Lecture on Coptic Oxyrhynchus, given at Oxyrhynchus: a city and its texts, Oxford, 18 July, 1998.
A draft of the above paper, with comments by Dorothy Thompson.
A revised version of the same paper for publication.
Notes for 1998 Oxyrhynchus symposium at Oxford, including notes on Prague Museum and Petrie Museum texts.
Annotated photocopied articles, including published Oxyrhynchus texts.
‘Ashmolean Coptic Oxyrhyncha’ - draft catalogue entries.
Transcriptions and translations.
Lists of Greek papyri.
Transcriptions of Oxyrhynchus papyri, by John Tait.
A letter from Yamanaka Ichiro of Kyoto University with an accompanying illustrated list of the Oxyrhynchus material in the University’s collection.