
[Upper left] Small stela of Bekamun, mid-Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2574; [upper right] relief showing offering-bringers, Dyn. XIX(?), provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2580; [middle left] triangular stela showing Ankh-Ptah before Ptahmosi, temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2537; [middle right] pyramidion of Mery, Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2570; [lower left] stela of Amenemhab and his wife Hunay, prob. temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2592; [lower middle] stela of Djehutmosi, dedicated by his son Ptahmosi, temp. Amenophis III, from Saqqara, Tomb of Ptahmosi, position not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2565; [lower right] stela of Panebpahau and his wife Tenthetyt, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, from Abusir, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2588

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