Serie Petrie MSS 5 - Photograph Albums

[16.B(?)] Process of excavation of Old Kingdom mastabas or XIIth dynasty tombs [6.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell outside the dig "house" (rock-tomb) Discovery of the seated and standing statues of Nefer-shem-em in mastaba D [17.B] Process of excavation [15.B] Section of El-Kab town wall [3.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell outside the dig "house" (rock-tomb) [21.B] Middle Kingdom ceramic offering trays [13.B] Different types of pottery vessels outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [10.B] Different types of pottery vessels outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [4.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell in a rest break in the shade while working ... [30.B] Seated statue of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [5.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell reconstructing pottery vessels outside the ... [11.B] XIIth dynasty water jars arranged outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [31.B] Seated and standing statues of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [24.B] Large hemispherical bowl used as coffin (majūr) with remains of burial; perhaps from tomb ... [28.B] Arched XIIth dynasty tomb in southeast angle of the town enclosure [18.B] Excavation of the northwest corner of the mastaba A of Ka-mena [29.B] View of early tomb [27.B] Selection of Old Kingdom pottery and stone vessels, perhaps also XIIth dynasty [25.B] Head of statue [20.B] Two-handled ovoid/cylindrical large storage jars from XIIth dynasty cemetery east of town,... Section of a mastaba wall just excavated [8.B] Dig "house" (rock-tomb) [12.B] XIIth dynasty water jars arranged outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [9.B] Process of excavation of XIIth dynasty tombs in southeast angle of the town enclosure [7.B] Dig "house" (rock-tomb) [23.B] Pottery vessels from XIIth dynasty cemetery east of town, including from tombs Nos. 46 and... General view of rock-cut tombs at El-Kab, one adapted as the dig "house" [33.B] Standing statue of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [26.B] Bronze and stone vases from mastaba A of Ka-mena
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Bereich "Identifikation"


Petrie MSS 5


Photograph Albums


  • 1881-1899 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

8 albums

Bereich "Kontext"

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Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

Bedingungen des Zugriffs- und Benutzungsbereichs



Copyright Griffith Institute, University of Oxford

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