Drafts on the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems
- NEWB5/1/01
- File
- 1908 - 1949
Part of Percy Edward Newberry Collection
Drafts relating to the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems.
-Two versions of a contents page for a publication to be titled ‘The Cults of Predynastic Egypt’, one of which includes the sub-heading ‘A study of the Cults of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] As shown in the Decorated Pots of the Second Civil[isation] of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] fully illustrated by slides of the ensigns fig[ured] at the mast heads of boats of the period the Scorpion King s Macehead and on Slate Palettes and maps to show their foreign distribution’.
-Several versions of drafts relating to Dr Elise Baumgartel's disagreement with Newberry’s identification of the harpoon ensign in Baumgartel, Elise J. 1947. The cultures of prehistoric Egypt. Oxford: Griffith Institute; Oxford University Press (OEB 18)
-Two handwritten drafts titled ‘The Harpoon Ensigns’ as well as tracings and draft plates
-Draft relating to Scharff, 'Some Prehistoric Vases in the British Museum', in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology XIV (1928) (OEB 14965)
-Handwritten draft on boats in predynastic Egypt including a table showing occurences of nome ensigns or standards. Also includes reference to a rock drawing of a sailing vessel, published in Winkler, H. A., Rock-Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt, Volume 1, plate viii., 1939 (OEB 152765).
-Draft titled 'Cult-signs of the Predynastic Period' with details of occurrences of the signs, also includes traced map showing distribution of predynastic cults, tracings of Andjety and notes on his link to the goat, and notes on the pomegranate tree
-Draft on an ensign on a small pot figured in Morgan, J. de 1896. Recherches sur les origins de l'Égypte: l'âge de la pierre et les métaux, plate ix, no.3. Paris: Ernest Leroux (OEB 145678) and other similar examples which according to Newberry are inaccurate
-Cutting of abstract of Newberry, P.E., 'Remarks on some early Egyptian cults', in Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions, (Oxford, 1908) (OEB 146392)
-Draft titled 'Ensigns figured on pots of the Second Civilisation of the Predynastic Period' with notes
-Drafts relating to the geographical distribution of cults
-Sections of drafts relating to the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328)
-Revised draft of 'The Petty-Kingdom of the Harpoon and Egypt's earliest Mediterranean Port', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume I, pp.17-22 (1908) (OEB 146389)
-Draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'The Egyptian Cult-object [R22] and the Thunderbolt', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 3, pp.50-2 (1910) (OEB 146356)