- Kahle MSS 3
- Serie
- 1949-1955
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
4253 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Card indexes, photographs, notebooks, notes, copies, correspondence, typescripts, and negatives.
Kahle, Paul Eric
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
British Museum Papyri and Ostraca
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Miscellaneous - includes important inedita
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Miscellaneous - includes important inedita (inter alia, specimens from Carl Jung).
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Notes on miscellaneous material in Oxford
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Published Coptic Non-lit papyrus and ostraca
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Published Coptic Non-lit papyrus and ostraca. 2nd series. Magical texts, including Paris, Old Coptic, Michigan, Worrell.
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Early copies - note by Kahle that the copies are very inaccurate.
Achmimic and Subachmimic contains comparative glossary
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Copy of Griffith Institute List of Crum manuscripts.
“Cambridge” Green Collection and other texts near [?] Hoskyn’s fragment
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
List of the Kahle manuscripts held by the Griffith Institute by Professor Polotsky.
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Sethe, K., Urkunden des Alten Reichs
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Typescript, translation of Sethe, K., Urkunden des Alten Reichs, I, 170 (1933).
Copies and tracings of Bodleian fragments
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Correspondence with Professor Quispell and research material
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Correspondence with Professor Quispell of Utrecht, and various notes and transcriptions, translations etc. of texts; photographs of papyrus fragments.
Copies of published Coptic texts
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
5 notebooks labelled:
-Toronto I, Coptic Texts I, Toronto 1-33
-Toronto II + Engelbach + Till, Coptic texts II, Toronto 34-48 end, Engelbach, Till 1-11
-Coptic Ostraca III, Coptic Texts III, Till 12-34 end, till Copt. Schutzbriefe 1-41
-Coptic texts VI, Turaijeff[?] Ostraca 12-25 end, Turaijeff [?] Materials 1-20
-Coptic Texts VII, Turaijef[?] Materials 21-37
Annotated copies of Krall’s Coptic legal documents
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Photographs: “Michigan Schoolbook – cf. my Bala’izah, p. 251 + 1 + refs”.
New Testament quotations in Shenuti
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
New Testament quotations in Shenuti. Copy of Crum’s lists with notes by Kahle.
Photographs of Coptic manuscripts
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Two photographs: Ms. Copt f.13 (P) and Ms. Copt. G,9 (P), recto and verso.
Catalogue and Tracings of Clarendon Press fragment
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Catalogue of Paul’s Coptic Library and list of other books.
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Folder containing transcripts and notes on New Testament Faiyumic texts.
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Copies of Fayyumic Texts. Published and unpublished including Morgan XXIV.
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
The meaning of “diakonia” in Coptic texts’
Parte dePaul Eric Kahle Collection
Typescript of ‘The meaning of “diakonia” in Coptic texts’.