Aylward Manley Blackman Collection
- Blackman MSS
- Coleção
- c. 1883-1956
Blackman, Aylward Manley
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Aylward Manley Blackman Collection
Blackman, Aylward Manley
Four xerox copies of sketches of Philae drawn on 26 January 1846.
Coyet, Adolf
Alexander Colvin Ainslie Collection
Album of drawings and watercolour sketches made in Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and Palestine in 1853.
Ainslie, (Revd) Alexander Colvin
Notebook on 'Archaeology, Register of samples, and analyses. Tutankhamen and others.' (TAA i.2.11). Notebook on 'Examination of Materials: (a) Tutankhamen. (b) Various.' (TAA i.2.12).
Lucas, Alfred
107 postcards collected in Egypt between 1900-1906 by Miss E. Blyth (objects in Cairo Museum, sites, Cairo views, and Nile views) and 1 postcard of Bethlehem in Palestine.
Blyth, Evelyn
Heathcote Negatives Collection
Negatives of Egyptian antiquities, scenes of daily life, and landscapes.
Heathcote, Reginald St. Alban
Joseph Grafton Milne Collection
Two albums of photographs compiled following Milne's visits to Egypt in 1895-6 and 1905-6. One includes photographs taken during W. M. F. Petrie's expedition to Sinai. The other album contains photographs of various sites, including some 19th-century studio photographs.
Milne, Joseph Grafton
Theodora Eyton-Jones Lantern Slides Collection
Consists of at least two sets of slides which have been combined. Made by a tourist(s), probably between 1910 and 1930. Views include Alexandria, Karnak, Luxor, Ramesseum, objects in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and scenes of daily life.
Eyton-Jones, Theodora
Rudolph Theophilus and Alice Lieder Squeezes Collection
Paper squeezes of monuments made in Egypt in 1850-3.
Lieder, (Revd Johann) Rudolph Theophilus
John Phillips Slides Collection
2,500 slides (35 mm), taken in 1962 and 1963 at sites in Egypt and in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Folder containing typewritten and handwritten lists/catalogues.
Phillips, John
Gerald Avery Wainwright Photographs Collection
Photographs of Egyptian sites and museum objects.
Wainwright, Gerald Avery
Godfrey Rolles Driver Collection
A collection of 19th Century photographs of Jerusalem, Lebanon, etc.
Driver, (Sir) Godfrey Rolles
Laurence Patrick Kirwan Photographs Collection
45 photographs.
Kirwan, (Sir Archibald) Laurence Patrick
Material (mostly photographic) on the Luristan bronzes. It appears to relate to a planned joint publication with Frank Savery, paid by the Griffith Institute. The material was eventually published by Roger Moorey. Non-Egyptological.
Jacobsthal, Paul
Photographs, tracings and squeezes of Dodecaschoenus graffiti.
Roeder, (Ernst) Günther
Charles Gabriel Seligman Collection
Drawings of Meroitic subjects.
Seligman, Charles Gabriel
John de Monins Johnson Negatives Collection
313 black-and-white glass negatives made during the excavation of Antinoë (modern el-Sheikh Ibâda, opposite el-Ashmûnein, in Middle Egypt) in 1913-14 by John de Monins Johnson for the Graeco-Roman branch of the Egypt Exploration Society. The negatives are not accompanied by any supporting written records or descriptions of the photographed objects.
Johnson, John de Monins
Jean-Jacques Hess von Wyss Collection
Notebooks and notes on demotic and Meroitic, including copies of papyri and squeezes.
Hess von Wyss, Jean-Jacques
Framed watercolour showing John Garstang's dig house at Abydos (1909).
Schliephack, Horst
Photocopies of papers kept at Castello Sforzesco, Milan.
Vassalli, (Bey) Luigi
Parte de Walter Ewing Crum Collection
(a) The Times: 9.x.1895: Report on the Church Congress held at Norwich; various archaeological papers read.
(b) Academy: 7.ix.1895: Part of an article on the Hyksos by A. H. Sayce.
(c) Standard: 1.viii.1896: Discovery of Coptic MSS. by Dr Karl Schmidt.
(d) The Times: 17.iv.1897: “A New Syrian Version of the Apocalypse” (MS. belonging to Earl Crawford).
(e) Church Congress: 5.x.1898: Mr Montagu R. James on New Testament Apocrypha
(f) Catholic University Bulletin: 31.xii.1911: “The Pierpont Morgan Collections of Coptic MSS.”
(g) Theologische Literaturzeitung 1912: Pierpont Morgan Collection - Prof. Hyvernat
(h) The Times: 15.iv.1912: Discovery of a papyrus of Deuteronomy, Jonah and the Acts acquired by the British Museum.
(i) The Nation, N. York: 4.i.1912: Pierpont Morgan Collection - Prof. Hyvernat
(j) ? (German): 20.ii.1912: Pierpont Morgan Collection
(k) Strasbourg Post: 10.iv.1912: Pierpont Morgan Collection
(l) The Times: 14.v.1913: Freer MS. possibly from the White Monastery
Parte de Walter Ewing Crum Collection
Notes, negatives, transcripts, photographs and photostats of Coptic documents.
Kuhn, Karl-Heinz
Parte de Jaroslav Černý Collection
Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Medîna, IFAO, 1948-9 and 1949-50. Studied by Černý in Spring 1950.
Material associated with Petrie's journals (Petrie MSS 1) including copies of journals, transcripts, correspondence and notes.