[838] Canal coming through the lock
- Petrie MSS 5.8.52b [lower]
- Item
- c.1887-1890
-Canal connecting Lake Moeris with the Nile across Hawara Eglan?
'Canal coming through the lock'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
[838] Canal coming through the lock
-Canal connecting Lake Moeris with the Nile across Hawara Eglan?
'Canal coming through the lock'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
[820] Canal coming through lock
-Canal connecting Lake Moeris with the Nile across Hawara Eglan?
'Canal coming through lock'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
[821] Village of Hawaret Eglan.
-Modern village of Hawara Eglan located on the dyke at el-Lahun.
'Village of Hawaret Eglan.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
Note: 821 is the number on the photograph, but 836 appears in the caption.
[834] On the Bahr Yusuf, from my window.
-The Bahr Yussef: Nilotic landscape as viewed from Petrie's window.
'On the Bahr Yusuf, from my window.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
-A saqiya, a mechanical water lifting device (in the Faiyum?).
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
-A young palm in a palm garden (in the Faiyum?).
'Young palm.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.
[946] Part of papyrus. Hymn to Usertesen III Kahun XII
-el-Lahun, town ('Kahun'): part of the "Hymns to king Senusret III" (pUC 32157).
'Part of papyrus. Hymn to Usertesen III Kahun XII'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.
[945] Basalt statue of Si-sebek. Kahun. XII-XIII.
-el-Lahun, town ('Kahun'): statue of the "acquaintance of the king" [rḫ-nswt], Sasobek [Sȝ-Sbk] (Cairo CG 405, end of the 12th Dynasty - beginning of the 13th Dynasty).
'Basalt statue of Si-sebek. Kahun. XII-XIII'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.
Title page:
[Missing - This photograph is no longer present.]
'Young palm.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Palm garden and cattle (in the Faiyum?).
'Cattle & palms'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Palm garden and cattle (in the Faiyum?).
'Cattle & palms'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Palm garden and cattle (in the Faiyum?).
'Cattle & palms'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Landscape in the Faiyum: the Bahr Yussef.
'On the Bahr Yusuf.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Landscape in the Faiyum: the Bahr Yussef.
'On the Bahr Yusuf'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-Landscape in the Faiyum: the Bahr Yussef.
'On the Bahr Yusuf.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
[824] Pyramid of Illahun & ploughing
-el-Lahun: daily life scene (ploughing) with pyramid of Senusret II in the background.
'Pyramid of Illahun & ploughing'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-el-Lahun: Nilotic landscape with boats in the foreground and pyramid of Senusret II in the background.
'Pyramid of Illahun'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-el-Lahun: Nilotic landscape with pyramid of Senusret II in the background.
'Pyramid of Illahun'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
[837] Pyramid of Illahun & desert hills
-el-Lahun: Nilotic landscape with boats in the foreground and pyramid of Senusret II in the background.
'Pyramid of Illahun
& desert hills'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
-el-Lahun: Nilotic landscape with boats.
'Boats at Illahun'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.
Title page:
[944] Ivory ape, and scarabs. Kahun XII
-el-Lahun, town (‘Kahun’): ivory ape; scarabs of Nesu-montu [Nsw-Mnṯw] (Petrie Museum, University College UC11441), of Meryre [Mry-Rʿ], and of Senebsuemai [ḫtm-bjty smr-wʿty (j)m(y)-r(ȝ)-ḫtmt Snb-sw-m-ʿj]; prism from the family-tomb of Maket, with the Horus name of Thutmose II [Ḥr kȝ-nḫt wsr-pḥty].
'Ivory ape, and scarabs. Kahun XII'
'Tahutmes II'.
This photograph is in a section titled:
'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.
[952] Bronze pan, knives, and chisels, Kahun XII
-el-Lahun, town (‘Kahun’): mirror, two copper chisels, four copper piercers, flint knife, copper knife, copper torque, five vessels.
'Bronze pan, knives, and chisels, Kahun XII'
This photograph is in a section titled:
'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.
Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak
-Hawara: two Roman funerary portraits ('Faiyum mummy portraits') (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33236).
'Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.
Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak
-Hawara: two Roman funerary portraits ('Faiyum mummy portraits') (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33241).
'Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak'.
-Also pencil note 'P'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.
Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak
-Hawara: two Roman funerary portraits ('Faiyum mummy portraits') (for the portrait of the man: Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33236; for the portrait of the child: Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33240).
'Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak'.
-Also pencil note 'LL'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.
Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak
-Hawara: two Roman funerary portraits ('Faiyum mummy portraits') (for the portrait of the man: Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33236; for the portrait of the child: Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33240).
'Portraits found 1888, kept at Bulak'.
-Also pencil note 'KK'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.
[864] Bronze pans (Bulak) XIX dyn.
-Kom Medinet Ghurab ('Gurob'): Bronze dishes of Aha-a and of Sety (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3533 and 3539).
'Bronze pans (Bulak) XIX dyn.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.
[863] Bronze tools & basket XII dyn.
-Town of el-Lahun ('Kahun'): bronze tools and basket dated to the Middle Kingdom.
'Bronze tools & basket XII dyn.'.
This photograph is in a section titled 'XV'.