Ficheiro Petrie MSS 2.4 - Handwritten copy of Petrie Journals 1897-1901

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

Petrie MSS 2.4


Handwritten copy of Petrie Journals 1897-1901


  • 1897-1901 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 notebook

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

British archaeologist; she was born at Ashton-under-Lyne, 26 Aug. 1854, daughter of Charles Timothy Bradbury, a wealthy businessman, and Elizabeth Ann Tomlins; she was a friend of Amelia Edwards, whom she accompanied to America in 1890; she assisted in the early work of the EEF, rendering great assistance and serving for many years on the committee; she married in 1896 F.L.I. Griffith; a settlement made by her father enabled her husband to devote the whole of his time to Egyptology and provided the basis of the endowment which he later bequeathed to the University of Oxford; she translated two of Wiedemann's books on Egyptian religion into English (1896-7) and took an active part in her husband's scientific works and publications; she died in Silverdale near Carnforth, Lancs, 2 March 1902.

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

British Egyptologist; he was born Broughton, Lancashire 14 Sept. 1865, son of Revd James Dickerson Davies and Emma Mary de Garis; he entered Glasgow University, 1884, with a scholarship from Dr. Williams' Library, London; MA, 1889; BD, 1891; later postgraduate at Marburg Univ.; Hon. member of German Arch. Inst., 1928; Hon. MA, Oxon; he was Congregational Minister at Ashton-under-Lyne where he became acquainted with Miss Kate Bradbury (afterwards Mrs. F. Ll. Griffith) who interested him in Egyptology, which he began to study; he next went to Australia as a Unitarian Minister in Melbourne until 1898, when he joined Petrie at Dendera; during the following years he copied an enormous number of tombs for the Arch. Survey of the EEF: Sheikh Said, 1901, Der el-Gebrawi, 1902, and Amarna, 1903-8; these, together with five more tombs at Thebes were published in 10 vols. of the Arch. Survey memoirs, both text and plates being executed by Davies; the merit of this work was recognized by the award of the Leibniz medal of the Prussian Acad.; he also accompanied Breasted in his expedition to Nubia, and assisted Reisner at the pyramids; he married in 1907, Miss A. M. Cummings, herself an accomplished artist and a trained copyist; he then settled at Thebes and worked for many seasons copying tombs for the MMA, which were published in a series of sumptuous volumes; in addition to these larger works he made many contributions to JEA and other journals. He also published, The Mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqarah, 2 vols. 1900-1; The Rock Tombs of Sheikh Said, 1901; The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrawi, 2 vols. 1902; The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, 6 vols. 1903-8; The Temple of Hibis in El Khargeh Oasis, pt. 3, ed. Ludlow Bull and Lindsley F. Hall, 1953; A Corpus of Inscribed Egyptian Funerary Cones, ed. M. F. Laming Macadam, pt. I, 1957. He died at The Copse, Hinksey Hill, Berkshire, 5 Nov. 1941.

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Presumably transferred from the Griffith MSS but no paperwork on file to confirm this.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Handwritten copies, created by Kate Bradbury (m. Griffith), excerpts of Petrie's journals from November 1897 to February January 1901, notes associated with the journal and copy of the N. de Garis Davies journal for 1898 to 1899. Presumably created by Bradbury when the Petrie journals were circulated to friends and sponsors.

  • Pages 1-21 - 1897-8 - Excavations at Dendera of the mastaba tombs and cemetery, also a description of a trip into the desert around Dendera, Petrie assisted by A. C. Mace and N. de Garis Davies.

  • Pages 23-39 - 1898 to 1899 - Excavations at Hu (Diospolis Parva), Petrie assisted by A. C. Mace, and D. Randall-MacIver.

  • Pages 40-51 - 1899 to 1900 - Excavations at Abydos, Umm El Qa‘ab.

  • Pages 52-58 - 1900 to 1901 - Excavations at Abydos, Umm El Qa‘ab.

  • Pages 59-62 - 1901 to 1902 - Excavations at Abydos, temple and cemeteries.

  • Pages 63-73 - loose items associated with the notebook, some related to Petrie’s journals.

  • Pages 74-76 - Excerpts from Norman de Garis Davies journal - 1898-1899 - Excavating the tomb of Ptah-hotep at Saqqara, includes a brief letter and note in Davies' hand.

Avaliação, selecção e eliminação

Ingressos adicionais

Sistema de organização

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Condiçoes de reprodução

Idioma do material

Script do material

Notas ao idioma e script

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

  • Pages 1-21 - 1897 to 1898 - Copy of Petrie MSS 1.16.
  • Pages 23-39 - 1898 to 1899 - Copy of Petrie MSS 1.17.
  • Pages 40-51 - 1899 to 1900 - Copy of Petrie MSS 1.18.
  • Pages 52-58 - 1900 to 1901 - Copy of Petrie MSS 1.19.
  • Pages 59-62 - 1901 to 1902 - Copy of Petrie MSS 1.20 (incomplete).

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Former Reference Code


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Pontos de acesso - Nomes

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Identificador da descrição

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Regras ou convenções utilizadas


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas



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