167 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection
Druckvorschau Hierarchy Ansicht

156 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Letter from Willem Pleyte to Edwards
Letter from Willem Pleyte to Edwards
Philae from the north
Philae from the north
Philae from the south
Philae from the south
Watercolours | mounted
Watercolours | mounted
Miss Brocklehurst on the Nile: Diary of a Victorian Traveller in Egypt | print copy
Miss Brocklehurst on the Nile: Diary of a Victorian Traveller in Egypt | print copy
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers | print copy
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers | print copy
Publications | related and associated
Publications | related and associated
Miscellaneous documentation
Miscellaneous documentation
Title page
Title page
Front cover
Front cover
Back cover
Back cover
Headdress of a king at Edfu
Headdress of a king at Edfu
King marking out foundations at Edfu
King marking out foundations at Edfu
Goddess at Abu Simbel
Goddess at Abu Simbel
Ramsses II at Abu Simbel
Ramsses II at Abu Simbel
Portrait of Ramesses II, Karnak
Portrait of Ramesses II, Karnak
Ramesses II at Abydos
Ramesses II at Abydos
Ramesses II at Beit el-Wali
Ramesses II at Beit el-Wali
Sistrum at Abu Simbel
Sistrum at Abu Simbel
Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
Ensign of Horus, Abu Simbel
Ensign of Horus, Abu Simbel
Detail of cornice of from Abu Simbel
Detail of cornice of from Abu Simbel
Resurrection of Osiris, Philae
Resurrection of Osiris, Philae
Shrine of legs of Osiris at Philae
Shrine of legs of Osiris at Philae
Shrine of arm of Osiris at  Philae
Shrine of arm of Osiris at Philae
Djed at Philae
Djed at Philae
King and queen from Temple of Amada, Nubia
King and queen from Temple of Amada, Nubia
Scarab at Dendur
Scarab at Dendur
Goddess Taurt at Gebel el-Silsila
Goddess Taurt at Gebel el-Silsila
Goddess Taurt at Philae
Goddess Taurt at Philae
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