Akt(e) Petrie MSS 5.5 - Album 5 - Egyptian Miniatures Part A. Old Empire

[399] Small pyramids South of the third Note on the Sphinx [411] Remains of pyramid, Abu Roash. East Side. [474] North brick pyramid of Dahshûr. [469] Side of doorway of South pyramid of Dahshûr. [484] Older finished casing (No 1 of 483 & 485) [400] Small pyramids south of the third Notes on Granite Temple [369] The Sphinx [459] My dwelling tomb, Gizeh. Chronology [552-3] The three larger pyramids from the South West [523] The so-called "Labyrinth" of Lepsius. [475] North brick pyramid of Dahshûr. [418] Great causeway leading up to the pyramids from the N. [334] Colossal platform built up at N.E. of Second Pyramid [526] The Pyramid of Howara from the N [390] Tomb with many air holes. Contents of Part A [357] Sem.nefer and his wife Hotep.hars. [330] Temple of Second Pyramid from N. Inside front cover [51] Trench at N.E. corner of Great Pyramid [529] Brick walls of the "Labyrinth" of Lepsius. [461] Gizeh Tombs [521] Great limestone pavement in two layers. [480] Step Pyramid, South face. [440] Large tomb West of Great Pyramid. [420] North side of Abu Roash hill, from Deir. [525] Probable site of the Labyrinth.
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Bereich "Identifikation"


Petrie MSS 5.5


Album 5 - Egyptian Miniatures Part A. Old Empire


  • 1881-1882 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

1 album

Bereich "Kontext"

Name des Bestandsbildners


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

-Album containing photographs of Old (and also some Middle) Kingdom antiquities and monuments.
-Most of the photographs show the Giza pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid, as well as many private tombs.
-This album includes the photograph showing Petrie standing outside the tomb he lived in the early 1880s when surveying the pyramids (Petrie MSS 5.5.23c [upper right]).
-Other sites in this album include pyramids, tombs and other monuments at Saqqara, Meidum, Dahshur, Abusir, Hawara, Zawyet el-Amwat and Biahmu.

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Copyright Griffith Institute, University of Oxford

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