Crum, Walter Ewing

Zona de identificação

tipo de entidade

Pessoa singular

Forma autorizada do nome

Crum, Walter Ewing

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome

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Outra(s) forma(s) do nome

identificadores para entidades coletivas

área de descrição

datas de existência



British Coptologist. Born, Capelrig, Renfrewshire 1865. Died, Bath 1944. Educated, Eton, 1879, then Balliol College, Oxford, BA 1888. Became interested in Egyptology whilst an undergraduate, and went to study hieroglyphs, ancient Egyptian and Coptic with W. N. Groff in Paris, then with A. Erman in Berlin. Hon. PhD. Berlin. Went on to specialise in Coptic, eventually becoming the most eminent scholar in his field. He is most renowned for his Coptic Dictionary which he started work on in 1892. He visited many museums and libraries compiling all available material. The Dictionary was published in six volumes between 1929-39. In recognition of his contribution to the subject, he was elected Fellow of the British Academy, 1931, awarded D. Litt., Oxford, 1937, Volume 25 (1939) of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology was dedicated to him, and the Byzantine Institute of Boston published a volume in his honour. He published extensively in his chosen field.


status legal

funções, ocupações e atividades

Mandatos/Fontes de autoridade

Estruturas internas/genealogia

contexto geral

Área de relacionamento

Área de pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais


Zona do controlo

Identificador do registo de autoridade

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Regras ou convenções utilizadas


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

Línguas e escritas



  • Who Was Who in Egyptology (4th ed. 2012), 136-7 fig. (portrait).

Notas de manutenção

  • Área de transferência

  • Exportar

  • EAC

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