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Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection
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Squeezes - Demotic

Griffith squeezes and other material connected with the publication of Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus.

For this publication Griffith used squeezes made by various people. Three identifiable groups, those made by Hess, Spiegelberg, and Roeder, have been catalogued separately. Only a few listed here have been attributed. The Catalogue, vol. i. pp. 4-7 gives details of the recording of the graffiti.

Unpublished graffiti, some equated with Roeder, Der Tempel von Dakke Nos. 2, 8, 9, 11,12, 18[a].

-El-Dakka - Nos. 1-3, 5, 8, 10, 12 (photograph by Breasted), 13, 14, 22, 23 - TopBib.vii.41
-Dendûr - No. 1, and photograph (by Blackman) One ‘opposite Dendûr, Ajûala (?)' - TopBib.vii.28
-Kalabsha - Nos. 1-4. Four unpublished. Letter from Maspero - TopBib.vii.11
-Ajûala No. 1 and photograph (by Blackman) - TopBib.vii.40
-Island of Bîga - Nos. 2-9 - One unpublished - TopBib.v.257
-Philae - - Nos. 2-4, 6, 15-23, 25-6, 28-32, 34, unpublished before 40, 46, 48, 54-6, 58-61, 64-5, unpublished (facsimile) after 66, 69-70, 76, unpublished before 85, 85, unpublished after 86, 87-9, 94-7, 100, 103-4, unpublished after 105, unpublished before 106, 107, unidentified tracing (not 108 as indicated), unpublished after 109, unpublished before 110, 111, unpublished after 111, 113, unpublished before 115, Nos. 115, 118, 120-2, 124, 127, 130, 135, 160-4, 187-9, unpublished after 192, 193-5, 204, 205, 212, 216-21, unpublished after 221, 227-34, 236, unpublished near 241 ? 242, 246-8, 251, 253, unpublished after 259, 261, 262(7), 275, 278, 286, 288, 291, 297-8, 300, 305-8, 311-13, unpublished after 313, 314, 316-9, unpublished after 319, 321, 325, 333, unpublished after 333, 334, unpublished before 335, unpublished after 335, 336-8, 340, 343, 353, 355-8, unpublished after 359, 360, 367-8, 373-5, unpublished after 375, 377, 390-3, 400, unpublished after 400, 403-7, unpublished after 407, 413-14, 418-19, unpublished among 419-425, 422-4, unpublished after 424, unpublished near 424 (?), 425, unpublished before 426, 426, 428, 434, 437, 439, 442-4, 446, unpublished before 447, 447-8.

Drawings prepared for plates:

Some proofs: Philae


Letters numbered 1-470 listed by Warren Dawson in 1953. List in box with letters. A further group of unlisted letters was found in the archives in 1969 and these are now filed alphabetically in a separate group after the numbered letters - list at end of the Dawson catalogue.

Griffith Notebook Kum Afrin

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Kôm Firîn of [401-690] & Kôm el-Ḥiṣn of [TopBib 401-700].

Kôm el-Ḥiṣn [TopBib 401-700]:
-Front Cover: Contents page of notebook with erasures where leaves were removed.
-Description of places and their locations relative to Naucratis (several sites of which listed in the publication).
-p1: Copy of inscription on “sandstone ? apparently of Rameses”, left side (not in publication). Sketch of inscription from front of the throne between the figures.
-List of various place names, presumably from the surrounding area, and description of “Ramsys”. Statue of Rameses labelled I in pl xxiv.
-p2: Sketch of the left side of a seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv) and accompanying note; “Right side similar but throne name in upper cartouche”.
-p3: Measurements of, presumably, the left side of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p4: Sketch of inscription “on back” of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p5: Note concerning the removal of a [great] stone by Effendi 6 years previously; “Canopus Decree”.
-p6: Sketch and measurements concerning the “quartzite groups”, statue of Rameses (labelled II in pl xxiv).
-p7: Note concerning inscription “on back” of the aforementioned statue (II in pl xxiv) with the conclusion; “so evidently a statue of Hathor at the side”.
-p8: Notes concerning; No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) “standing holding inscribed staff”. Sketch of inscription “on back pilaster” (not in publication).
-p9: Sketch of two columns of inscription from right side of No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) (one not in publication).
-p10: Notes concerning location of No.4 sandstone with respect to No.3 and No.1 and No.2 proximity to the pylon.

-p11: Basic sketch of the Tell.
-p12: Sketch of pylon with notes on measurements of the pylon and the bricks of which it was constructed.
-p13: Basic sketch of settlement/site locations.
-p14: Notes and sketch of a column inside the mosque of Gebâris (site 17. of publication) and notes on further granite columns inside the dome (not in publication).
-p15: Blank sketch of column/lintel(?).
-p16: Notes concerning; Zemrân el Kom (site 7. of pulibcation; Kûm Zemrân) and limestone slab at entrance from sebil to mosque and granite column bearing the names of Rameses.
-Notes concerning; limestone and marble fragments, but no granite, from Zanyet Mesallim (site 10. Zanuyet Mesallem of publication).
-Notes concerning; Bueqa (site 3. Biyûqa of publication), Tut (site 2. Ṭût of publication), Besûme (site 1. Besûm of publication), Khême (site 4. H̱ême of publication) and Abu Semadheh (site 5. Abû-Samadheh of publication).
-p18: Sketch of inscription from “back of sandstone statue” (labelled III in pl xxiv).

Griffith Notebook Gamaiyemi and Nebesheh

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]

-pInside Front Cover: Crossed-through list of workmen and a sketch of a square area with two circles in bottom-left and reclined human figure along bottom-centre.
-p1: Inventory list of expenses including subsistence, accommodation, labour.

  • “inscription on fragment of shabti Nebesheh”.

-p2: Inventory list of expenses from “Hammaden market”, mostly subsistence and bakhshish.
-p3: List of prices and inventory list of expenses.
-p4: “milk accounts”.
-p5: Numbered list of workmen and owed values.

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p6: List of figures and supplies “brought forward”.

-Copy of inscription from a shabti (corresponding to publication’s pl xiii 35.a & 35.b).

-p7: “milk account” & “eggs No”.

-p8: “in tomb south of sheikhs tomb (?) stone sarcophagus” followed by sketch of tomb with one oblong and one ovoid shape inside, ovoid shaped labelled “terracotta 64 inc.” (only reference to a terracotta coffin in publication p.19).
-p10: List of notes on “Temple”:
-“1. clear right(?) side of old working or Ptah from E.”
-“2. clean top of placement(?) & bank against above”
-“3. Final inside of S wall & breadth of N wall to W”
-p11: “Gemayemi. Tomb(?) On Sou[th] side of mound. (almost absolutely level & soil over walls of same consistency but outlines sharp of chambers, owing to dampness over walls.)”.
-Sketch of large square area with (left-to-right) three oblong, three square and two oblong shapes inside, labelled above as “square of 13 paces – many others traceable”.

-p12: List of items bought (expenses) “before P[etrie] left”.
-List of accounts after “P. left” from February 13th to 21st including part of sarcophagus, beads, gold wig & scarabs.
-p13: Accounts for wages paid on February 13th and 20th.
-List of expenses from February 21st to 25th including “scarabs etc”.
-p14: List of expenses February 26th to 28th including beads.
-p15: List of expenses from 7th to 18th and accounts of wages.
-p16: “Nebesheh Private account” including food, antiquities, wages, Petrie, Qantarah personnel and Nebesheh personnel and Cairo personnel as well as the amount of personal funds contributed and sums owed to Petrie.
-p17: Nebesheh excavation list of expenses corresponding to various dates in February, March and May at Nebeshesh, Qantarah and Cairo as well as list of sums settled previously in December and January.

-p18: Brief summary/review of “D.Wright’s book” featuring a discussion on Hittite, Egyptian and Assyrian competition.

-p19-26: Torn out. Remains of writing and diagrams in pencil on pages 21-25, both sides (except page 25).
-p28: 36 blank pages.
-p51-84: Torn out (page numbers inferred). The first 6 of which show evidence of written notes in pencil, the last 9 in pen.

-p85: Four lines of notes in pen which presumably continue from page 84 (torn out). Notes are on afterlife beliefs and the role of Osiris and Ra.
-Pencil diagram headed; “pits for old temple”
-Diagram includes squares individually labelled as certain features, the only point of reference being the “Aahmes Wall” which presumably relates the birds-eye view map to the “first” or “second” temple “built by Aahmes II” described in the publication (11-12) after the point when Petrie had “left the work in Mr. Griffith’s hands”.
-Description in publication includes reference to trial pits which are drawn on this page’s map.
-p86: Copy of a name and title in hieroglyphs.
-One line of notes, presumably on payments.

-p87: Seven lines of notes on payments made on 13th February.
-p88: Inventory notes of “wood in planks” and “bag provisions” (Sunday 21st and Saturday 27th) accounted for “while P. is away”, some crossed through.
-p89: Short list of food supplies crossed through.
-p90: Lists of supplies including “medicine” and “stationary”.

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p91: Copy of a scene and hieroglyphic text, 8 columns above scene (standing female(?) in votive position before a seated male(?) holding flowers) and 1 column to the right.
Labelled: “between Zuwelen & Khatanah in sakiyeah rough limestone”.
-p92: Headed “at Zantinz(?) there is much limestone and shist(?) about” followed by;
Description of “stonebase” with “longside” inscriptions copied, featuring the cartouches of Ramses Usermaatra Setepenra in a text of iry-pꜥt ḥꜣty-a and 2 “shortside” inscriptions, featuring sš-nsw iry-pꜥt and sš-nsw iry-sšw-wr.
-Copy of cartouches of “Ramses” with epithets from “blocks of granite & basalt, a column 80 in diam”.
-Apparently not included in the publication’s description of the attested monuments of Ramses II.

-p93: List of workmen and wages, crossed through, with one line referencing supplies.
-p94: Personal ‘reminder’; “Ragib suleman el Tahaure son. Sad about limestone has put up Petrie two nights & given his house”

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p95: Names of two “guards” listed.
-Diagram of “tomb l to k” with measurements and description; “doorway to small chambers roughly bricked” “remains of stone coffin” “shabtis numerous”, crossed through and apparently not included in the publication.
-p96: Copy of hieroglyphic inscription corresponding to publication’s pl. IX 1.a. (top and one side of an “altar”) described on page 29 as “dedicated by Amenemhat II”.
-p97: Copy of hieroglyphic inscription corresponding to publication’s pl. IX 1:9, 1.e., 1.6 & 1.d. from the same “altar” “dedicated by Amenemhat II”.
-Note at bottom of page: “4 metres long. 17 broad.”

-p98: Crossed through notes concerning workmen.
-Rough sketch map of the locations of “Nebesheh” and “Hâbsesh” relative to one another with reference to the connecting canal.
-Note concerning “gold” and “silver” quantities.
-Further crossed through notes concerning workmen.
-pBack Inside Cover: Crossed through notes concerning workmen and wages.
-Further list of names of workmen.

Griffith Notebook Nebesheh

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]

-p0: Various calculations, some of which concern quantities of “paraffin” and “nails”.
-Note; “statue of Merenptah (?) portion of (?) al Qantarah”.
-p1: Titled: “New rates of exchange” with various calculations and a list of the values of compared to “A”; “Parisis 18” (French), “Abutera(?) 31/4”, “New Fa(?) 37”, “Linguo(?) 38” and “New Piastre 1 3/2”.
-p2-5: Extensive list of workmen and wages, including calculations (which are mostly crossed through).

-p6: Diagrams relating to “x first points survey” including the drawing of a stone emplacement with reference to two pits, one of which is “100m W of trial”, though without any absolute point of reference.
-p7: Notes on orientations and measurements presumably referring to the diagram on page 6, the first of which is crossed through. E.g. “SE corner 290 in S of find pt. on E wall (nearly)”.
-Further notes refer to “Amasis temple” in several instances making it inferable that this page corresponds to the publication’s page 11-12 description of Griffith’s work on the first temple “finding most of the circuit of the foundation by pits”.
-Measurements refer to excavation of the temple area while encountering the water table.

-p8: Titled: “March to April 1886”; extensive list of workmen and wages (some of which are crossed through).
-p9: Extensive list of workmen and wages (some of which are crossed through).
p10: Drawing and measurements for a piece of equipment(?) (including ropes) “2 metres long ½ broad & ½ downside” “strengthened with longitudinal strips” with “(?) ends double & fill up base” below a drawn rectangle.
-p11: List of workmen with calculations for wages below.

-p12: Two 3D diagrams of rectangular box-shape with measurements annotated, labelled; “statue”, presumably the base(s) of the statues featured on page 30 of the publication and inscriptions of which follow in the subsequent pages of the notebook.
-p14: Copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions from “statue and block of great temple” (as titled in publication). The first, labelled; “proper left” corresponds to 16.f. of publication’s pl. xi with extra annotation that final signs, only traced in publication, “looks like Hati on original”.
-Second, labelled; “back very broken(?)” & “right side” corresponds to 16.g. of publication’s pl. xi. Followed by a calculation of the dimensions of “statue granite” and copies of inscriptions corresponding to publication’s pl. xi 16.h. & 16.i. labelled; “on foot base”.
-p15: Copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions from the same source.
-Firstly, labelled; “between hands before beard”, cartouche corresponding to pl. xi 16.b.
-Secondly, labelled; “on bottom”, titles and name corresponding to pl. xi 16.a. with alternative interpretation by Griffith. Titles which actually come from an inscription on the sarcophagus of Psamtek.
-Thirdly, three columns of text labelled; “back” corresponding to “back pilaster” of pl .xi 16.c.
-Lastly, copy of relief and some signs labelled; “in front of legs”, corresponding to pl. xi 16.d. & 16.e. Final remarks; “The foot of the statue his a foot or so. N of the statue, covered with black earth, not sand”.
-p16: List of squeezes taken:
-“No. 5 a group on Ptah(?) statue in Amasis temple.”
-“6. from front of altar in front of the 2 light(?) hand figures in group of 3 at Amasis temple.”
-“7. in front of altar before 3rd figure of same group as 6.”
-“8. mason’s mark on block in corner of SE sand chamber”
-“9. left side of crouching statue in SE corner sand chamber”
-“10. on feet of same”
-“11. front of base”
-“12. left side of hand”
-“13. back of same statue.”
-“14. arm & hand left side.”
-“15. cartouche in between hands”
-“16. right side”
-“17. front”
-“18. titles from left side of sarcophagus of Psamtek minal(?)”
-“19. do” (i.e. ditto) “from right side”
-“20. various granite blocks in temple.”
-p17: List of squeezes taken continued:
-“21. sphinx in gateway.”
-“22. side of base of statue of Amenenhat II.”
-“23. altar of Amenemhat II”
-p18: Brief note; “SW corner earlier temples small granite block in dabash(?) a metre below water level at 2 metres from each wall.”
-p19: Brief notes; “SE corner deep sand chamber. dug out 35 in below water level = 47 in – below bottom of stone (?) & probed with own rod.”
-“NE corner sand chamber. dug out 25 in below water & probed small fragments of limestone found by probing.”
-Corresponds to the description of Griffith’s work by Petrie in the temple.
-p20: One copy of a hieroglyphic inscription, labelled; “squeeze in squeeze in pavement of sanctuary” corresponding to publication’s pl. x. 10.
-p22: Copy of relief and five columns of hieroglyphic inscription below with note at the top; “height of base 18, total height about 60 in, broken at top also back width of base 30 in tapers towards top no worked (?) (?). 26 in at side. (?) width 40” [exceptionally faint pencil]
“Qanater(?) left outside total.”
-p23: Rough sketch of a shrine with the caption; “evidently a small sandstone shrine with thick back & small hollow”.
-p24: Rough sketch of pavement slabs with accompanying note; “gateway pavement about 87 in to water below top of uraeus on state. 4 courses of limestone in pavement”.

6 blank pages

-p26: List of funds spent from December to May on “Cook” in Cairo, Nebesheh, Qantarah and Fagus as well as expenses labelled “Petrie Nebesheh” and “Petrie Alma” titled “FLG owes to fund”.
-p27: Total of sums listed next to Nebesheh, Qantarah, Cairo etc including “owing from Petrie” titled “FLG personal PT”.
-Further list “owing to Petrie for wages” at various sites.
-p28: Totalled costs at “Nebesheh” and “Qantarah” titled; “Fund”.
-p29: Calculations of costs for both “Nebesheh” and “Qantarah”.
-p30: Table of expenses featuring “self”, “fund, wages, outing, general” for periods “Jan-Feb.13”, “Feb 13-March 14”, “March 18-Ap 15”, “Qantarah”, “Nebesheh May”, “Nebesheh Jan-May” and “Qantarah”
-p31: Table of expenses continued, “owning from P”, “borrowed Fund” and “FLG with Fund” featuring wages from “Nebesheh Jan-Ap”, “Qantarah” and “Nebesheh May”.

4 blank pages

-p32-[33]: Sketch map of part of the first and second temples at Nabêsha, attributed to Amasis in the notebook, “Uati, Aahmes II” in the publication. Sketch includes orientation and measurements as well as annotation of a “deep sand chamber” referred to as a ‘foundation bed’ in the publication.

8 blank pages and spines of two torn out leaves.

-p35: Brief note concerning the weight and dimensions of “stone”.

2 blank pages.

-p36-47: Lists of names of workmen with accompanying wage calculations, almost all of which have been crossed-through.

6 blank pages.

-p48: List of notes, transliterated Arabic(?).
-Bottom of the page includes a sketch of a quadrangular object with some measurements.
-p49: Sketch map, with measurements, of “E corner of sand chamber” with annotation concerning incised mason’s mark (sketched) on one of the slabs of the substructure and east wall casing, corresponding to the publication’s first Aahmes temple.

4 blank pages.

-p50: Inventory of supplies and materials with accompanying values, for March 29th-31st and April 1st with a total sum for wages.
-p51: Inventory of supplies and materials with accompanying values, April 1st-7th with a total sum for wages and other items and a note regarding Griffith’s own contribution and money “owing to P”.
-p52: Inventory of supplies and materials with accompanying values, for period until April 12th, with a note regarding money “owing to P”.
-p53: List of calculations totalling expenses for costs including “wages” and “general”, and monies contributed by “self” and spent from “fund”.
-p54: Note regarding funds “allotted”, though from whom and to who is unclear, “for payslip(?) (?)”.
-p56: List of workmen’s names with allotted/completed workloads, including some locations, for 22nd March-5th April.
-p57: Short list of workmen’s names.
-p58: Short list of workmen’s names with some allotted/completed workloads and brief sums.
-p59: Crossed-through note.
-p60-61: List of workmen’s names with accompanying sums.
-p62: Calculation of wage “offered to draw wall” to a workman.
-Sums and calculations accompanying a sketch of a quadrangular feature with one annotation of unclear meaning due to a lack of context.
-List of sums accompanying the name of a workman.
-p63: Titled: “metre work”.
-List of eight names with accompanying calculations, the first “due” “for statue”, the following four regarding their assignment to the “trench”, the sixth regarding “our Psamtehmuxah” with amounts “due” and the final two accompanied by dimension notes and sketch with measurements.
-p64: “general” inventory of supplies and materials, with accompanying values.
-p65: Three columns of calculations headed by names.
-Bottom of the page features a 3D sketch of a quadrangle with accompanying measurements.
-p66: Page titled: “gateway E end” with orientation marked. Sketch of “sand chamber” which had “paving stones above” and measurements regarding distance from find spots. -Presumably relating to the first temple “sand chamber” as featured before. Description and cross-section sketch of “a drain pipe”, one of six mentioned, with measurements of its dimensions, presumably referring to the drains found among the sand chambers underneath the paving. Sketch with dimensions, measurements and orientation of “sand chamber” below “stone paving”, and accompanying notes showing the find spot of a statue and its distance from “S of foot of stela”. Statue presumably that mentioned in the publication’s page 10.
-p67: Top half of the page has been torn-out.
-Sketch map of a trench (in pen) with dimensions and orientation of a “sand chamber”, “410 in from head of statue which is in centre of pathway”.
-p68: Top half of the page has been torn-out.
-Note at the bottom of the page: “The subjects situated in a purely popular style discussion of details is avoided . a large part of the book however is taken up with correspondence between the writer of the article and(?) the(?) (?) in the Encyclopaedia Britannica +”.
-p69: Brief note: “points to work out – connection of new sand chamber with old temple at NE corner.”
-p70: Calculations and totals in British Pounds.
-Notes concerning photograph development(?).
-Some crossed-through notes.
-p71: Lists of names of workmen and accompanying calculations spread sporadically across the back cover.

Griffith Notebook Grant Collection, 1886. Clot Bey Collection, 1887.

Notes by Griffith on the Collections of M. Pénon Chateau Borèlly, Clotbey, Brighton Museum, and Grant.

-p1: Titled: “M. Pénon Chateau Borèlly”
-Transcript of hieroglyphic text in two columns of “Saxet & Nefertem side by side porcelain a back support”
-“limestone covering hawk with wings. (?) Merert & Chons”
“(?) holding sound eye on knees porcelain”
-p2-3: Transcript of 11 columns of hieroglyphic text, landscape across both pages, untitled and unlabelled - scribbled-through.
-p4: “limestone statuette 8 in high (?) broken” followed by a one column transcript of a hieroglyphic text, source not named.
-p6-7: Transcript of 11 columns of hieroglyphic text, landscape across both pages, untitled and unlabelled - scribbled-through.
-p8: Side profile sketch of chest-like object with two features of decoration, labelled; “lion?” and “girdle tie carnelian”.
-One column transcript of short hieroglyphic text with unidentifiable sketch beside labelled; “section”.
-Finale note: “haematite Eye name of Ramesses II”, followed by a copy of two cartouches, the first Rameses Meryamun, the second, labelled; “scarab”; Meryamun(?) Meryre.

-p11: “ΪΛΣΟ”.
-p12: “339. sycamore coffin lid mummy shaped 5 vertical lines hieroglyphs markedly one demotic”.
-One line of transcribed Demotic.
-One column transcript of hieroglyphic text. Annotated to the side; “etc add(?) to two Truths”
-p13: "stele over fireplace unnumbered round headed. difficult to read names. address sut di hotep lo osiris Xent amente neb anxu."
-"17. stele. rounded. jackals & wing at top."
-"1st line". followed by transcript of 16 short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note above: "meni often wearing panther skin".
-"second register". followed by transcript of 12 short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note below: "wears panther skin".
-Final note: "NB = XXIst dyn."
-p14: "3rd register." followed by transcript of six short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note below: "wears panther skin". Six more short columns of transcribed hieroglyphs beside and below titled: "female".
-"all these time represented offering or being offered to before tables, before address to Osiris Xent Amenti Hor neb alf ast met, aufs Xent neter ha for", followed by hieroglyphic transcription of: The scribe of the king, Mery, true of voice, before the great god.
-p15: "29. Ptolemaic?"
-"a man", followed by a two line transcription of hieroglyphic text.
-"offer to (1) bull headed god", followed by one line and one column of transcribed hieroglyphs, and annotated with the note: "This uprated in a inscription below 2nd in these omitted."
-"(2) smooth capped god", followed by two lines and one column of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"(3) Ptah mummified", followed by a few transcribed hieroglyphs.
p16: "30. adoration to Amenhotep I by a", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs to the side and six underneath.
-"27 erased & eight substituted. very finely sculpted slab." followed by a short line of transcribed hieroglyphs beside labelled "woman", and two short lines underneath labelled "man" and "child" respectively.
-p17: "no number".
-"offerings to Osiris Isis Nephthys from", followed by two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs and "adoration to Osiris of Amenti & Abydosč & Ptah rus anbuf neb anx tawi."
Line division in the page.
-"16 attend to 18. left"
-p18: "15 attend to 21."

-p19: "(?) (?) Tuantnutf." “D. Grant”.
-Two short columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, followed by: "if (?) D. Grant."
-p20: Landscape page annotated: "working(?) black basalt Ramesside style".
-Two sets of columns of transcribed hieroglyphs; the first of seven columns labelled below: "left side"; the second of six columns labelled above: "right side".
-p21: Titled: "final", followed by nine lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-Object presumably that of “Stela of Sebeknakht” attested in object cards (but did not become part of the Anthropological Museum of Aberdeen’s collection).
-p22: Titled: "coffin of", both portrait and landscape, followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.

-p24: "wooden coffin", followed by three lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"another of girl" followed by a few transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"strip of bandage", followed by two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"yellow & green & red coffin lid", followed by two short numbered columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-p25: "double fingers inscribed illegibly have group" mtt.
-"Ptah riding on 2 hedgehogs."
-"porcelain Osiris."
-"bronze sphinx human headed walking."
-Transcription of one column of hieroglyphs, labelled: "seated on throne around" (hieroglyph of sun disk between horns surmounted by throne drawn) "receiving homage from 4 persons apparently forgery."
-"bronze inlaid in palette", followed by a transcription of one column of hieroglyphs.
-p26: "wooden coffin", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"painted coffin", followed by one column of transcribed hieroglyphs.

-p[27]: Very short and rough note.
-p28: Two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs, unlabelled, featuring a cartouche of Neferibra (Psamtek II).
-p29: Six columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, unlabelled.
-p30: "wooden implement", followed by simple sketch of the object in question, which resembles an adze, "with" (one line of transcribed hieroglyphs featuring the cartouche of Menkhperra written) "labelled" "Nou trouve dans le cereneil de Thutmes III" "Deir el Bahari 1881."
-Four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, opening with an offering formula, unlabelled.

-p32: Page titled: "along Tehel Baroud & Buley Dakun (?)".
-List of topographical names written in Arabic with transliteration and brief notes in English beside.
-List of names and their respective numbers and with brief notes on objects, titled: "May 1889" "names of Belbuis men with inscribed stones & amounts of find much of Gebrawi".

-p34: Note: "Qala' el Tîmeh or mud castle built on a small island formed by driving stakes of palm wood into the mud."
-p35: Page of abstractions, reading:
-"Saya. Aead. \Feb/ 1888 p123."
-"Rapha' sandhills enclosing plain of (?) content. mound strewn with pottery making site of ancient town & 4 Roman columns & Corinthian capital of white marble. & spring of water."
-"\Xtian/ niche long enough to contain the life-size statue of a man protected by shell-shaped roof. early coptic terracotta bowl. Roman lamps & frap of Roman glass. 2 maltese crosses in (?) of lintel of a window in relief. Niches sometimes square sometimes rectangular & made to represent an Egyptian pylon(?)"
-"S. told similar minus al Budowîl.Sabkhal Berdawîl."
-"Tilissiyah below. Qes & El Aîsh. 25 hrs from Pelusian."
-"Qes 1 1/2 days E of Farafra 2 days W of El Aîsh."
-"below. Qantiqih & Farafra oasis known as Românh being slowly buried. thence one road leads W to Farafra, the others E to desolate sandhill Hemdîyeh("many written stones") & S saw Roman marble columns."

1 blank page; 3 torn-out pages; 8 blank pages; 4 torn-out pages

-p37: Blank page. Inserted leaf. Titled: “Brighton museum”
-“wooden figure in box”, followed by one column of transcribed hieroglyphs below.
-"Rokem tablet". "Canopus", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"XIIth-dyn tablet Khnumhotep & neb of" iwnw.

25 blank pages

-p[38]: Top of page: “3.215”.
-“silsileh & compare Rovell.M.S.III.215. for the stela (?)”.
-“Manetho. (?) (?) find king”.
-Bottom of page: “Ae60753 r 994”.
-p[39] (33): Titled: “seated statuette basalt of D. Grant. Between knees”, followed by transcript of hieroglyphic text of three lines, a fourth line labelled “in front”.
-Potentially related to the inscription described on the statue of “High Priest of Ptah, Pedu-pé” no. 1405 in; Reid, R. W. Illustrated catalogue of the Anthropological Museum: University of Aberdeen (1912) 1181
-p[41] (32): Six line transcript of fragmentary hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled. No name apparent in the text.
-p42: One short line transcript of hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled.
-Labelled: “Dr Grant’s B(?) (?)”
-Sketch of a floor plan. Labelled; open on two sides and rounded on a third, the sides measuring 5, 11 & 8 inches respectively, with final side unlabelled and unmeasured.
-Six line transcript of fragmentary hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled, relationship to diagram above is uncertain. Name is featured: pꜣ-di-ꜣst.

-p[43] (29)

-Title page: “Dr Grant. 1886.” With later insert “MUSEUMS Dr GRANT 1886 CLOTBEY 1887”

Griffith's lectures on the system of hieroglyphic writing for October Term 1901

Griffith Lectures. October Term 1900 [possibly 1901(1)]. "The system of hieroglyphic writing":
a. Conventions in form and colour: classification of the signs
b. Sketch of Egyptian palaeography
c. Growth of the signs
d. Employment of the signs
e. Orthography
f. The place of the Egyptian system with the history of writing
g. Monograms

Also includes early drafts and notes.

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