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Affichage de 8677 résultats

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4092 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Inside front cover

Inside the front cover of the album.

On the left reads:
'W.M. Flinders Petrie,
8 Crescent Road,

A piece of paper has also been inserted and reads:
'As some friends have desired to have copies of these photographs (which at present I have no time to prepare myself.) I have placed the plates in the hands of Messrs Murray & Heath, 37 Dartmouth Park Hill NW; and arranged with them to supply copies to order (not less than 6 at once) at 3d per print, post free. Only the numbers need be mentioned, but a list of the titles should be retained.
There is far more detail in the negatives than can be transferred to a print; and any one wishing to refer to them for scientific purposes will please to apply to me. Prints on glass are almost as good as the original negatives for examination, and can be easily supplied, as well as enlargement to any scale.
W.M. Flinders Petrie.'


Foreword reads:
'This set of photographs was taken in the winter 1881-2, while living in my tomb at Gizeh, boating up the Nile to Thebes, and tenting there, and about Memphis. In settling what was worth taking I have left out all that has been done before as far as I know; only taking well know things when I wished to shew what was not well known about them. Hence this is more a set to fill up gaps, than to be thought of as a whole in itself. Nevertheless I have tried always to make sure of having one of the best bits of workmanship of each age, so that more should be left out. For the small size of the plates there is good ground, as I often had to carry the camera with a score of plates, through a long days walk over the sandy desert or climbing the cliffs of the Nile valley; hence a bigger size would have just hindered taking the more out of the way & less known sights. Many of these prints are lighter and paler than photographers always take them, as the darker hues are so untrue to the feeling of the brightness and glare of sun-baked Egypt. Often however I yield the truer shade for the sake of shewing more sharpness in little things. I have no wish as a mere beginner that these should be put beside the work of those who make it a business; and it would have been better for my sake to have kept back many of them; but they are here to shew what is, and not how it might be shewn. Sometimes a sand storm would blow showers of sand on to the stock of plates, spotting them with "pinholes", and thus making black specks all over the prints; but as the outlines are always hurt by blocking out the sky, I thought it best to leave the plates as they are, telling their own tale. So hard is it thought in Egypt to get good skies, owing to heat, sand, & other things, that the best photographers there always block them out; thus losing the sweetest bit of a good photograph.
Many plates have been set upon in the night by some crawling or creeping plague that ate off patches of the gelatine film while moist; and some were marred by the dusty feet of a mouse. The stretches of glaring sand or white stone chips that often fill the foreground are most unhappy to shew in a photograph. Those plates that have water in the foreground were taken from a Nile boat, mostly while going; hence they needed to be instantaneous, as well as those of Arabs. The plates were nearly all Edward's dry plates, a few (of Medûm) being the Uranium dry plates which do not seem quite so good.
The camera was made of sheet tin, joined to a box which held 25 plates; the plates were taken out & put into the camera by hand, inside a dark bag joined to the box and camera: thus no plate holders were wanted, and I got rid of much needless weight. The stop generally used for still objects in the open air was 1/16 inch; and the definition in good plates is sharp to 1/1500 inch.
The plates are best seen in a strong light, and with a magnifier; the proper distance of the eye for true perspective is 6 inches.
W.M. Flinders Petrie.'

Page 15

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.57 Alabaster vases, bronze tool models & corn grinders. Foundation deposit of Tahutimes III
-K.58 Bronze tool models, vases, & corn grinders. Foundation of Tahutimes III
-K.59.60 Pottery vases from foundation deposits of Tahutimes III. Over 200 were found.

Page 17

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K. 63-6 Red granite Triad of Ramessu II with Isis & Nebhat. 6 ft high, 5 ft wide. Found on temple steps.

Page 10

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K. 38-40 Squeezes of inscription of Antef V. Decreeing a commission of officials to depose Teta son of Min-hotep prince of Koptos, & to install Min-em-hat as the new hereditary prince of Koptos. Teta was deposed for treachery in harbouring enemies; he & his descendant are hereby driven out from the place, their property confiscated, his name erased from all places, & the family declared perpetual outlaws. [overlap] [overlap]

Page 06

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-Three colossal statues of Min, fragmentary, ends of girdle incised with figures of animals, etc., Predynastic, found beneath Ptolemaic pavement, one in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, and two in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894/105.
-K 15 16 Squeezes.
-K.21.22 Drawings.
-Sculptures on third statue of Min below 19.20.
-Elephant, & bird?
Notes between bottom left and right photograph:
-Hyena, & young bull.
Notes below bottom right photograph:

Page 03

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-Three colossal statues of Min, fragmentary, ends of girdle incised with figures of animals, etc., Predynastic, found beneath Ptolemaic pavement, one in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, and two in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894/105.
-K.6. Second statue of Min. [thong girdle ↑] [↑ sculptures see K.11.18]
-K.7 Sculpture on second statue. see K.11.18.
-K.10 Head of third statue of Min front view showing ears. No face.
-K.8. Head of third statue of Min side view showing ear & whisker. [back] [front]
Further notes:
-The statues of Min are in limestone, & were originally about 13 ft (4 metres high).
-The head found near the legs K.5 is a rudely rounded mass with large ears, & ribbed whiskers. The front is quite featureless, & roughly flattened with five hollows [K.10] pitted in it probably to give better attachment to a wooden mask. In painting of the XVIII dyn. Min has black face.

Page 04

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-Three colossal statues of Min, fragmentary, ends of girdle incised with figures of animals, etc., Predynastic, found beneath Ptolemaic pavement, one in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, and two in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894/105.
-K.17 (From drawing over a squeeze) Sculpture on first statue of Min. Stags head on a pole. Two pteroceras shells.
-K.11-12. (From a squeeze, Reversed.) Sculpture on second statue of Min, representing a garland? [variant of R22/R23] on a pole decorated with a feather, two saws of saw fish, and & pteroceras shells. Probably these were the decorations of the fetish pole of Min. [The same squeeze in opposite lighting]
-K.18 (From drawing over a squeeze) The sculptures being on a rounded surface cannot be photographed directly. Hence they are done here by squeezes & drawings.

Page 07

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.23 Rude sculpture of bird. archaic. [1 foot.]
-K.24 Pottery reliefs from a large stand. Lotus flowers tied. Dog walking. Archaic. Found in early region of temple.
-K.28 Fragment of pottery & jars. IVth dynasty.
-K.29 Piece of alabaster vase of Khufu; found in S. town.

Page 08

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.30-31 Flint ink slab of king Assa (bought in Cairo) shewing reflection from polish.
-K.32-3 Slabs of Pepy. Found buried in a hole beneath the floor of the sand bed of the Ptolemaic temple. [Hathor see L D 11.31d]

Page 05

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-Three colossal statues of Min, fragmentary, ends of girdle incised with figures of animals, etc., Predynastic, found beneath Ptolemaic pavement, one in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, and two in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894/105.
-K.13.14 Drawings
-K.19.20 Squeezes

  • Sculpture on third statue of Min. Poles decorated with feathers & garlands [variant of R22/R23] (note the Egyptian flower bouquets [x]) showing the origin of the hieroglyph of the god Min.
    -[← Saw fish.] [← Ostrich.]
    Notes to the left of top left photograph:
    -Ghizeh museum Salle 11 [R23A] on wooden coffin (not numbered) of [r:p:a-F4:a-(Hr*tp):aA-n:R23A-T:t-i] showing that the type with feathers on a pole was recognised till the VIth dyn at Akhmim.
    Notes between bottom left and right photographs:
    -Pteroceras shells.
    Notes below bottom right photograph:
  • (Reversed) Khufu; found in S. town.

Page 00

-Inside front cover.
-Handwritten note by W. M. Flinders Petrie.
-'To be returned to W. M. Flinders Petrie, University College, Gower St, London. W. C.'
-'Prints of these photographs can be ordered from Mr. R.C. Murray, 37 Dartmouth Park Hill, London N.W. His charge for quantities over 200 is 2d each for ordinary size, & 1 1/2d each for small. For lesser quantities 50% more will be charged.'
-'Titles should be noted & kept, as he only prints them, & the numbers are on each plate.'
-'The Koptos prints should be ordered as the "K series". The Ghizeh prints as the "Museum series", numbers being consecutive from the Italian museum photographs.'
-'These photographs may be freely used for private purposes, or for scientific work : but they are private property & are not at the free disposal of publishers or for books issued commercially.'

Page 01

-First page.
-Handwritten by W. M. Flinders Petrie.
-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-'Photographs from Koptos.'
-'The results of eleven weeks excavations there, 9 Dec. 1893 - 21 Feb. 1894.'
-'The whole temple area was turned over; the door jamb of the XIIth Dyn temple, the foundations of the XVIIIth Dyn. temple, & the later foundations of the Ptolemaic & Roman temples were uncovered. The principal remains found are
-Prehistoric. 3 statues of Min
-I-III Dyn Reliefs, etc, pottery.
-IV Dyn Khufu name on vase.
-VI [Dyn] Slabs of Pepy II
-XI [Dyn] Slabs of Antef V
-XII [Dyn] Slabs of Amenemhat I
-[XII Dyn] [Slabs of] " Usertesen I
-[XII Dyn] Vulture Amenemhat III
-XVII? [Dyn] Stele of Rahotep
-XVIII [Dyn] Foundation deposits, etc, of Tahutmes III
-XIX [Dyn] Granite triad of Ramessu II
-XX [Dyn] Granite stele of Ramessu III
-[XX Dyn] Stele of Ramessu VI
-XXVI [Dyn] Chapel of Aahmes II
-Ptolemaic. Wall of Ptolemy I
-[Ptolemaic.] Long inscription under Ptol. II
-[Ptolemaic.] Scultpture of Ptolemy III, IX, XIII
-Roman Sculpture of Augustus,Tiberius, Caius [= Caligula], Claudius, Nero.
-[Roman] Greek inscriptions of Galba Caracalla Elagabalus & Quietus.
-Altogether the names of 33 kings were found.
W. M. Flinders Petrie.'

Page 02

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-Three colossal statues of Min, fragmentary, ends of girdle incised with figures of animals, etc., Predynastic, found beneath Ptolemaic pavement, one in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, and two in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1894/105.
-K.1. Lake N. of ruins, & modern village of Koft, looking W.
-K.3 Our huts under the Roman wall
-K.4 Second statue of Min.
-K.5. Legs of third statue of Min, with sculptures on side. Portion of first statue of Min. [↑ shell see K.13.20]

Résultats 8041 à 8070 sur 8677