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Alexander Colvin Ainslie Collection

  • Ainslie MSS
  • Collectie
  • 1853

Album of drawings and watercolour sketches made in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine in 1853.

Ainslie, (Revd) Alexander Colvin

Harold Parkinson Collection

  • Parkinson, H. MSS
  • Collectie
  • 1930-1994

1) Original measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [corrected version].
2) Drawings of Eighteenth Dynasty tombs (incomplete original set and complete sets of photocopies/prints) (1980s).
3) Prints of the measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [version with error].
4) Drawings of reconstructions of Egyptian boats (1993-4).
5) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for plaque depicting a scene from the lid of box from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1979) - the plaque has been sold in the British Museum shop since the late 1990s (copyright issued in the late 1990s for a while, then reissued c. 2010).
6) Model, plaster and resin moulds and casts for the mask of Tutankhamun (1978).
7) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for small figurines (2 seated Isis suckling Horus, Bes amulet and scarab, 1970s).
8) Album of newspaper cuttings titled "Illustrations", mostly from the Illustrated London News, bound in illustrated binding by Harold Parkinson (c. 1930).
9) Copy of Simplified Hieroglyphs arranged according to Gardiner's Signlist. Drawn in both left and right directions together with samples of cursive hieroglyphs and hieratic signs. Hieratic versions are drawn from Möller Hieratische Paläographie Vol. I (6th to 13th dynasties), of which 'Sinuhe' provides the majority of the examples, by R. B. & H. Parkinson (1988-1989).
10) Original measured perspective drawing of the White Chapel at Karnak, by H. & R. B. Parkinson (c. 1989-1990).

Parkinson, Harold

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