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Walter Ewing Crum Collection Item
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Various MSS

Photographs and photostats of various MSS:

Heidelberg 375 - 363 unidentified papyrus
MS from ? Louvain
Strasbourg, published Rev. XXV 1903

Marciana Oriental 193 (Venice - see Mingaselli)
Copenhagen, MS. from Erman 1924
MS. from Malloy with letter
MS. from Piankoff

Papyri and wooden tablets

Photographs of papyri and wooden tablets:
Papyrus belonging to W. Merton
Geneva magical papyrus
Verso of Meletian.
Published by W. E. Crum, ‘Some Further Meletian Documents’, in JEA 13 (1927), 19-26.
Piece of papyrus and 3 wooden tablets from Major Geyer Anderson (1 hieroglyphic)
BM EA 26273 - label from mummy
Aberdeen University Library


Photographs of various ostraca:
Ashmolean 1892 523
Fitzwilliam 506-515 (1 only)
Aberdeen Univ. o.25
Vienna 7 ostraca sent by Till, 1930
Cairo ostracon with note “Winlock ‘69”
Turin unnumbered

Stelae and Graffiti

Photographs of stelae and graffiti:
Lyons: (a) various stelae from Musée Guimet
Lyons: (b) stela published Re. XXIII
Boston: stela 4347; stela 4348; stela 5055; stela 5054
Alexandria: stela 110. Published M. Cramer: Die Totenklage bei den Kopten (Wien, 1941), 14, Pl. 4
Stela from Henaton. Published Lefébure.
Stela from Debêra (Sudan)
Stela from Philae
Graffiti from St. Simeon, Aswân. Published Rev. XXXVII 41.
Graffiti from Dakhla Oasis
Graffiti from Aswân


Photographs: (a) 51278-9 Jeremiah. Note by Crum "joins B.M. 51 - Schleifer I p.28".

Includes letter from A.J.B. Wace (Department of Textiles, Victoria & Albert Museum) relating to a Coptic inscription, 25 April 1931, and correspondence from A.J.B. Wace and Muriel Clayton relating to an inscription on a Coptic embroidery, 1928-1936.

British Library Oriental 7594 (Colophon)

3 Photographs British Library Oriental 7594 (colophon).
Cf. E. A. W. Budge, <i>Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt </i>(London, 1912);
C. Schmidt, ‘Der Kolophon des MS. Orient. 7594 des Britischen Museums’ in <i>Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaftern</i> (1925), 213-321.

Rustafjaell photographs

Rustafjaell photographs. Also photographs of carved wooden door panels from the El Muallaqa (Hanging) church in Cairo and now in the British Museum, with note by Crum.

Note on envelope states that these manuscripts have been published by Budge.

British Library Oriental 6800 (Pesynthius)

Photostats of British Library Oriental 6800 (Pesynthius).
Published W. E. Crum, ‘Discourse de Pisenthius sur saint Onnophrius, texte copte édité et traduit’, <i>Revue de l’Orient Chrétienne</i> XX (1916): 38-67.

Rylands ostraca

Photographs of Rylands ostraca. Mostly published in W. E. Crum, <i>Varia Coptica</i>, Aberdeen 1939.

Includes two letters from Henry Guppy relating to the ostraca, 5-8 April 1938.

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