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Thebes. TT 15. Tomb of Tetiky. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: wall scenes in shrine, photographs

Howard Carter's photographs of wall scenes in the shrine. Left wall, a man picking grapes. Right wall, a man offers to seven people. Rear wall, [man] offering, and calcite vases below.
Photographs taken during the Carnarvon-Carter excavation of the tomb of Tetiky, 18th Dynasty, TT 15, Dra Abu el-Naga, Thebes.

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: stamped brick, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph of a stamped brick of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, re-used in foundations of a later wall, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, Second Court, Great Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri (Deir el-Bahari), Thebes.

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: statuette from tree offerings, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph of the lower part of a seated statuette of Amenemhet Kerabi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. From a tree pit with other objects, called 'offerings to a tree', Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, Second Court, Great Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri (Deir el-Bahari), Thebes.
Also, duplicate of photograph.

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: tree offerings, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph of a tree pit with objects, called 'offerings to a tree', in situ, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, Second Court, Great Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri (Deir el-Bahari), Thebes.
Objects include the lower part of a seated statuette of Amenemhet Kerabi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Carnarvon-Carter excavations: bricks used in later wall, photograph

Howard Carter's photograph of bricks of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere re-used in foundations of a later wall, Carnarvon-Carter excavations, Brick Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, Second Court, Great Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri (Deir el-Bahari), Thebes.

Thebes. Asasif. Birabi. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. Tomb 37: photographs of objects

Howard Carter's photographs of smaller objects including statuettes, boards, vessels and baskets, from tomb 37, no name, Middle Kingdom, Birabi, Asasif, Thebes.

  • Canopic box of Ahhotp, woman, as Tanedjem(t).
  • Statuette of boy Amenemhab, electrum, found in the coffin of father Djhout, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1413.
  • Statuette of Huwebenef (brother of preceding), wood, found in the coffin of father Djhout, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1414.
  • Three stelae with standing figures and hieratic texts, wood, Hyksos Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43215 (Ihy), JE 43218-19 (no names).
  • Pot with a hieratic letter to Ahhotp.
  • Female servant statuette, wood, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12.181.251.
  • Sealing of Tuthmosis I on the door of Room A.

Some of the photographs are duplicates and include cuttings.

Thebes. Asasif. Birabi. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. Tomb 37: photographs of coffins and mummies

Howard Carter's photographs of coffins and mummies from tomb 37, no name, Middle Kingdom, Birabi, Asasif, Thebes.

  • Rîshi coffins, Nos. 2, 10, 11, 12, 60, 66, 70, Second Intermediate Period, five in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43634, 43637-40.
  • Four rectangular decorated coffins, Nos. 7, 35, 59, 63, Hyksos Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43642-5.
  • Coffin of Ahhotp, woman, anthropoid, 18th Dynasty, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12.181.303.
  • Coffin of Ahmosi, anthropoid, 18th Dynasty, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 14.10.2.
  • Coffin of Mentuhotp, New Kingdom.
  • Coffin of Djhuti, anthropoid, New Kingdom.
  • Coffin, no name, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

The group contains duplicates of some photographs.

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. B. Cemeteries connected with the Mentuhotp Temple. Cemetery 500 (Site 4 of Carter): objects, photographs

Howard Carter's photographs of objects found at 'Carter Site 4', south of TT 316, Cemetery 500, cemeteries connected with the Mentuhotp Temple, Deir el-Bahri (Deir el-Bahari), Thebes.
Also a note from the original photograph housing.
Includes a bust of Iker, 12th Dynasty, found in burial 521, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1393.

Thebes. Asasif. Birabi. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. Tomb 9: canopic box and jars, photographs

Howard Carter's brief notes, photographs of panels from a canopic box of Katinakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43835, and three canopic jars (not inscribed), in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12.181.253 A-C. From tomb 9, 'Tablet tomb', 17th-18th Dynasty Cemetery, Carnarvon-Carter concession, Birabi, Asasif, Thebes.

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