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Winlock, Herbert Eustis - correspondence

Correspondence from Herbert Eustis Winlock relating to: purchase of the Amherst papyri and excavation work in Luxor (1913); publication of a 12th dynasty tomb at Lisht, news from Egypt including on Arthur Weigall and the Service des Antiquités (1913); mounting the amherst papyri and purchase of the Hood collection (1919); referring to Ernest Wallis Budge, purchase of the Morgan papyri and planned excavation work (1920); research relating to Khety (1924); origin of a bead bought by Newberry including post script from S. C. Bosch Reitz (1929); Tomb of Meryet-Amun and identification of flowers (1930); disagreement with Budge (1930); history of the fleur-de-lys with enclosed letters to Mr Ivins, and from WM I. Jr. and Barbara Lyndon and notes (1935); research on the Egyptian calendar (1935); three bowls found in the outer courtyard of the tomb of Rekhmara, with notes by Newberry (1935); travel to England and visting Newberry and Alan Gardiner (1934); retirement from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1939); mummy of Wah (1939); employment of Herman Ranke and Georg Steindorff in America and research on 12th dynasty priest graffiti (1940); war and the death of Harry Burton (1940); health, politics and war (1940-2).

Also includes draft letter from Newberry on three bowls found in the outer courtyard of the tomb of Rekhmara (1935) with extract of a letter from Newberry to Theodore Davis on clearing the tomb of Rekhmara (1900).

MSS 46/5 is also numbered 377
MSS 46/10 is also numbered 231b
MSS 46/11 is also numbered 231a
MSS 46/12 is also numbered 231c
MSS 46/13 is also numbered 231
MSS 46/14 is also numbered 290
MSS 46/17 is also numbered 221
MSS 46/18 is also numbered 304
MSS 46/20 is also numbered 5
MSS 46/21 is also numbered 10
MSS 46/48 is also numbered 22
MSS 46/50 is also numbered 22a
MSS 46/52 is also numbered 254

Bankes, Burton, Hay - Notes by P.E. Newberry

Notebook titled by Warren Dawson 'BANKES, BURTON, HAY - Notes by P.E. Newberry' and inside 'BANKES - BURTON - HAY - Notes made by P.E. Newberry Given to me by him, March, 1949'. There is also a label on the inside cover 'Mr Warren Dawson October 1960'.

Typed notes (with hieroglyphs added by hand) on William John Bankes and Robert Hay, and one page on James Burton.

Note: There is correspondence from Raymond O. Faulkner referring to a manuscript on Bankes and Hay in 1943.

Notebook on birds

Hardback notebook containing handwritten notes on birds. The spine of the notebook has been labelled CULTS - NOMES.

The start of the notebook contains a list of birds, a bibliography of publications relating to birds (1872-1930), a list of birds in museum collections, list of domesticated birds. The notes are then organised by bird. The notes include bibliographic references, sketches of birds and cuttings of museum objects and wall paintings. Also includes handwritten extract from Petrie's benedictory address on 'souls and future life'. There are also loose pages of notes which have been inserted in relevant places. Some pages are titled but do not contain any notes.

Research journal

Notebook numbered by Newberry 'NB 29' with title inside front cover 'Journal - April 1929'. Notebook has also been titled (not by Newberry) 'Miscellaneous notes refs. Newspaper cuttings etc.'.

Notebook contains very short notes mostly of a couple of lines, with several to a page, on a wide range of topics. A lot of notes and pages have a line through them which could indicate they had been written up elsewhere, or in the case of references could indicate they had been followed up.

A lot of the notes are bibliographic references. There are also addresses and a business card.

Notebook also contains rubbings, sketches, newspaper cuttings, cuttings from sale catalogues and two postcards from Jean Capart.

Notes on early Egyptian travellers

Notebook with title on first page 'Notes upon Early Egyptian Travellers' and below 'Henry Light - Giovanni d'Athanasi - Henry Salt - E.W.Lane 14 25tc 34tc - G.A. Hoskins 16tc - Dodwell Collection 1827 p.14 and 32'. Inside front cover a note says 'Garstang' and below 'Care of Mrs Howard - Bank House - Blackburn'.

Inside back cover there is a list 'Note on the title [O17] - The Persea tree of ancient Egypt - The head dress of the [?] - The title [?]' and upside down at the bottom of the page 'Cardboard - Tracing paper - [?]'.

Includes notes from accounts of Henry Light, Giovanni d'Athanasi, Henry Salt, Edward William Lane and George Alexander Hoskins. Also includes notes on other travellers including James Burton, Joseph Bonomi, Piccinini and James Silk Buckingham. Notes in french from 'Un Manuel de Hiérarchie Égyptienne' by Gaston Maspero (OEB 144774).

Notebook on Tehenu

Notebook with handwritten title on front cover 'TEHENU'. There is an index inside the front cover.

Notes relating to Tehenu (also known as Temehu) including: discussion of hieroglyphs, millstones, throw sticks, the county name initial, boundaries of Tehenu-land, Libya, dress, products, cults, flora.

Notebook also contains loose notes.

Reference to 'Weapons folder' and 'Notebook on Morocco'.

Notebook on Sais

Notebook titled by Newberry 'Sais and 8.X - History and C'. There is an index inside the front cover.

Contains notes relating to Sais including on: the Saite nome, Neith, Neith temple, related hieroglyphs and their variants, Gynacopolis, Andiopolis, Ceramicus, coins, history of Sais, and Queen Merina (or Myrina).

Notebook on Queens

Notebook titled 'NB 10 Queens' containing notes on Egyptian Queens. The front of the notebook contains loose pages of notes. Roughly a third of the notebook has been used.

Seals from the Naqada Royal Tomb

Notebook titled on the first page 'Sealings. Garstang. Naqada Royal Tomb' containing drawings, tracings and cuttings of seals.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sealings, Scarabs, Cylinders'.

Research notebook

Notebook titled on inside page '1908-9 - Percy E. Newberry - University of Liverpool - c/o Thomas Cook and Sons - Cairo or Luxor'. It has also been labelled during previous archival processing 'Miscellaneous - Mainly sealings and other early dynastic material'.

Notebook contains short notes on a range of different topics, copies of inscriptions, drawings, cuttings and rubbings of scarabs and seals.

Includes notes on religion, geography, museum collections and objects, genealogy of the Newberry family, nome ensigns or standards, cult symbols and architecture.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sealings, Scarabs, Cylinders'.

Notes on shabtis

Notebook which has been labelled during previous archival processing 'Shabtis and Figures of gods' containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions on shabtis and other figures. The notes appear to have been written around the same time so it is possible the objects are part of one collection.

The reference PEN/G.XIX/N.A on the front of this notebook is incorrect and the reference PEN/G.XXX/N.E has been written on the first page.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Objects'.

Notes on the Timmins Collection

Notebook containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions on objects from the Timmins Collection. These objects were not included in Newberry, Percy E. 1907. The Timins collection of ancient Egyptian scarabs and cylinder seals. London: Constable (OEB 146409).

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Objects'.

Notes on the Louvre Museum collection

Notebook titled by Newberry on the inside page 'Paris Collections - Musée du Louvre' containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies and translations of inscriptions on items in the Louvre Museum, Paris.

The front cover has also been labelled during previous archival processing 'Notes taken in the Louvre by P.E. Newberry'.

Notebook on Daressy's funerary cones

Notebook without covers titled 'Daressy's Funeral Cones - Memoires Mission Francaise au Caire - Tome VIII Fax. 2 - annotated and corrected by Percy Newberry'.

Contains copies of funeral cone inscriptions with annotations.

Subject Files

In a letter relating to the accession of Newberry's collection to the Griffith Institute Archive in 1951 Dr I. E. S. Edwards (Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum) lists 'Files containing notes on individual subjects (mainly in filing cabinets)'. This series is made up of files which are all consistent in appearance and contain notes on individual subjects. Each file tab is labelled with a subject heading and contains research notes. Some of the files contain research that has evidently been done at different times but subsequently gathered together. For example files contain pages cut from notebooks.

Some organisation of this material was done during previous archival processing. Unfortunately it is not possible to know whether the contents of the files are as they were when received or whether related material has been added to these files from elsewhere in the collection.

There is evidence in Newberry's correspondence that in the period after the Second World War to the end of his life in 1948 Newberry was organising his research material in preparation for a general publication on ancient Egyptian history and archaeology. It is possible these files were created by Newberry in preparation for this publication and as such form a distinct series within the collection.

Dynasties IV, V and VI

Folder titled 'DYN. IV, V, VI' containing notes relating to the 4th Dynasty, 5th Dynasty and 6th Dynasty.


  • Notes on King lists for the 4th, 5th and 6th Dynasties
  • Notes relating to Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu and Snefru
  • Notes on cylinder seals from the 5th Dynasty
  • Notes on Neith and the pyramid of Neith published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1933. Les pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit. Fouilles à Saqqarah. Le Caire: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale (OEB 141991)
  • Notes on Aba and the pyramid of Aba published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1935. La pyramide d'Aba. Fouilles at Saqqarah.. Le Caire: Impr. De l'IFAO (OEB 141989)

Dynasties XIX and XX

Folder titled 'DYNS. XIX and XX' containing notes on Kings of the 19th Dynasty and 20th Dynasty.

Material has been split into envelopes as follows:

-Notes on kings of the 19th and 20th Dynasties and the Ramesside Kings

-Notes and copies of inscriptions relating to Horemheb including statue of Horemheb with coronation inscription

-Notes on Ramesses I

-Notes on Seti I

-Notes on Ramesses II including stela and statue of Ramesses II, sons of Ramesses II

-Notes on Kings of the 19th Dynasty including Ramesses Siptah

-Notes on Ramesses III including copy of inscription on the sons of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu and notes on the Turin Judicial Papyrus

Dynasty I, Kings 5-8 (Merneith, Den, Adjib, Semerkhet and Qa'a)

  • NEWB4/10
  • Akt(e)
  • c.1938 - c.1948 This date is approximate based on the date of publications which have been referenced
  • Teil vonPercy Edward Newberry Collection

Folder titled 'Kings 5-8 - History - Dynasty I' containing 4 folders labelled by Newberry containing research material relating to the 1st Dynasty.

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Wdymus Khaskhati - 5' contains research material relating to Queen Merneith and King Den from published sources. It includes:
-Notes, cuttings, tracings and drawings of labels, tablets and seal impressions of Den and Merneit from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Amélineau, Émile: <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos. 1896-1898</i>. 3 vols (OEB 133443), and Emery, Walter B. 1938. <i>The tomb of Hemaka. Excavations at Saqqara.</i> Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138968)
-Rubbings of two fragments of a label with the name of Den (Cairo Museum, JE 34904)

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Merpba - 6' contains material relating to King Anedjib, or Adjib, including:
-Notes, drawings, rubbings of seal impressions and inscriptions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Amélineau, Émile. 1897. <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos</i> Volume II (OEB 133443), Gunn, Battiscombe 1928. Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid site. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 28, 153-174 (OEB 221815)
-Cuttings of images and plans of the tomb of King Azab-Merpaba (TopBib v.82)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Smerkhat Semempses - 7' contains material relating to King Semerkhet, including:
-Photograph of a stela of Semerkhet (Cairo Museum, CG 14633) (TopBib v.85)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Cuttings of images of the tomb of Mersekha-Semempses (TopBib v.85)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Kc Sn - 8' contains material relating to King Qa'a (also known as Ka'a), including:
-Photograph of a stela of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, CG 14631) (TopBib v.86)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions and other inscribed objects mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Notes on King Qa'a
-Rubbings of fragments of bowls bearing the name of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, JE 55261; JE 55255, JE 55257, JE 34398)

Dynasty XII

Folder containing research material on the 12th Dynasty.

-Notes on King Lists
-Typed and handwritten notes on Amenemhet I and related inscriptions
-Handwritten notes on Senusret I and related inscriptions including copy and photograph of the Stela of Antefoker (TopBib v.101) (Leiden Museum, AP 7)
-Handwritten notes on Amenemhet III and related inscriptions
-Typed and handwritten notes on Nitocris, copies of a typed draft titled 'A Hitherto Unrecognised Queen Nitokris of the Twelth Dynasty' and notes on a statue group of Amenemhet and two princesses (Cairo Museum, JE 43104) (TopBib iv.51)
-Handwritten notes on Amenemhet IV including cuttings of images of a Cosmetic Box of Kemeni (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1438) (TopBib, i.619(25)), and handwritten and typed versions of a draft
-Notes on Ammenemes III (also known as Amenemhet III), Ammenemes IV (also known as Amenemhet IV) and Sobknefru (also known as Sobekneferu) including handwritten draft and copy of published version of Newberry, P.E., 'Co-regencies of Ammenemes III, IV and Sebknofru', in JEA 29, 74-5 (1943) (OEB 146350), and handwritten and typed copies of a draft titled 'Queen Kasebekre Nefrusebekshedeti'
-Handwritten notes on Hatnub graffiti (TopBib iv.237-239)
-Inscriptions from Wadi Hammamat (TopBib vii.328) taken from Couyat, Jules: Les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât / par J. Couyat et P. Montet. - Le Caire : Impr. De l'IFAO, 1913. (OEB 137441) p.48 [43], plate XIII, and Sinai (TopBib vii.345-366) taken from Gardiner, Alan H. and T. Eric Peet 1917. <i>The inscriptions of Sinai. Part I: introduction and plates</i>. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund [36]. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 139938)
-Handwritten notes on Princess Ptahnofru

There is a small folder at the back which has been labelled 'XII-XIII Dyn' and 'Miscellaneous' during previous archival processing and includes notes relating to the 12th Dynasty, including a draft letter to Alan Gardiner on the transcription of King's names.

Egyptian Delta

Folder titled 'Tinnis' containing notes on the Delta region and places in Egypt including Tinnis, Pelusium and Lake Manzaleh. Includes letter from Howard Carter giving an account of his work at Ballaman including his relations with Gaston Maspero, 18-19th April 1913.

Also includes:

-Notes on Tinnis, Pelusium and Lake Manzaleh

-Extracts from Jakut's Geographical Dictionary (Leipzig, 1866) including on Tinnis

-Notes on places in the Delta region including the Isthmus of Suez, Thennesus, Memphis, Al Farama, Al Ghofar and Bubastis

Ancient peoples including Libyans

Folder titled 'Hamites. Lybians' containing notes on ancient peoples, including notes on Libya, or Tehenu-land, and its inhabitants.

-Draft on the <i>pdtiu</i> or 'bow people', with tracing of the standards on the uppermost register of the Scorpion King's macehead (Ashmolean Museum, AN1896-1908.E3632)
-Notes on bows
-Notes on Libyans and Libyan tribes
-Notes on 'The Nine Bows' including copies of inscriptions from the Temple of Horus at Edfu (TopBib vi.164(320 }-(323)) taken from Rougé, Jacques de (ed.) 1880. <i>Inscriptions et notices recueillies à Edfou (Haute-Égypte) pendant la mission scientifique de M. le vicomte Emmanuel de Rougé</i>, 2 vols. Paris: Ernest Leroux, plates CXIII-CXV (OEB 148961)
-Notes on the land of Medja (a region in modern northern Sudan)
-Part of a draft on inhabitants of the north west Delta region
-Notes on the history of Tehenu-land including tracings and cutting of an ivory cylinder found at Hieraconpolis with Narmer depicted as a catfish striking his Libyan enemies (Ashmolean Museum, E.3915)
-Notes on berbers
-Part of a draft titled 'Tehenu-land; its situation, history, cults, and products'
-Notes on Tehenu-land
-Drawing of a reconstruction of three ivory fragments featuring men carrying handled vases, published in Petrie, F. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>, Plate IIIa no.2 and Plate IV no.s 6 and 15 (OEB 147184)
-Cutting of an image of a vase fragment featuring a soldier (Egyptian Museum of Berlin, 15084)
-Cutting of an image of a basalt statuette known as the 'MacGregor Man' (Ashmolean Museum, 1922.70) (TopBib v.119A)
-Draft on Tehenu-land including tracing of a scene from the Mortuary Temple of Sahure, published in Borchardt, L. 1913. <i>Das Grabdenkmal des Königs Sáḥu-re: Die Wandbilder: Abbildungsblätter</i>, Volume II, Plate I, Leipzig: Hinrichs (OEB 134997)

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Geographical 2'.


Folder titled 'Moringa' containing a handbound notebook titled 'Moringa'.


-Notes on species of moringa

-List of moringa synonyms

-Draft titled 'Note on M.Loret's identification of the b3k tree with the Moringa

-Notes on trees including Myrobalanum and Balanites Aegypitiaca

-Notes and typed draft on balsam

-Notes and drawing on an ivory cylinder found in the tomb of King Khaskheti published in Petrie, F. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties, plate vii, no.13 (OEB 147184)

-Notes titled 'Yaqut on Mataria and the Balsam Tree'

-Notes on balm

-Drawings and notes on occurences of a hieroglyphic sign in the shape of a seed pod with publication references

-Notes on Cassia and Carob trees

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 1'.

Vines and wine

Folder titled 'Vine and Wine' containing a handbound notebook titled 'Vine and Wine'. Notebook contains notes on the cultivation of vines, royal vineyards, sealings of officials of the vineyards, wine jar inscriptions, wine, sources of wine, wine production, wine strainers including two cuttings of photographs of wine strainers.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 1'.

Flora and Egyptian gardens

Folder titled 'Flora - miscellaneous; Egyptian Gardens' containing two handbound notebooks titled 'Flora - Miscellaneous' and 'Egyptian Gardens'.

Notebook titled 'Flora - Miscellaneous' contains notes, tracings and drawings relating to Egyptian flora including on agriculture, storing of grain, labdanum and its collection, cistus, cypress, gossypium, and cinammon. Also includes handwritten draft on the pomegranate, c.1947.

Notebook titled 'Egyptian Gardens' contains material relating to Egyptian gardens including:

-Notes on Methen's garden and orchard

-Cuttings of inscription relating to and depictions of gardens

-Drawing of a myrrh tree from a bas-relief in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari

-Photograph of the Libyan or Tehenu palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14238, JE 27434)

-Typed notes on gardening in Egypt, the pomegranate and cultivated olive trees

-Postcard showing Tutankhamen and his Queen in a garden

-Newspaper cutting of Newberry, Percy, 'Gardening 6000 Years Ago' in The Gardeners' Chronicle, no.678, 23 December 1899.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 1'.


Folder titled 'Fauna: Birds' containing a handbound folder titled 'Birds'. Folder includes notes on different species of bird including the crested ibis and the Egyptian vulture including drawings. Also includes cutting of a photograph of a mechanical bird trap and a list of Arabic names of birds.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 2'.

Crane Dance

Folder titled 'Crane Dance' containing notes, drafts, correspondence, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to the Crane Dance.

Also includes:
-Postcard and card with pictures of cranes
-Letter from Battiscombe Gunn referring to an article by Newberry on the Crane Dance, 14 January 1938
-Versions of draft titled 'The Crane Dance in Ancient Egypt'
-Draft on cranes in Egypt, c.1940s
-Notes on Muu dancers
-Notes on the Muu head-dress
-Draft titled 'The Crane Dance'
-Letter from Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings to Essie Newberry on the Crane Dance with related extract enclosed from 'The Yearling', 29 March 1939
-Cuttings of scenes from the southern wall of the tomb TT15 Tetiky (TopBib i.26) taken from Carnavon, Carter et al, Five years' explorations at Thebes : a record of work done 1907-1911, (1912) (OEB 136376)
-Postcard with bas-relief from the tomb of Ankhafitka [Nenkheftka], Saqqara, in the Cairo Museum, CG 1533 [TopBib iii2.580(4)]
-Notes on the labyrinth, swastika and Dipylon geometric style

Also includes reference to the tomb of Sehetepibre (TopBib i.679) and the location of the Ramesseum papyri.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 1'.


Folder titled 'Glass' containing material relating to the manufacture and use of glass in ancient Egypt. Includes notes on glass, ceramics, faience. glass manufacture, cutting glass, and enamelling. Also includes drawings and cuttings of vases, beads and other glass objects.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.


Folder titled 'Palettes' containing notes and versions of draft on the Libyan or Tehenu Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14238) including the cities depicted such as 'Owl city'.

Includes notebook containing handwritten draft titled 'The Cairo Schist Palette No 14238' also known as the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328).

Also includes notes on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14716), the ivory cylinder found at Hieraconpolis with Narmer depicted as a catfish striking his Libyan enemies [Ashmolean Museum, E.3915] and the 'Hunters Palette' (Louvre Museum, E11254 and British Museum, EA 20790).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.

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