographs [1 box]

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Arthur Cruttenden Mace Collection

  • Mace MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1899-1903

(1) Excavation journals for 1899-1901 (working with W. M. F. Petrie) and 1901-1903 (working with G. A. Reisner).
(2) Personal correspondence exchanged between Mace and his wife Winifred during the Winter season 1922-1923, Winifred Mace and her mother during the Winter season 1923-1924, and other correspondence related to the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
(3) Two typewritten articles by Mace on work in Tutankhamun's tomb: "DESPATCH No. 5" (3 pages), and "THE CLOSING OF THE TOMB" (incomplete, first page only + newspaper cutting of The Times article); both submitted to The Times and subsequently published on 31/01/1923 and 28/03/1923.
(4) 39 photographs, most are original Burton images, some of which have been annotated by Howard Carter; they may have been used during the preparation of H. Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen i (1923).
(5) Newspaper cuttings, most from The Times, published between 1922 and 1925.

(y) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - typewritten version (TAA iv.1). Diary for 1922-3 (TAA iv.2).
(z) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - original handwritten version (TAA iv.3).

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

Diana Magee Collection

  • Magee MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1980s - 2010s

Complete papers (see catalogue for more details).

Magee, Diana Norma Elizabeth

Marburg Institute Photographs Collection

  • Marburg Photographs
  • Sammlung
  • c.1930s

15 black and white photographs of well-known monuments. Photographs made for the project 'Sondermappe Bilder zur aegyptischen Kunst'.

Marburg Institute

François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette Collection

  • Mariette MSS
  • Sammlung

Catalogue of objects found in the Serapeum at Saqqara in 1850-2 and now in the Musée du Louvre. Copied by Mrs M. M. Emery.

Mariette, (Pasha) François Auguste Ferdinand

Geoffrey Thorndike Martin Collection

  • Martin MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1966-2022

Complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, drawings of scenes and inscriptions, plans, slides, photographs, and correspondence.

Research papers
Includes relevant notes, concordances, photocopies, letters, emails, negatives, photographs, and small-scale tracings.

  • Scarabs and seals.
  • Brooklyn Museum scarabs and seals.
  • New Kingdom reliefs.
  • Valley of the Kings.
  • El-Lisht.
  • Tutankhamun shabtis.
  • Amarna Royal Tomb/Necropolis.
  • Research for articles.
  • Photographs, letters and newspaper cuttings.
  • Miscellaneous papers.
  • Three photograph albums.

10,000+ slides, the majority created by Martin, 1960s onwards. They include archaeological sites in Egypt, reliefs and objects, rephotographed publication illustrations, and commercially-produced slides.

Framed watercolour
Watercolour painting, perhaps by Annie Quibell. The upper part of an angel is probably inspired by (or copied from) one of the paintings in the Monastery of Apa Jeremias at Saqqara.

KV57: tomb of Horemheb, Valley of the Kings
Includes research papers, a small box of photographs, and Martin's epigraphic drawings of Horemheb's sarcophagus.

Original epigraphic drawings and scanned reductions of originals

  • Epigraphic drawings of loose Memphite blocks used for Vols. I and II of Martin's Corpus of Memphite Blocks. Vol. I, published. Vol. II, in preparation (info. August 2022).
  • Reduced line drawings of reliefs from published Memphite New Kingdom tombs, including the tomb of Horemheb and possibly the tomb of Maya.
  • Drawings without labels, not yet identified—some Amarna.

Large photographs
Includes the Step Pyramid complex and Unas Causeway, some taken from the summit of the Step Pyramid, or perhaps aerial photographs. Some show tomb reliefs.


  • PhD dissertation, G. T. Martin (two bound volumes on scarabs and seals. The second volume has been published. The first volume is not published).
  • Brooklyn Museum manuscript (bound unpublished manuscript for scarabs and seals in the Brooklyn Museum).
  • Three photograph albums (photographs of sites, buildings and street scenes mostly in and around Cairo in 1942. The albums were given or bequeathed to Martin).
  • Manuscript ("The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. A Palaeography (Catalogue of Signs)". Unfinished).
  • Photocopied line drawings (these are probably duplicates of a published set of line drawings from a known New Kingdom Memphite tomb or are from Vol. I of Martin's Corpus of New Kingdom Memphite Blocks).
  • Three bound volumes (miscellaneous postcards, photographs, etc.).
  • Amarna Royal Tomb Project (selected material, copies of graffiti, ostraca, etc., represents a small section of the information gathered by the team when Martin was Field Director).
  • Memphite New Kingdom Prosopography (card index with the names and other details of known tomb owners and other officials mentioned in reliefs, paintings, statuary, etc., in or from around the Memphite cemeteries).
  • Photographs, newspaper cuttings, letters etc. (including a letter from Lord Mountbatten of Burma, also newspaper cuttings from international papers, primarily referring to the discoveries of Horemheb and Maya and the relationship of these officials to Tutankhamun).

Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin

Arpag Mekhitarian Slides Collection

  • Mekhitarian MSS
  • Sammlung

158 colour slides (35mm) of Theban Tomb scenes, made in Thebes in 1953-4.

Mekhitarian, Arpag

Meyer Photographs Collection

  • Meyer MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1912-1913

Photographs of foreigners as represented on various Egyptian monuments.

Meyer, Eduard

Joseph Grafton Milne Collection

  • Milne MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1895-1896

Two albums of photographs compiled following Milne's visits to Egypt in 1895-6 and 1905-6. One includes photographs taken during W. M. F. Petrie's expedition to Sinai. The other album contains photographs of various sites, including some 19th-century studio photographs.

Milne, Joseph Grafton

Robert Ludwig Mond Collection

  • Mond MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1901-1926

Prints and negatives of scenes in Theban tombs, notebook and notes (some by W. B. Emery and E. J. H. MacKay).

Mond, (Sir) Robert Ludwig

Margaret Alice Murray Collection

  • Murray MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1958

Notes collected on Hierakonpolis (The Hierakonpolis finds). Consists of handwritten notes made by M. A. Murray, typescript, and additional notes in a different hand.

Murray, Margaret Alice

Georg Christian Julius Möller Collection

  • Möller MSS
  • Sammlung
  • late 1890s-1921

Copies, transcriptions, facsimiles, drawings and some photographs of mummy labels in Demotic, Greek or bilingual, presented as loose sheets in folders arranged by cities/museums/collections, housed in five slip-cover boxes. They were collected by Möller from printed sources and from several collections he visited on research journeys. One folder in box V is by W. Spiegelberg (1893).

Möller, Georg Christian Julius

Percy Edward Newberry Collection

  • NEWB / Newberry MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1629-1999

The Percy Newberry Collection has been listed thanks to a cataloguing grant from the The National Archives in 2015. The collection comprises a wide range of material on topics including Predynastic Egypt, Theban tombs, Egyptian flora and fauna, early Egyptian travellers, ancient Egyptian religion and culture, as well as Newberry's genealogy. Formats include notebooks, research notes, photographs, tracings, rubbings and newspaper clippings.

The collection has been divided into 5 series: Biographical Material; Correspondence; Research Notebooks; Subject Files, and Research Material.

The following key subject terms collate material on the same subject, which have been listed in different series:
<a href="http://archive.griffith.ox.ac.uk/index.php/nome-ensigns-percy-newberry-collection">Nome Ensigns</a>
<a href="http://archive.griffith.ox.ac.uk/index.php/flora-and-fauna-percy-newberry-collection">Flora and Fauna</a>
<a href="http://archive.griffith.ox.ac.uk/index.php/predynastic-egypt-percy-newberry-collection">Predynastic Egypt</a>
<a href="http://archive.griffith.ox.ac.uk/index.php/scarabs-and-seals-percy-newberry-collection">Scarabs and Seals</a>

Newberry, Percy Edward

Georges Nagel Collection

  • Nagel MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1920s-1930s

Two albums containing approximately 460 black and white photographs taken by various members of the IFAO team during excavations at Deir el-Medîna during the 1920s and 30s. Photographs interspersed with some notes and drawings.

Nagel, Georges

Douglas Newbold Collection

  • Newbold MSS
  • Sammlung

Two volumes on the history and archaeology of the Beja tribes of the Eastern Sudan (MSS 1) and small group of detached papers / personal file (MSS 2).

Newbold, (Sir) Douglas

Francis Giesler Newton Collection

  • Newton MSS
  • Sammlung

Article on churches in Sardinia, with additional notes and drawings, and watercolours and drawings of Italian towns, churches and architectural features, as well as view of the ziggurat at Ur. Non-Egyptological.

Newton, Francis Giesler

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