Traunecker, Claude

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Traunecker, Claude

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French Egyptologist born 1943 in Mulhouse, Alsace. Professor at the University of Strasbourg and researcher at the CNRS. [EF: i think he trained as a chemist originally - need to check] From 1968 to 1984, Traunecker worked with the Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak (CFEETK) in Luxor, where he specialised in restoration and epigraphy, and published his research from this in the journal Cahiers de Karnak between 1970 to 1982, amongst other places. Alongside numerous books, articles and other publications, Traunecker also helped produce two documentaries, Akhenaten et Nefertiti (2002) and La tombe 33, un mystère égyptien (2007).


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