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[933] Dimay, nearer.

-Landscape in the Faiyum, with the ruins of Dimai (Soknopaiou Nesos) in the background.
'Dimay, nearer.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Back of Birket Karun 928-940'.

[930] Island in Birket Karun

-Landscape in the Faiyum: an island in Birket Qarun (ancient Lake Moeris).
'Island in Birket Karun,
from northern shore.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Hawara Canal 917-930'.

[920] Same canal & debris: looking N.

-Hawara: canal cutting through the funerary temple of Amenemhat III (the so-called Labyrinth), with remains of blocks from the monument.
'Same canal & debris: looking N.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Hawara Canal 917-930'.

[91] Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.

-el-Sheikh Hassan (near Oxyrhynchus).
-Roman mud-brick buildings.
'Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.
Cracks in the rock are left untouched in a wall of rock;
these walls dividing the quarries into courts, which are
connected by a neat cut slit through them.'

-With arrows pointing to entrance:
'↑entrance slit

[918] Same canal, & blocks

-Hawara: canal cutting through the funerary temple of Amenemhat III (the so-called Labyrinth), with blocks from the monument.
'Same canal, & blocks looking NW'.

-With an arrow pointing at blocks.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Hawara Canal 917-930'.

[917] Canal at Hawara cutting through Labyrinth

-Hawara: canal cutting through the funerary temple of Amenemhat III (the so-called Labyrinth), with blocks from the monument.
'Canal at Hawara cutting through Labyrinth,
shewing blocks of front wall of Labyrinth.
Looking S.W.'.
-With an arrow pointing at blocks.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Hawara Canal 917-930'.

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