Colección Spiegelberg MSS - Wilhelm Spiegelberg Collection

Área de identidad

Código de referencia

Spiegelberg MSS


Wilhelm Spiegelberg Collection


  • 1895-1899 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción


Volumen y soporte

1 box and 2 oversize boxes

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia biográfica

German Egyptologist and Demotist. Born, Hanover 1870. Died, Munich 1930. Educated at the Universities of Strasbourg, Berlin, and Paris, studying with J. Dümichen, A. Erman, and G. Maspero, respectively, 1888-92. Appointed Lecturer of Egyptology at Strasbourg University. He first concentrated on hieratic papyri especially the juristic texts, then on Coptic and Demotic studies, becoming one of the leading authorities in the field at that time. He published his acclaimed Coptic Dictionary, which was only superseded by W. E. Crum's work. Spiegelberg was a prolific author who wrote several hundred articles.

Historia archivística

  • MSS 1 (Squeezes - Theban Tombs): Sent by Spiegelberg to Professor Francis LI. Griffith in 1926 to be considered for publication.
  • MSS 2 (Squeezes - Dodecaschoenus): Given by W. Spiegelberg to Professor Francis Ll. Griffith for use in his Catalogue of the demotic graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus.
  • MSS 3 (Diaries): Given by W. Spiegelberg to Professor W. F. Edgerton.

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

  • MSS 1-2 (Squeezes): No documentation, transferred from Griffith MSS.
  • MSS 3 (Diaries): After Edgerton died, Professor George R. Hughes deposited them in the Griffith Institute in 1970.

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

  • MSS 1: Squeezes made in 1895-1896 of some scenes in Theban Tombs 11, 12, 20, 50, 157, and 163.
  • MSS 2: Squeezes of some scenes and texts in the Island of Biga and Philae (Dodecaschoenus).
  • MSS 3: Two diaries (with continuous pagination) compiled between 7 November 1898 and 9 February 1899 during the Marquis of Northampton's excavations at Thebes.

Valorización, destrucción y programación


Sistema de arreglo

Kept as received.

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso

Property of the Griffith Institute. No restrictions.


  • MSS 1-2: Copyright Griffith Institute, University of Oxford.
  • MSS 3: Joint copyright Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, and Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (formerly Oriental Institute), University of Chicago.

Idioma del material

  • alemán

Escritura del material

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

The bindings of the diaries are in a fragile condition and need to be handled carefully.

Instrumentos de descripción

Full catalogue.

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

These are originals.

Existencia y localización de copias

There are xeroxes of the diaries in the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (formerly Oriental Institute), University of Chicago.

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

Other Archives:

  • Spiegelberg MSS in the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures (formerly Oriental Institute), University of Chicago.

Griffith Institute Archive:

  • Folder with copies of mummy labels from the Collection Forrer, Strasbourg, made by Spiegelberg in 1893, within Möller MSS (box V).

Nota de publicación

Área de notas

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por materia

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control de la descripción

Identificador de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Estado de elaboración

Nivel de detalle

Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




Área de Ingreso

Materias relacionadas

Personas y organizaciones relacionadas

Tipos relacionados

Lugares relacionados

Unidad de almacenaje

  • Estantería: 0621A
  • Estantería: 0818