Ficheiro NEWB2/576 - Peet, Thomas Eric - correspondence

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Código de referência



Peet, Thomas Eric - correspondence


  • 1908 - 1934 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

3 cm, 96 letters

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

(23 April 1869 - 7 August 1949)

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Correspondence from T. Eric Peet including relating to his work for the Egypt Exploration Society (EES), University of Liverpool, as Editor of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA) and the University of Oxford, as well as letters during the First World War including relating to his work for the Army Service Corps and Infantry.

Includes correspondence relating to: study of Egyptology and requesting books (1908-9); evidence of cults in Crete (1910); excavation work at Abydos with John Garstang including details of workers and warning Newberry of theft by a particular worker (1910-11); seeking work for his brothers; the issue of dealers selling antiquities in Egypt (1911); lecturing for Newberry at the University of Liverpool; work on Petrie’s copies of Sinai inscriptions with Alan Gardiner; election to the Brunner Chair of Egyptology at the University of Liverpool; news from the Institute of Archaeology, University of Liverpool; work for EES and a retaining fee paid to Peet during the war (1920); Bosanquet’s resignation from the University of Liverpool (1920); Pro-German tendencies of the EES (1920); publication of a guide to the Egyptian collections at Liverpool Museum; publication of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and Turin Papyri; teaching and students of Egyptology including Egyptian students; application for position at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; publication of articles by Newberry in the JEA; research on girdle or belt with possible inscription of Ramesses III (1933); on taking up position at University of Oxford.

Also includes draft correspondence from Newberry to Peet on Peet’s election to the Brunner Chair of Egyptology, changed attitudes in Egypt to the English with reference to treatment of Howard Carter (1924), and on providing a reference for Peet for the position at the Ashmolean Museum (1928).

MSS 36/1 is also numbered 96
MSS 36/15 is also numbered 161 and 162
MSS 36/33 is also numbered 359

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Former reference code

MSS 36/1-96

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