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Handwritten copy of Petrie Journals 1897-1901

Handwritten copies, created by Kate Bradbury (m. Griffith), excerpts of Petrie's journals from November 1897 to February January 1901, notes associated with the journal and copy of the N. de Garis Davies journal for 1898 to 1899. Presumably created by Bradbury when the Petrie journals were circulated to friends and sponsors.

  • Pages 1-21 - 1897-8 - Excavations at Dendera of the mastaba tombs and cemetery, also a description of a trip into the desert around Dendera, Petrie assisted by A. C. Mace and N. de Garis Davies.

  • Pages 23-39 - 1898 to 1899 - Excavations at Hu (Diospolis Parva), Petrie assisted by A. C. Mace, and D. Randall-MacIver.

  • Pages 40-51 - 1899 to 1900 - Excavations at Abydos, Umm El Qa‘ab.

  • Pages 52-58 - 1900 to 1901 - Excavations at Abydos, Umm El Qa‘ab.

  • Pages 59-62 - 1901 to 1902 - Excavations at Abydos, temple and cemeteries.

  • Pages 63-73 - loose items associated with the notebook, some related to Petrie’s journals.

  • Pages 74-76 - Excerpts from Norman de Garis Davies journal - 1898-1899 - Excavating the tomb of Ptah-hotep at Saqqara, includes a brief letter and note in Davies' hand.

Griffith, Kate

Handwritten copy of Petrie Journals 1893-1897

Handwritten copies, created by Kate Bradbury (m. Griffith), excerpts of Petrie's journals from December 1893 to January 1897. Presumably created by Bradbury when the Petrie journals were circulated to friends and sponsors. The excerpts include:

  • Pages 1-9 - February-April 1893 - Petrie photographing objects in the museums in Bologna, Florence, and Turin, as well as visits to archaeological sites in Italy including Pompeii.
  • Pages 11-51 - 1893-4 - excavations at Qift (Koptos).
  • Pages 52-81 - 1894-5 - excavations at Tukh (Nubt), Ballas and Naqada, Petrie assisted by J. E. Quibell, B. P. Grenfell and Hugh Price.
  • Pages 82-90 - 1895-6 - excavations at Thebes including the Ramesseum, Temple of Thutmose IV and the Temple of Amenophis II.
  • Pages 91-119 - 1896-7 - excavations at Beni Mazar and Bibeh.

Griffith, Kate

Petrie Journal 1889 to 1890 (Kahun, Gurob, Bureyr and Tell el-Hesi)

  • Journal letters.
  • September 26, 1889, through to June 1890.
  • Handwritten.
  • Petrie resumes working at El-Lahun, taking over from G. W. Fraser who had continued working at Kahun throughout the summer, Petrie continues to work at the site until the end of 1889. Petrie then begins excavating at Gurob, assisted by W. O. Hughes-Hughes. In March 1890, Petrie travels on to Palestine to excavate at Um Lakis (near Bureyr), and from April onwards, excavates at Tell el-Hesi.
  • Sites in Egypt sites: Kahun and Gurob (Kom Medinet Gurob)
  • Sites in Palestine: Bureyr (Um Lakis) and Tell el-Hesi (Lachish).
  • Between pages 87 and 88, a small watercolour of tools.

Petrie Journal 1888 to 1889 (Hawara, Gurob and Kahun)

  • Journal letters.
  • October 24, 1888, to June 14, 1888.
  • Handwritten.
  • Petrie resumes work at Hawara where he continues clearing the pyramid interior, assisted later on by G. W. Fraser. Petrie’s other assistant, M. Amos, is assigned to excavate at Petrie’s concession at Gurob. In January 1888, Petrie and Fraser move on to excavate at el-Lahun and the town of Kahun, Fraser remaining at the site throughout the summer after Petrie returns to England.
  • Main sites: Hawara, Gurob (Kom Medinet Gurob) and Kahun (El-Lahun).
  • Other sites: Birket Qarun (Birket Karun), Dimai (Soknopaiou Nesos).
  • Pages 64-6 are copies of letters by Professor Griffith.
  • Pages 82-3 and 149 are copies of letters by Petrie's mother Anne.

Petrie Journal 1887 to 1888 (Medinet el-Faiyum and Hawara)

  • Journal letters.
  • December 5, 1887, through to May 12, 1888.
  • Handwritten.
  • Petrie begins the season excavating in the temple of Sobek at Medinet el-Faiyum, then moves on to Hawara where he surveys the pyramid, as well as finding many mummy-portraits from the Roman Period cemetery there.
  • Main sites: Medinet el-Faiyum and Hawara.
  • Other sites: Byahmu (Biyahmu), Medinet el-Gurob (Ghurab; Gourob).

Petrie Journal 1886 to 1887 (Nile voyage and Dahshur)

  • Journal letters
  • November 29, 1886, through to May 30, 1887.
  • Handwritten.
  • Petrie and F. Ll. Griffith charter a boat for two months which will take them from Minya to Aswan enabling them to visit many sites along the way. At the end of the two months, they return to Luxor where Petrie commences with his main task of collecting material for his “Racial Types” project which involves the photographing and making squeezes of scenes in the temples at Karnak before he moves across to the West Bank to continue this work in the temples and tombs there. Later in the season, Petrie moves on to Dahshur to survey the pyramids.
  • Main sites: Aswan, Karnak, Dahshur.
  • Other sites: Ramesseum, Valley of the Kings.
  • Pages 34 and 34A are copies of letters by Petrie's mother Anne.

Petrie Journal 1885 to 1886 (Naucratis, Nabesha, and Dafana)

  • Journal letters
  • November 23, 1885, to June 1, 1886.
  • Handwritten.
  • Petrie, assisted by F. Ll. Griffith and E. A. Gardner, resumes excavating at Naucratis. In January 1886, Gardner is left to continue excavating at Naucratis while Petrie and Griffith begin excavating at Nebesha. At the end of March 1886, Petrie moves to Dafana and excavates there.
  • Main sites: Naucratis (Naukratis), Nabesha (Tell Nebesha; Tell Farun), and Dafana (Tell Dafana; Daphnae).
  • Other sites: Tanis (San el-Hagar).
  • Pages 7-9 and 45-6 are copies of letters by Petrie's mother Anne.
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