Nome Ensigns (Percy Newberry Collection)



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Nome Ensigns (Percy Newberry Collection)

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Nome Ensigns (Percy Newberry Collection)

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Nome Ensigns (Percy Newberry Collection)

23 Archivistische beschrijving results for Nome Ensigns (Percy Newberry Collection)

Only results directly related

Drafts on the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems

Drafts relating to the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems.

-Two versions of a contents page for a publication to be titled ‘The Cults of Predynastic Egypt’, one of which includes the sub-heading ‘A study of the Cults of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] As shown in the Decorated Pots of the Second Civil[isation] of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] fully illustrated by slides of the ensigns fig[ured] at the mast heads of boats of the period the Scorpion King s Macehead and on Slate Palettes and maps to show their foreign distribution’.
-Several versions of drafts relating to Dr Elise Baumgartel's disagreement with Newberry’s identification of the harpoon ensign in Baumgartel, Elise J. 1947. The cultures of prehistoric Egypt. Oxford: Griffith Institute; Oxford University Press (OEB 18)
-Two handwritten drafts titled ‘The Harpoon Ensigns’ as well as tracings and draft plates
-Draft relating to Scharff, 'Some Prehistoric Vases in the British Museum', in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology XIV (1928) (OEB 14965)
-Handwritten draft on boats in predynastic Egypt including a table showing occurences of nome ensigns or standards. Also includes reference to a rock drawing of a sailing vessel, published in Winkler, H. A., Rock-Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt, Volume 1, plate viii., 1939 (OEB 152765).
-Draft titled 'Cult-signs of the Predynastic Period' with details of occurrences of the signs, also includes traced map showing distribution of predynastic cults, tracings of Andjety and notes on his link to the goat, and notes on the pomegranate tree
-Draft on an ensign on a small pot figured in Morgan, J. de 1896. Recherches sur les origins de l'Égypte: l'âge de la pierre et les métaux, plate ix, no.3. Paris: Ernest Leroux (OEB 145678) and other similar examples which according to Newberry are inaccurate
-Cutting of abstract of Newberry, P.E., 'Remarks on some early Egyptian cults', in Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions, (Oxford, 1908) (OEB 146392)
-Draft titled 'Ensigns figured on pots of the Second Civilisation of the Predynastic Period' with notes
-Drafts relating to the geographical distribution of cults
-Sections of drafts relating to the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328)
-Revised draft of 'The Petty-Kingdom of the Harpoon and Egypt's earliest Mediterranean Port', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume I, pp.17-22 (1908) (OEB 146389)
-Draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'The Egyptian Cult-object [R22] and the Thunderbolt', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 3, pp.50-2 (1910) (OEB 146356)

Research material on the Bull Kingdom

Research material relating to the 6th nome of Lower Egypt, also known as the Bull Kingdom.

-Photograph of a graffito of a boat with the bull ensign
-Cuttings of bulls and bull ensign
-Notes on cattle including bulls and cows
-Notes titled 'The King as a Bull in the Archaic Period and later'
-Notes on compound ensigns which include the bull
-Copies from publications of bull ensigns and flint knives
-Notes on the location of the Bull Kingdom

Research material on the thunderbolt ensign

Research material relating to the thunderbolt ensign representing Min and the 9th nome of Upper Egypt including tracings of occurrences of the ensign on predynastic pottery and draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'The Egyptian Cult-object [R22] and the Thunderbolt', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 3, pp.50-2 (1910) (OEB 146356).

Research material on the harpoon and harpoon ensign

Research material relating to the harpoon and the harpoon ensign representing the 7th and 8th nomes of Lower Egypt. Includes notes on the use of the harpoon for hunting including hunting hippos, lists of occurences of the harpoon ensign on predynastic pottery and compound ensigns which include the harpoon and notes on the harpoon shaft including tracings.

Research material relating to throw sticks and boomerangs

Research notes, tracings and drawings relating to throw sticks and boomerangs, and the associated ensigns and cults. Includes tracings of a boomerang on the mast head of a boat.

-Draft titled The Cult of the Boomerang
-Notes relating to occurrences of the boomerang and throw stick ensigns on Predynastic pottery
-Cutting of Eggers, H., 'A Study of the Boomerang', in Proceedings of United States National Museum, (1888), pp.363-367
-Photographs of throw sticks including man holding two throw sticks

Research material on the pomegranate tree and pomegranate ensign

Research notes on the pomegranate tree and ensign identified by Newberry as the branch of a pomegranate tree.

-Copies of Newberry, Percy, 'The Tree of the Herakleopolite Nome', in Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Volume 50, pp. 78-9 (OEB 146413)
-Tracings and drawings of depictions of the pomegranate tree or <i>ncr</i>-tree
-Tracings of ensigns from Morgan, J. de, 'Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte', (1897) (OEB 145679)
-Drawing of a pot with a boat and pomegranate ensign
-Notes on the pomegranate as the gift of Athena

Research material relating to Andjety and Bat/Hathor

Research material relating to Andjety, Bat/Hathor and the symbol of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt, including material relating to a hypothesis by Newberry that the symbol of Hathor is a cow's uterus, and that the symbol of Andjety is a goat's uterus.

-Photograph of statue of nome triad: King, Hathor Mistress of the Sycamore and bat-fetish nome goddess (Cairo Museum, JE 46499) (TopBib iii.28)
-Photographs of a predynastic pot featuring dancing figures with headresses bearing the 'cow horn' symbol (British Museum, EA 35502)
-Drawings and tracings of a cow's uterus
-Rubbing, drawing and tracing of the 'Gerzeh palette' featuring Bat symbol (Cairo Museum, CG 34173)
-Drawings showing the head dress of Andjety and the similarity to the shape of a female goats uterus
-Drawings of symbols of Bat and the similarity to the shape of a cow's uterus
-Letter from L. Pugh, Department of Agriculture, relating to the reproductive organs of a goat, 5 Aug 1921
-Notes relating to the symbol representing the bicornate uterus of animals [F45]
-Notes relating to the sistrum
-Draft, notes and draft correspondence on the symbol of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt
-Notes on identification of symbol believed by Victor Loret to be the standard of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt and the symbol of Hathor
-Notes on the standard or ensign as it appears on predynastic pottery
-Notes on shepherds
-Notes on the girdle tie and Tjet amulet also known as the Isis knot
-Notes on 'split totems' or the worship of parts of animals
-Cutting of Griffith, F., 'Notes on Mythology: Eileithyia in Egypt. The God of Busiris. Hermes Trismegistus', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, (1899) (OEB 140774)
-Notes on Astarte

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 35, NB 38, and NB 41.

Research material relating to symbols of Neith

Research notes, tracings and drawings relating to symbols of Neith including bows, shields, crossed arrows, as well as boats with these symbols on their mast head.

Also includes:
-Photograph of a predynastic pot in the British Museum featuring crossed arrows on the mast head
-Beginnings of a draft titled 'The Ensigns of Neith. (1) The Crossed Arrows'
-Plates prepared for article (not published)

Research material relating to Neith

Notes and parts of drafts relating to Neith. Includes notes on the figure of eight shield with crossed arrows, single and compound ensigns featuring bows and crossed arrows, the Minoan-Mycenaean Goddess of the Bow, and different forms of bow and arrows.

-Draft titled 'The Minoan-Mycenaean Goddess of the Bow'
-Tracings of stone bead seals
-Notes on the form of bows and depictions of bow like objects
-Part of draft and notes on Neith and the bow of Neith
-Notes on Athena
-Notes relating to Libya
-Reprint of Hogarth, D.G. 'The Zakro Sealings', in Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume XXII, (1902)

Notes also include reference to 'NB [Notebook] Sais and Folder'.

Research material relating to the sand dune symbol

Research material relating to the sand dune symbol [N25].

-Photograph of a pot from the MacGregor collection featuring a boat with the symbol for sand dunes on the mast head [N25]
-Notes, drafts, cuttings and tracings on the sand dune symbol [N25], occurences of the symbol on predynastic pots, the bull kingdom or 6th nome of Lower Egypt and the God Ha
-Notes on the geographic distribution of the sand dune cult

Research material on nomes and standards

Research material on nomes and ensigns or standards. Folder contains a range of loose notes not specific to a particular nome or standard. The notes include a number of references to Newberry's other notebooks.

-Notes relating to the geographical distribution of nomes
-Sketch maps of nomes
-Table of nome ensigns and variations in the predynastic period, protodynastic period and Old Kingdom
-Cutting of an image of statue of a Nome triad: King, Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore and Jackal-nome goddess (Cairo Museum, JE 40679) from the pyramid complex of Menkaurec (TopBib iii.28)
-Notes on Anubis
-Notes on flint knives
-Notes on governors of nomes
-Notes on guinea fowl including sketch of predynastic pot and a guinea fowl
-Notes on Poseidon
-Cutting of golden emblem of Anubis

Also includes a collection of photographs of predynastic pots featuring standards on the mast heads of boats.

Notes on nomes

Ringbound notebook containing mostly handwritten notes on nomes, with some additional loose notes, some of which appear to have been cut from other notebooks. First half of the notebook is on nomes in Lower Egypt and the second half on Upper Egypt. Both sections start with a list of the nomes in numerical order and the notes are arranged accordingly. Some pages are titled but do not contain any notes.

The first half of the notebook contains notes on nomes in Lower Egypt including Predynastic nome insignia, titles connected with nomes in Lower Egypt, Thoth and Thoth priests, the Ibis and other animals associated with nomes. There is also the following loose material:

-handwritten notes on the 12th nome of Lower Egypt and sketches of a calf

-typed notes on the name of the 15th nome of Lower Egypt, with draft of a letter to Alan (probably Alan Gardiner)

-handwritten notes on Thenessus and the nome of Nesyt

The second half of the notebook contains notes on nomes in Upper Egypt and the animals associated with the nomes. There is also the following loose material:

-typed and handwritten notes on Coptos

-cutting of an image of an engraving with the caption 'Nilinsel aus dem Sonnen-tempel des Neuserre' [Island in the Nile river from the sun temple of Neuserre]

-handwritten notes on Abydos and tracing

-handwritten notes on the 13th nome which appear to have been taken from other notebooks, also a note written by Diana Magee

The notebook also includes the following references: to a 'notebook on Sais and folder'; a 'Harpoon folder'; and 'see Folder Pig'.

Research notebook

Notebook titled on inside page '1908-9 - Percy E. Newberry - University of Liverpool - c/o Thomas Cook and Sons - Cairo or Luxor'. It has also been labelled during previous archival processing 'Miscellaneous - Mainly sealings and other early dynastic material'.

Notebook contains short notes on a range of different topics, copies of inscriptions, drawings, cuttings and rubbings of scarabs and seals.

Includes notes on religion, geography, museum collections and objects, genealogy of the Newberry family, nome ensigns or standards, cult symbols and architecture.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sealings, Scarabs, Cylinders'.


Folder titled 'Egypt. Nomes. Lower Egypt' containing notes on places and nomes in Egypt.

-Notes on the Nile and bibliographic references to the Nile
-Envelope containing notes on Ta-Seti and Aswan including tracing and drawing of a fragment of a stela depicting Khasekhem with a bow on his head published in Quibell, J. E. and F. W. Green 1900-1902. <i>Hierakonpolis</i>, Part 2. London: Bernard Quaritch (OEB 147893)
-Notes on Edfu
-Notes from Mariette-Bey, A. 1871. <i>Dendérah: description générale du grand temple de cette ville</i>, Volume 4, Plate 34, (Paris, 1871) (OEB 144495)
-Nome priests
-Notes and tracings of birds possibly relating to the 18th nome of Upper Egypt Nemty

Nome ensigns

Folder titled 'Drawings Ensigns' containing notes, correspondence, photographs, rubbings, tracings and drawings relating to nome ensigns or standards (also referred to as cult ensigns).

-Section of a draft and notes on the pomegranate tree and pomegranate ensign
-Photographs of boats on predynastic pottery and a rock drawing
-Letter from Newberry to Myrtle Broome relating to a seal of King Den in which he is harpooning and wrestling a hippopotamus published in Petrie, F., 'Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties II', Plate VII 5 and 6, (London, 1901) (OEB 147184), with enclosed tracing
-Tracings of boats from predynastic pottery with museum references
-Drawing, cutting and rubbings of a carved slate in the MacGregor collection resembling the 'Dogs Palette' published in Legge, F. 'A New Carved Slate', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, p.87, (1906) (OEB 206093)
-Letter from Carroll R. Young, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia relating to predynastic pottery that shows boats and standards, including list of relevant items from the Museum and sketch of jar (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, E1405), 12 July 1944
-Letter from William A. Ritchie, Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, New York, relating to a boat standard on a predynastic pot (Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, E15259) on loan from the University Museum, Philadelphia, with sketches, 18 July 1944
-Letter from John D. Cooney, Brooklyn Museum, New York with two enclosed photographs of predynastic vases featuring boats (Brooklyn Museum, 09.272; 07.144) and catalogue notes (letter refers to three photographs but only two with letter)
-Draft on an ensign on a small pot figured in Morgan, J. de, 'Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte', plate ix, no.3, (1896) (OEB 145678) and other similar examples which according to Newberry are inaccurate
-Notes and parts of drafts on the harpoon ensign and harpooners including handwritten draft titled 'The Harpoon Ensigns'
-Notes and part of a draft on variant forms of bows
-Notes on the pomegranate ensign

The back of the folder contains a large number of tracings and drawings of cult ensigns or standards, mostly copied from publications.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Predynastic pots - Cult ensigns'.

Religion and predynastic cults

Folder titled 'Religion. Cults' containing notes, drawings relating to deities and religion.

Also includes notes on religion in the archaic period and on the relationship between nome ensigns and early cults including their geographical distribution.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.

Evans, (Sir) Arthur John - correspondence

Correspondence from Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941) including relating to Evans' research, cylinder seals and arranging visits. Also includes letter relating to early Egyptian cults and their symbols which has the following note on the back by Newberry which appears to be an idea for an article: 'Primitive cults of Egypt as Illustrated by Nome Signs'.

MSS 14/36 is also numbered 15
MSS 14/38 is also numbered 274
MSS 14/39 is also numbered A.33
MSS 14/40 is also numbered A.34

Wainwright, Gerald Averay - correspondence

Correspondence from Gerald Averay Wainwright including relating to travel to Egypt; a stela in the Cairo Museum; the tomb of Teti-ki; 'finances of independent Egypt' and the Egyptian Railway (1925); Newberry's research on nome standards (1932); hieroglyphic sign of a seven petaled flower.

MSS 44/44 is also numbered 208
MSS 44/45 is also numbered A.131

Green, F. W. - correspondence

Correspondence from F. W. Green (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) including relating to a sale at Sothebys; photos of a stelae of Tyty; bequest from Sir Herbert Tompson and candidates for a position in demotic and coptic; and standards on boat mast heads including notes and sketches; World War Two.

MSS 20/49 is also numbered A.7
MSS 20/50 is also numbered A.189

Jones, Harold - correspondence

Correspondence from Harold Jones including relating to his health and work in Egypt for John Garstang and Theodore Davis. Also includes reference to Howard Carter and correspondence relating to nome signs.

MSS 27/2 is also numbered A.251
MSS 27/3 is also numbered A.277
MSS 27/4 is also numbered A.372
MSS 27/5 is also numbered A.92
MSS 27/7 is also numbered A.42
MSS 27/10 is also numbered A.40
MSS 27/13 is also numbered A.84
MSS 27/14 is also numbered A.43
MSS 27/17 is also numbered A.349

Leeds, Edward Thurlow - correspondence

Correspondence from Edward Thurlow Leeds (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) including corrections to Newberry's list of nome signs (1916), relating to relocating material during the war including two predynastic bowls belonging to Newberry, Newberry sending his filing cabinets to the Griffith Institute (1939), damage during World War Two, donation of items by Newberry including Egyptian textiles (including draft reply from Newberry), museum acquisitions and copyright ownership of the Howard Carter material.

Also includes: copy of a letter from Newberry to Leeds on copyright ownership of the Howard Carter material; draft letter from Newberry on work during World War Two and gifting books to the Griffith Institute; draft letter from Newberry on donating Persian tiles to the Ashmolean Museum.

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden - correspondence

Correspondence from Arthur Cruttenden Mace (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) including relating to: excavation work in egypt, 1901; decorated predynastic pottery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York including sketches of boats with ensigns on mast heads, 1909; research by Newberry on boats and the pomegranate branch, 1910; his posting to the Supply Reserve Depot in Deptford, S.E., 1917; accession of the Munich collection; apology relating to concession for the Palace of Amenhotep III; purchase of the Macgregor and Hood collections; Carter and Breasted's negotiations with the Egyptian government, 1924.

Also includes a cablegram from Lythgoe cancelling option on the MacGregor collection, 1921.

MSS 30/6 includes a few words on the back relating to boats, 1921.

MSS 30/1 is also numbered 34
MSS 30/12 is also numbered 293