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Harry Burton Negatives Collection = TAA i.5 and TAA i.5A

  • Burton, H. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-1933

Photographic records made during the excavation of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, consisting of approximately 1400 black and white glass negatives. 10 albums of original prints made from these negatives for Carter, and original prints made for and kept with the object card index for the excavation.

Burton, Harry

Winifred Mabel Brunton Collection

  • Brunton, W. M. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1910s

Watercolour showing the initial stages of one of Howard Carter's excavations.

Brunton, Winifred Mabel

Guy Brunton Collection

  • Brunton, G. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1937-1948, card index 1958

Drawings (by Winifred M. Brunton), letters, and working notes for a publication on button seals.
Negatives taken during the Matmar excavations in 1928-30.
Card index created 1958.

Brunton, Guy

Myrtle Florence Broome Collection

  • Broome MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1927-1937

415 items of correspondence written by Miss Broome to her parents whilst working at Abydos between 1927 and 1937.

Fifteen items are groups of two letters (16, 35, 51, 55, 97, 111, 154, 198, 227, 268, 306, 319, 325, 363, 408, and 414, not all of them by Miss Broome), four of which are actually cards/postcards (16A, 306A, and 414A-B); item 156 is a group of three letters [= 429 letters and 4 cards/postcards in total].

A few letters include drawings/maps; seven letters include photographs (111, 123, 273-276, and 279); letter 337 includes a newspaper cutting; many of the letters include the original envelopes in which they were sent; some other letters mention the enclosure of additional items which are now lost.

Broome, Myrtle Florence

George Wilson Bridges Collection

  • Bridges MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1846-1852

Bound volume (45 x 28 x 7.5 cm) titled Selections from Seventeen-Hundred Genuine Photographs: (Views-Portraits-Statuary-Antiquities). Taken around the Shores of the Mediterranean between the Years 1846-1852. With, or Without, Notes, Historical and Descriptive. By a Wayworn Wanderer. It contains salted paper photographic prints of Palestine, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, Malta, Sicily, Italy and Algiers.

Bridges, (Revd) George Wilson

James Henry Breasted - Nubian Photographs Collection

  • Breasted MSS
  • Sammlung
  • prints 1924-1957 - negatives 1905-1906

Photographs of Nubian Temples made during Breasted's expedition, 1905-6. Photostats of temple plans annotated with Chicago, Oriental Institute photograph numbers.

Breasted, James Henry

Pietro Bracci Manuscript

  • Bracci MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1750s-1773

Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs and related topics (Roman obelisks, Iseum in Rome, Isiac pomp described by Apuleius, Egyptian rites, mummies, etc.). Left unfinished.

Bracci, Pietro

Joseph Bonomi Collection

  • Bonomi MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1824-1870s

1) Bonomi drawings and paintings: 52 handmade ‘portfolios’ containing pencil and pastel drawings, watercolours, tracings and commercial prints, almost certainly arranged by Bonomi, some later rearrangement was done by Bonomi's descendants [Bonomi MSS 1-52].
2) Typescript of diary: carbon-copy(?) typescript of extracts from Joseph Bonomi’s diary, entries for periods in Egypt dating between 25th March 1829 to 26th May 1834 [Bonomi MSS 53].

Bonomi, Joseph

Evelyn Blyth Collection

  • Blyth MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1900-1906

107 postcards collected in Egypt between 1900-1906 by Miss E. Blyth (objects in Cairo Museum, sites, Cairo views, and Nile views) and 1 postcard of Bethlehem in Palestine.

Blyth, Evelyn

Catharina Blankenberg-Van Velden Collection

  • Blankenberg-Van Delden MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1960s - July 1986

Photographs and correspondence relating to the study and publication of the commemorative scarabs of Amenhotep III.

Blankenberg-Van Delden, Catharina

Samuel Birch Collection

  • Birch MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1813-1885

One notebook.

Birch, Samuel

Berlin Academy Photographs Collection

  • Berlin Photographs
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1912

Photographs of Abû Simbel, Amâda, Bîga, Dâbôd, el-Dakka, Dendûr, Edfu, Gammai, Gebel Addala, Kalâbsha, Konosso, el-Maarraqa, "Meschek", Philae, Qasr Ibrîm, Saqqâra, el-Sebua, and Tâfa (Gardiner MSS 9, 12, and 14). Photographs of foreigners (Meyer photographs in Gardiner papers).

Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin

Elise Jenny Baumgartel Collection

  • Baumgartel MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1960-1975

1) Two typescripts with pages from the published edition, and handwritten notes and editing marks, together with a small box of glass negatives of plates marked 'Plates for Part 2'. Both titled ''Egypt's Beginnings', being the third edition of The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt by Elise J. Baumgartel.' Also notes on the manuscript by Barry Kemp, dated 1975.
2) Collected notes and photographs relating to Predynastic material in The Brooklyn Museum. Two reports: one a copy of 'Report of Henry de Morgan on his researches in the Nile Valley between Esneh and Gebel-Silsilèh, during the winter of 1907-1908'; the other, no title or date, addressed 'To A. Augustus Healy, Esq., President of the Brooklyn of Arts & Sciences' [sic].
3) Seven card index boxes:
a) Naqada and Ballas Site Index [4 boxes]: Identified contents of grave groups from numbered tombs in Predynastic cemetery at Naqada, also Naqada town site, and Ballas (excav. Petrie, 1895), with current museum location; arranged by tomb number and cross referenced to Naqada and Ballas (London, 1896). The card index was created by Elise J. Baumgartel as the basis for her Petrie's Naqada Excavation. A Supplement (London, 1970); subsequently maintained and updated by Joan Crowfoot Payne, ‘Appendix to Naqada Excavations Supplement’, JEA 73 (1987), 181-9.
b) Petrie’s Naqada Site Records [2 boxes] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.
c) Petrie’s Ballas Site Records [1 box] (sketches of numbered graves showing disposition of bodies and grave goods): photocopies of the entries in site notebooks, filed by tomb number.

Baumgartel, Elise Jenny

Charles Barry Collection

  • Barry MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1818-1819

Two albums containing plans and drawings of Egyptian monuments.

Barry, (Sir) Charles

John Wintour Baldwin Barns Collection

  • Barns MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1960-1974

Notebooks, notes, copies of texts, photographs, lecture notes, drafts of articles, and facsimiles.

Barns, (Revd) John Wintour Baldwin

Francis Arundale Collection

  • Arundale MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1839

Three letters dated June, September and December 1839, addressed to Charles Bowyer Adderley (later Lord Norton) of Hams Hall, Warwickshire. Non-Egyptological.

Arundale, Francis Vyvyan Jago

Fratelli Alinari Collection

  • Alinari MSS
  • Sammlung
  • End of the 19th Century to 1st half of the 20th Century

1) Black and white photographs of objects in various Italian museums, including Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, Florence, Museo Archeologico (complete set), and Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale [2 boxes]
2) Two black and white photographs of views of Rome (photographs No. 5964 and No. 6688) [1 package]

Fratelli Alinari

Alexander Colvin Ainslie Collection

  • Ainslie MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1853

Album of drawings and watercolour sketches made in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine in 1853.

Ainslie, (Revd) Alexander Colvin

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