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12 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Diana Magee Collection Englisch
Erweiterte Suchoptionen
Druckvorschau Ansicht

1 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cuttings
Personal documentation
Personal documentation
Tell Edfu stelae
Tell Edfu stelae
Doctoral thesis photographs and slides
Doctoral thesis photographs and slides
Doctoral thesis working notes
Doctoral thesis working notes
Publications (offprints of articles and reviews)
Publications (offprints of articles and reviews)
EES Committee documentation
EES Committee documentation
Two chapters on Beni Hassan (probably from a doctoral thesis, unknown author)
Two chapters on Beni Hassan (probably from a doctoral thesis, unknown author)
Doctoral thesis
Doctoral thesis
Diana Magee Collection
Diana Magee Collection