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Hand-copy of "Israel" victory text (lines 1-13) from stela of Amenophis III in Temple of Merneptah at Thebes (TopBib ii2.448)
Hand-copy of "Israel" victory text (lines 1-13) from stela of Amenophis III in Temple of Merneptah at Thebes (TopBib ii2.448)
Transcriptions and notes from Roman papyri in the British Museum (EA 10110, EA 10116, EA 10114, EA 10125, EA 10115 and EA 10123)
Transcriptions and notes from Roman papyri in the British Museum (EA 10110, EA 10116, EA 10114, EA 10125, EA 10115 and EA 10123)
Transcription from British Museum Papyrus EA 10562 - Late religious text
Transcription from British Museum Papyrus EA 10562 - Late religious text
Pamphlet on scarab-ring belonging to Sir Robert Arbuthnot - description by Edward William Lane
Pamphlet on scarab-ring belonging to Sir Robert Arbuthnot - description by Edward William Lane
El -Masara Quarries - various notes and texts
El -Masara Quarries - various notes and texts
Description with texts of antiquities found at Tell Basta in 1888
Description with texts of antiquities found at Tell Basta in 1888
Some descriptions and texts
Some descriptions and texts
Hand-copy of text from plaque in MacGregor Collection from "Psammetikhos foundation deposits" with name Pamai I
Hand-copy of text from plaque in MacGregor Collection from "Psammetikhos foundation deposits" with name Pamai I
Hand-copy of text on coffin of Besenmut known to Aquila Dodgson (location not known)
Hand-copy of text on coffin of Besenmut known to Aquila Dodgson (location not known)
Kom el-Ahmar - Tomb of Djehuti
Kom el-Ahmar - Tomb of Djehuti
Text with translation from heart-scarab "made by She for Tiy"
Text with translation from heart-scarab "made by She for Tiy"
Rubbings and hand-copy of texts from fragment of statue of a daughter of Esbanebdjed belonging to F. C. Wellstood of Stratford on Avon
Rubbings and hand-copy of texts from fragment of statue of a daughter of Esbanebdjed belonging to F. C. Wellstood of Stratford on Avon
Description and hand-copies of texts
Description and hand-copies of texts
Comments on Chabas, F., Voyage d'un Egyptien en Syrie, etc.: réponse à la critique (1868) (OEB 136922), by Chabas(?)
Comments on Chabas, F., Voyage d'un Egyptien en Syrie, etc.: réponse à la critique (1868) (OEB 136922), by Chabas(?)
Hand-copy of text from scarab in MacGregor collection
Hand-copy of text from scarab in MacGregor collection
Notes for an article or lecture on the "Antiquity of Egyptian History" traceable through the native writing
Notes for an article or lecture on the "Antiquity of Egyptian History" traceable through the native writing
Hand-copy of unidentified text with name of Ry
Hand-copy of unidentified text with name of Ry
Hand-copy of text on ram from Soba, now outside Khartum Cathedral (TopBib vii.273)
Hand-copy of text on ram from Soba, now outside Khartum Cathedral (TopBib vii.273)
Notes on stela of Intef in London, British Museum, EA 581, and the origin of the use of nty, by Alan H. Gardiner
Notes on stela of Intef in London, British Museum, EA 581, and the origin of the use of nty, by Alan H. Gardiner
Hand-copy of text from unidentified XIIth dynasty stela
Hand-copy of text from unidentified XIIth dynasty stela
Text from shabti of Djhuti, Servant of Min in E. Towry White collection
Text from shabti of Djhuti, Servant of Min in E. Towry White collection
Texts (with notes) from the Skrine Papyrus of Nespeheran (Espahoran) and Ankhefenkhons in Oxford, Bodleian Library
Texts (with notes) from the Skrine Papyrus of Nespeheran (Espahoran) and Ankhefenkhons in Oxford, Bodleian Library
The maxims of Amenemope - Transcription with annotations of hieratic wooden tablet, XXth Dynasty, in Turin, Museo Egizio, by Alan H. Gardiner
The maxims of Amenemope - Transcription with annotations of hieratic wooden tablet, XXth Dynasty, in Turin, Museo Egizio, by Alan H. Gardiner
The maxims of Amenemope - Wörterbuch slips
The maxims of Amenemope - Wörterbuch slips
Fragment of text from list of Animal Feasts at Medinet Habu
Fragment of text from list of Animal Feasts at Medinet Habu
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
The larger Dakhla Stela in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894.107a (TopBib vii.296): hand-copy of hieratic text to scale, and hieroglyphic transcription
The larger Dakhla Stela in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894.107a (TopBib vii.296): hand-copy of hieratic text to scale, and hieroglyphic transcription
Demotic texts from Hammamat
Demotic texts from Hammamat
Notes on the demotic text on the Rosetta Stone in London, British Museum, EA 24
Notes on the demotic text on the Rosetta Stone in London, British Museum, EA 24
Lexicographical notes on Late Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic
Lexicographical notes on Late Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic
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