Dossier Petrie MSS 5.1 - Album 1 - El-Kab (Quibell)

[16.B(?)] Process of excavation of Old Kingdom mastabas or XIIth dynasty tombs [6.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell outside the dig "house" (rock-tomb) Discovery of the seated and standing statues of Nefer-shem-em in mastaba D [17.B] Process of excavation [15.B] Section of El-Kab town wall [3.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell outside the dig "house" (rock-tomb) [21.B] Middle Kingdom ceramic offering trays [13.B] Different types of pottery vessels outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [10.B] Different types of pottery vessels outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [4.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell in a rest break in the shade while working ... [30.B] Seated statue of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [5.B] Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell) and Kate Quibell reconstructing pottery vessels outside the ... [11.B] XIIth dynasty water jars arranged outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [31.B] Seated and standing statues of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [24.B] Large hemispherical bowl used as coffin (majūr) with remains of burial; perhaps from tomb ... [28.B] Arched XIIth dynasty tomb in southeast angle of the town enclosure [18.B] Excavation of the northwest corner of the mastaba A of Ka-mena [29.B] View of early tomb [27.B] Selection of Old Kingdom pottery and stone vessels, perhaps also XIIth dynasty [25.B] Head of statue [20.B] Two-handled ovoid/cylindrical large storage jars from XIIth dynasty cemetery east of town,... Section of a mastaba wall just excavated [8.B] Dig "house" (rock-tomb) [12.B] XIIth dynasty water jars arranged outside dig "house" (rock-tomb) [9.B] Process of excavation of XIIth dynasty tombs in southeast angle of the town enclosure [7.B] Dig "house" (rock-tomb) [23.B] Pottery vessels from XIIth dynasty cemetery east of town, including from tombs Nos. 46 and... General view of rock-cut tombs at El-Kab, one adapted as the dig "house" [33.B] Standing statue of Nefer-shem-em from mastaba D [26.B] Bronze and stone vases from mastaba A of Ka-mena
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Zone d'identification


Petrie MSS 5.1


Album 1 - El-Kab (Quibell)


  • December 1897 - April 1898 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 album

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Nom du producteur


Notice biographique

British Egyptologist; he was born in Newport, Shropshire, 11 Nov. 1867, son of John Q. and Catherine Susannah Smith; he graduated at Christ Church, Oxford, after which he assisted Petrie on a number of his excavations; he was at Coptos, 1893, a site which first opened up the history of Egypt as far back as the First Dynasty, and the following year went to Naqada and Ballas which produced the first and probably the greatest collection of predynastic material ever discovered and also revealed new vistas in the story of Egypt; Quibell is said to have been the first person to recognize, although not publicly to state, that the remains found at Ballas were predynastic, not New Race of the First Intermediate Period; thorough training under Petrie had made him the best-equipped excavator of early sites at that time, and he next excavated the town and area of Hierakonpolis for the ERA with results which are famous in the annals of Egyptian archaeology; with Green and Somers Clarke he discovered the `Main Deposit' containing the Narmer palette, many carved mace-heads and ivories and other important proto-dynastic objects, and in the remains of an early temple the archaic statuettes of King Khasekhem etc.; he cleared the area of the Ramesseum, a very different kind of work, finding important Middle Kingdom papyri and a wealth of inscribed material such as jar sealings; he was appointed to the staff of the Antiquities Service and worked on the Cairo Cat. 1899, becoming Inspector in Chief of Antiquities in the Delta and Middle Egypt, 1899-1904 and Luxor 1904-5; at Luxor he discovered the tomb of Yuia and Tuiu, 1905; on becoming Chief Inspector at Saqqara in 1905 he excavated the magnificent monastery of St. Jeremias, many archaic mastabas, and a very great quantity of Early Dynastic cemetery material, notably the tomb of Hesire; this work went on for many years and gained the Egyptian Museum, Cairo a wealth of fine objects of all periods; in all this work he was assisted by his very able wife, Annie A. Quibell who made copies in outline and colour for his publications; from 1 Jan. 1914 to 1923 he served as Keeper of the Egyptian Museum and during this time greatly improved its decoration and installation; he was appointed Secretary-General of the Antiquities Dept., 1923 and retired, 1 April 1925; in fact he continued to work and carried out further excavations at first as assistant to Firth who had succeeded him at Saqqara, then after 1931 as director on the Step Pyramid site; this was his largest excavation although not the one which is best known, and involved the recovery and restoration of an immense number of objects; Quibell continued the work of Petrie successfully and refined it, improving the standard of publications throughout his career; he contributed to or else wrote no fewer than 18 quarto vols. in all; Naqada, with W. M. F. Petrie, 1895; Ballas, with chapters by W. M. F. P., 1896; El Kab, with Somers Clarke and J. J. Tylor, 1898; The Ramesseum, with W. Spiegelberg, 1898; Hierakonpolis, 2 vols., with W. M. F. P. and F. W. Green, 1900-2; Archaic Objects, 2 vols., Cairo Cat., 1904-5; The Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu, Cairo Cat., 1908; Excavations at Saqqara, (1905-6), (1906-7) with a section of religious texts by P. Lacau, (1907-8) and other sections by Sir Herbert Thompson and W. Spiegelberg, 3 vols. 1908-9; The Monastery of Apa Jeremias: the Coptic inscriptions edited by Sir Herbert Thompson, 2 vols. 1912; Excavations at Saqqara 1911-12. The Tomb of Hesy, 1913; Excavations at Saqqara 1912-14. Archaic Mastabas, 1923; Teti Pyramid north side, with A. G. K. Hayter, 1927; The Step Pyramid, with C. M. Firth and J. P. Lauer, 2 vols. 1935; part of his archive passed to Varille and then to the Universita degli Studi in Milan; he died in Hertford, 5 June 1935.

Histoire archivistique

It is not known why this album is part of the Petrie's collection. It is possible that Quibell gave it to Petrie. The album was identified as Quibell's in 2013 (see Young, Lee in Nekhen News 25 (2013), p. 28-29).

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Album with 30 photographs of excavations at El-Kab between December 1897 and April 1898, led by James Edward Quibell, assisted by his sister Kate Quibell and Annie A. Pirie (later Quibell).

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation


Mode de classement

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Conditions d’accès

Conditions de reproduction

Copyright Griffith Institute, University of Oxford

Langue des documents

Écriture des documents

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Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

Instruments de recherche

Zone des sources complémentaires

Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

Unités de description associées

Descriptions associées

Note de publication

-Quibell, J. E., El Kab (1898) (OEB 147887).
-Young, Lee, 'The Tale of a Mysterious Photo Album', in Nekhen News 25 (2013), p. 28-29.

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Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


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Mots-clés - Lieux

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Mots-clés - Genre

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Dates de production, de révision, de suppression




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Sujets associés

Personnes et organismes associés

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Lieux associés