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Archivische Beschreibung
Tutankhamun Archive Carter, Howard Englisch
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Journal: object inventory, 1922-1929
Journal: object inventory, 1922-1929
Notes: Annexe objects, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen iii, deterioration and chemical change in tomb
Notes: Annexe objects, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen iii, deterioration and chemical change in tomb
Extract from Howard Carter's excavation journal, part of the entry for 26 November 1922: "There was naturally short suspense for those you could not see. When Lord Carnarvon said to me 'Can you see anything', I replied to him Yes it is wonderful."
Journal: 1922-1925 (1st to 3rd seasons)
Tutankhamun Archive
Tutankhamun Archive
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