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Hector Horeau Collection Com objeto digital
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Hector Horeau Watercolour - Alexandria

Catacomb (also known as the Grand catacomb) within the Wardian area at Alexandria, two individuals visible in the background using candlelight:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, edges of watercolour] 'la Nécropole bains de Cléopâtre'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Alexandrie, Bain de Cléopâtre'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'nº 2'. (ink note)
  • 34.4 by 25 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Giza and Saqqara

Landscape view of the pyramids at Saqqara:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'pyramides de Gizeh, pyramides de Zaqqarah, Le Caire'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Pyramides de Zaqqarah'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'nº 10'. (ink note)
  • 34.5 by 21.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Karnak

View of the forecourt area of the temple of Khonsu within the Karnak temple complex, including a representation of the Pylon at (20)-(21) and renderings of flags and 5 short columns of hieroglyphs:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] 'THÈBES. Bas relief d'un Pylone dans la cour du temple de Kons'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom right edge] '2'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'KARNAC' (ink note)
  • 15.7 by 23.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Karnak

View of the avenue of sphinxes, with the temple of Khonsu and part of the Karnak temple complex visible in the background:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'KARNAC Avenue des Sphinx'. (ink note)
  • 34 by 23.6 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Ramesseum

Detailed plan and section (reconstruction) of the Ramesseum:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top right edge] 'memnonium par Leper[ ]'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'PA = plan anglais = dans le plan anglais pas de pentes douces (ce qui est mieux) un peron 1ere cour 3 peron 2e cour 1 pylone beaucoup plus large'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Plan et Coupe du Rhamesseion'. (ink note)
  • 40.1 by 17.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Karnak

Pillars and architraves of the great temple at Karnak, with two figures standing at the central base:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Comparaison des différents ordres Egyptiens'. (ink note)
  • 13.5 by 17.1 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Plan of the tomb of Ramesses VII (KV 1, Valley of the Kings):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] 'le sarcophage a la forme d'un cartouche Rhamsès VI'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'osiris juge de l'amenti genies de l'amenti, la ligne jaune du plafond represente un ventre de femme des soleils [ ] de la matrice.' (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'VALLÉE des TOMBEAUX TOMBEAU de RHAMSÈS VI.' (ink note)
  • 16.6 by 21 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Sheikh Abd el-Qurna

Relief scene from the Theban tomb of Haremheb (TT78) showing a girl with vase, musicians and attendant at (6) ii:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom right edge] 'Thebes [ ] Tombeau [ ] Vallée des Reines 34'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Peintures des Tombeaux de la Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 27.4 by 19.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Sarcophagus of Ay from his tomb (KV 23, Valley of the Kings), with separate renderings of his cartouches:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top right corner] 'les ornements [ ] aux montants [ ] aile de genie'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, lower left side] 'Vallée de l'ouest Sarcophage du Tombeau de Skai a 0,04c p. mt'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Peintures des Tombeaux de la Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 18.5 by 13.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Section plan of the tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11, Valley of the Kings):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] '2. Tombeau de Rhamses Meiamoun Thebes a 25 p. m'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Coupe et Plan du Tombeau de Rhamsès Meïamoun. Echelle à 0,0025 p.M'. (ink note)
  • 59.3 by 15 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens

One large relief scene from the tomb of Rameses-Mentuhirkhopshef (KV 19, Valley of the Kings) showing the upper body of the king in an adoring pose making an offering of a foreleg at (2) 7 [text before deceased possibly from (3) 7]. Beneath this drawing are three smaller scenes: a vase, possibly from a relief scene found in a tomb from the Valley of the Queens (bottom left); a head of Queen Tyti from (2) 3 from her tomb (QV 52, Valley of the Queens) (centre); and the upper body of a queen, possibly from a relief scene found in a tomb from the Valley of the Queens (bottom right):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '1-2-3 Peintures des tombeaux Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 16.4 by 28.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Queens

One large relief scene from a tomb within the Valley of the Queens, showing the upper body of a queen in an adoring pose. Beneath this is another smaller drawing of a queen in a similar pose, facing in the opposite direction. At the bottom right of the watercolour are small detailed drawings of the jewellery including part of the broad-collar:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, right side] 'Vallée des Reines boucle d'oreille collier elles ont des sandales'. (pencil notes)
  • [on mount, verso] '1-2-3 Peintures des tombeaux Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 16.2 by 28.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Edfu

View of the temple of Horus at Edfu, from the pylon looking into the courtyard area:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '2. La ~ [vue] prise du pylône'. (ink note)
  • 33.7 by 22.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Philae

View of the temple remains on Philae and part of the Nile in the foreground:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '2 Vues de l'Ile de Philæ'. (ink note)
  • 34.3 by 23.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Kalabsha

Plan of the temple at Kalabsha:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] 'plan gal au 5e'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'KALABSCHÉ R.O.'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue et plan du Temple de Kalabsché'. (ink note)
  • 30.4 by 28.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Beit el-Wali

Sectioned plan and details of the rock temple at Beit el-Wali in Nubia, including details of the relief scenes:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'une des deux colonnes a été supprimée pour voir l'offrande à Osiris NUBIE R.O Beit oualle petit temple'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Beit el-Wâli, Rock Temple'. (ink note)
  • 33.9 by 21.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Qurta

View of the temple to Isis at Qurta:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'Nubie R.O. Toské'. (pencil notes)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Korti'. (ink note)
  • 19 by 12.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Maharraqa

View of the temple to Isis and Serapis at el-Maharraqa in Nubia:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'Maharraka'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Maharraka'. (ink note)
  • 25.6 by 18.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Qurta

Plan of the temple of Isis at Qurta:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] 'le rose pale est une restauration'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, right side] 'il n'y a pas de sculpture'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. KORTI'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Korti'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Maharraqa

Plan of the temple at el-Maharraqa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. MEHARRAKAH'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, left side of the plan] 'il y a de mauvaises sculptures bien endommagées sur la face du mur A. les lignes rouges expriment les assises du mur tombées regulierement'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Maharraka'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

On the top of the page is a sketch of the figure of a goddess or a queen from a column, and on the lower half of the page is a view of the pronaos and pylon of the temple at el-Dakka:

  • pencil sketch (top page)
  • watercolour (bottom page)
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 9.2 by 23.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Abu Simbel

Plan and detailed section of the small temple at Abu Simbel, including a separate drawing at the top left of the statue of the goddess Hathor in bovine form protecting the king between two Hathor-headed pillars (41):

  • watercolour
  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'PLAN ET COUPE DU TEMPLE D'HATOR A IBSAMBOUL'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.E', '1838 18 mai'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Vénus Athor à Ibsamboul'. (ink note)
  • 24.5 by 34 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Wadi Halfa

View of the second cataract at Wadi Halfa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'R.E. Nubie Ouady Halfa entrée de la 2e cataracte ile de Muogis 15 mai 1838'. (ink note)
  • [on mount] 'Ouady Halfa, Entrée de la 2e Cataracte'. (pencil note)
  • 25.1 by 16.3 cm
Resultados 1 a 30 de 136