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Émile Amélineau

Material relating to:
Schenoudi. I : possibly Oeuvres de Schenoudi: texte copte et traduction. Part 1 (Paris, 1907).
Les actes des martyrs de l’Église copte (Paris, 1890) [see also Notebook 20].
Un document copte du XIIIe siècle: Martyre de jean de Phanidjôit (Paris, 1887).


Ciasca, Augustinus, <i>Sacrorum Bibliorum fragmenta copto-sahidica Musei Borgiani</i>, Vols. 1-2 (Rome, 1885).


Butler, Dom Cuthbert (ed.), The Lausiac History of Palladius Vol. I (Cambridge, 1898).

3 publications by E.A.W. Budge

Material relating to:
Budge, E.A.W., Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt (London, 1910) [see also Notebook 45].
Budge, E.A.W., Coptic Martyrdoms etc. in the Dialect of Upper Egypt (London, 1914).
Budge, E.A.W., The Martyrdom and Miracles of St. George of Cappadocia (London, 1888).

C.R.C. Allberry

Correspondence relating to Crum's review of Allberry, C.R.C., A Manichaean Psalm-Book. Part II (Stuttgart, 1938), and newspaper cutting of obituary of C.R.C. Allberry:

  • 11.1.1: Letter from H.J. Polotsky to Crum (6 September 1939);
  • 11.1.2: Letter from C.R.C. Allberry to Crum (30 July 1939);
  • 11.1.3: Obituary of C.R.C. Allberry in The Times (11 May 1943);
  • 11.1.4: Correspondence (182 postcards) from Crum to C.R.C. Allberry (17 September 1935 to 10 April 1940).

Notes on Greek words in Coptic

Mostly notes on Greek words in Coptic with a few other notes especially on points of interest from Bala’izah (P.Bal. [P.E. Kahle, Bala’izah (Oxford, 1954)] and Preisigke SB [F. Preisigke, Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten (Wiesbaden, 1963-)].


(a) Letter from Sir Herbert Thompson, 1909
(b) Letter from Sir Herbert Thompson on “white’
(c) Notes on words and Greek equivalents
(d) Notes
(e) Spellings of Coptic months
(f) Note on Rossi Turin Atti XXX pp. 802-3, 805
(g) Note on Bouriant Graffiti from Akhmîm Rec. XI 147

Notes on various items

Notes on various items partly published in chapter 10 titled The Language of the Texts in Crum & Winlock, The Monastery of Epiphanius (New York, 1926).

Monastery of Epiphanius, Chapter X

Material relating to chapter X titled The Language of the Texts in Crum & Winlock, The Monastery of Epiphanius (New York, 1926). Notes on opening phrases in letters and on certain Greek words in Coptic.

Includes correspondence from Francis Griffith, 1915.

Results 301 to 330 of 455