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Journal: inventory, objects sent to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, 1922-1929

Tutankhamun journal with an inventory of objects sent to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, between 1922 and 1929

  • Pages 1-17
    • Arthur Mace's manuscript records
    • Mace's heading on the title page (page 0), "Tut-Ankh-Amun"
    • Mace's heading on page 1, "Catalogue of objects sent to Cairo Museum. Season 1922-1923"
    • Mace's final entry, "34 packages containing 89 boxes", and signed by A.C.M. (Arthur C. Mace) and H.C. (Howard Carter), dated "12 May 1923."
  • Page 18
    • Unidentified hand, manuscript notes, French
    • French manuscript heading, "Liste des Caisses parties de la Vallée des Rois le 1er Avril, a 10 h. 15 a.m."
    • Carter's manuscript annotation at top of the page, "Cases and antiquities removed by the Service des Antiquities Spring 1924 from No. 15 and No. 4 Biban el Maluke"
  • Pages 19-21
    • Carter's manuscript records
    • Carter's final entry, "Nineteen cases handed over to M. Baraize for transport to Cairo March 31st 1925. Howard Carter [signature]. These cases were carried by hand and(?) to River Early morn of the 1st April"
  • Page 22
    • Carter's manuscript column headings, but no entries
  • Page 23
    • Carter's manuscript records
    • Carter's final entry, "The above objects enclosed in sixteen cases (one of which No. 16 to be brought by Mr. Carter). Howard Carter [signature] April 16th 1927."
  • Page 25
    • Typewritten list affixed to page
    • Cases "XXIII" to "XXXVIII"
    • All objects are from the Treasury
    • Not dated
  • Pages 26-32
    • Carter's manuscript records
    • Objects are from the Treasury and Annexe
    • "List of cases of antiquities sent to the Cairo Museum March [day not entered] th., 1929."
    • Carter's final entry, "Ninety cases of antiquities as for above list. delivered to the Chief Inspector for transport March ... 1929. H.C."

Journal: object inventory, 1922-1929

Notebook with an inventory of objects from Tutankhamun's tomb with recording and conservation schedule, 1922-1930

  • 25 numbered items: 23 pages (openings) and 2 loose notes
  • Manuscript records
  • List of object numbers with the schedule for recording, conservation and photography and crating for transportation to Cairo, not comprehensive
  • Data is arranged in columns with the following headings:
    • 'No.' (i.e. Carter's Tutankhamun object number)
    • 'Brought to No. 15' (i.e. KV 15, the tomb of Seti II, used as the 'laboratory' during the excavation)
    • 'Treated'
    • 'Recorded'
    • 'Photographed'
    • 'Packed'
    • 'Box No.'
  • Pages 1-8
    • Compiled by Arthur Mace
    • Object numbers 1 to 171
    • Dated '1922-1923'
  • Pages 8-10
    • Object numbers 172 to 220
    • Not dated, presumably 1923
  • Pages 11-14
    • Object numbers 172-253 (sic) (numbers 172-220 repeated)
    • Titled and dated 'Sepulchral Chamber Nov. 1923' on page 11
  • Pages 15-19
    • Object numbers 253 to 260
    • Dated 'Oct. 1925'
  • Note 19A
    • Object numbers 257-260 (magical figures from niches in wall of sarcophagus chamber)
    • Not dated
  • Pages 20-21
    • Object numbers 261-265
    • Titled and dated 'Sequence Nos and Notes - Store Room (1926-1927)' on page 20
    • All entries on page 20 crossed through (cancelled)
  • Page 22
    • Object numbers 339, 340, 343, 353, 359, 360, 374, 385, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 417, 420, 421, 423, 435, 448, 449, 479, 480, 482, 483, 485, 520, 524, 578, 579, 583, 588, 603, 604, 620 (bowl)
    • Titled and dated 'Photos required - 1928-29.'
  • Note 22A
    • 'Note for Burton'
    • 'A set of prints required for register: Nos 1135 to 1150.'
  • Pages 23-
    • Lists of object types with object numbers
    • 'Arms': Nos. 582 (scimitar), 620 (scimitar), 620 (boomerangs, ivory)
    • 'Head-rests': Nos. 403a, 403b, 403c, 403d
    • 'Misc. objects': Nos. 469 (silver vase), 620 (castanets, ivory), 620 (dog bronze), 620 (small box, wood)
    • 'Faience objects': Nos. 399 a & b
    • 'Ivory inlaid chair': Nos. 126, 131 (both numbers crossed through, i.e. cancelled)

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

Notes: Alfred Lucas, Tutankhamun conservation, 1922-1931

Alfred Lucas's notes on the conservation of objects from the tomb of Tutankhamun, compiled between 1922 and 1931.

  • Alfred Lucas's manuscript conservation notes
  • Arranged by Lucas in six sections
  • See below under "Notes" for transcription of Lucas's typewritten label affixed to the notebook cover
  • Contents include:
    • ‘Methods and Treatment used. [Antechamber objects]’;
    • ‘Scarlet colour on gold’;
    • ‘Objects and Treatment in Burial Chamber and Antechamber’;
    • Luxor Season 1925-6.
    • Account and treatment of Coffins and Mummy;
    • Seasons 1926-7, 1927-8;
    • Account and treatment of Coffins (contd.) and objects in Treasury, beginning of Annexe;
    • Season 1928-9;
    • Account and treatment of objects in Annexe.

Lucas, Alfred

Notebook: Alfred Lucas, Examination of Materials: (a) Tutankhamun. (b) Various

Alfred Lucas notebook on ‘Examination of Materials: (a) Tutankhamen. (b) Various.’

  • Notebook with 99 rule-lined pages with enclosures
  • Manuscript
  • Lucas's index of categories:
    • Gold
    • Leather
    • Varnish
    • Gesso
    • Faience
    • Resin
    • Dyes
    • Precious and semi-precious stones
    • Contents of jars
    • Textile fabrics
    • Stopping
    • Oils and fats
    • Copper or bronze
    • Silver
    • Beeswax
    • Stone
    • Gypsum and gypsum plaster
    • Lead
    • Pigments and media
    • Natron (salt)
    • Fungus
    • Glass
    • Materials employed
    • Miscellaneous
    • Eyes
    • Glue
    • Pottery
    • Fossil bone
    • Plaster and mortar
    • Cement
    • Kohl
    • Sulphur: Riebeckite
    • Black cores from bronze objects
    • Wood patch
    • Wine lees
    • Blackened rocks and efflorescence
    • Wood
    • Solder
    • Papyrus
    • Pink colour
    • Temperature
    • Black organic material
    • Bow, compound

Lucas, Alfred

Notes: Annexe objects, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen iii, deterioration and chemical change in tomb

Howard Carter's notes on objects found in the Annexe, manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume iii, chapters 3, 4, and parts of 5, and notes on deterioration and chemical change

  • Unbound group of 91 rule-lined, loose pages
  • Some pages crossed through (cancelled) by Carter
  • Includes some correspondence, list separately below
  • Notes, some with drawings on various topics including:
    • Egyptian slings;
    • Boxes and caskets found in the Annexe;
    • ‘Note upon Older or Ancestral objects in Royal Tombs’;
    • Alabaster and stone vessels;
    • Baskets;
    • 'Breakage of objects (in the Annexe)’;
    • Chairs;
    • Footstools;
    • Archery;
    • Weapons, arms and armour;
    • Game boxes;
    • Bread;
    • Wine jars;
    • ‘Robes of Dalmatic type’;
    • Fire apparatus;
    • Fan;
    • Minerals.
  • Carter's manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume iii, chapters 3, 4, and parts of 5:
    • Sections beginning or titled:
    • 'This Annexe was intended for a Store-Room' [etc.];
    • 'Notes. Re Arts, Crafts and design.';
    • 'The existence of damp in the tomb' [etc.];
    • 'The possible sources of water from above, behind and sides of the foot-hill.'
  • ‘Deterioration and chemical change’.
  • Correspondence within this group:
    • J. S. M. Rennie, of J. S. M. Rennie, Limited, to The Editor of the Illustrated London News, dated 17-08-1929, concerning Egyptian slings (TAA i.2.10.1);
    • Berkeley Moynihan, to Howard Carter, dated 13-01-1929, mentioning a visit to the tomb and questions about the two foetuses found in the tomb, and the calcite boat.

Carter, Howard

Journal: 1922-1925 (1st to 3rd seasons)

Tutankhamun excavation journal 1922-1925, and miscellaneous notes

  • 148 numbered pages
  • Manuscript entries, with some drawings and pages with affixed newspaper cuttings

Howard Carter's excavation journal for the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1922-1925, covering the first-third seasons

  • Most entries are by Carter
  • Entries between December 5th and 27th, 1922 (pages 43 to 47) are by Arthur Mace

Also, Carter's miscellaneous notes on Tutankhamun and other subjects:

  • Notes on Synopsis
  • The Legend of Osiris
  • Nomenclature of certain Districts of the Theban Necropolis
  • Records of Royal Tomb Robberies
  • The First Theban Kingdom
  • Protocol of Tut-Ankh-Amen

Newspaper cuttings

  • The Times
    • 31 May 1923
    • 23 July 1923
    • 24 July 1923
    • 5 January 1924
    • 7 January 1924
    • 12 February 1924
    • 14 February 1924

Carter, Howard

[813] Statuette of Horuta

-Headless torso from a statue of Horwedja, with back inscribed (Memphis; Petrie Museum, University College UC14634; Late period, 26th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Horuta. Chief quarry master
to Necho.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[811] Statuette of Tahuti an official of Hatshepsu.

-Lower part of a seated statuette of Djehuty in block statue pose, with cartouches of Thutmose III and his co-regent queen Hatshepsut (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari?; Petrie Museum, University College UC14351; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Tahuti
an official of Hatshepsu.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[810] Statuette of Tahuti an official of Hatshepsu.

-Lower part of a seated statuette of Djehuty in block statue pose, with cartouches of Thutmose III and his co-regent queen Hatshepsut (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari?; Petrie Museum, University College UC14351; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Statuette of Tahuti
an official of Hatshepsu.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[415] [Embalming table]

-Embalming-table with lions carved on the sides (Saqqara, step pyramid enclosure of Djoser, 'Tomb' 86 or "galleries of Mariette"; Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG1321 or 1322; probably Late period).
-This photograph is loose between pages 88 and 89. It is numbered 415 and of a slightly bigger size that the other photographs, which suggests it may come from another album.

[808] Bust from a stela. Thebes

-Upper part of a figure of man in high relief in shrine-niche with rear body and tail of Anubis jackal preserved above (Thebes; Petrie Museum, University College UC15519; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Bust from a stela. Thebes'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[806] Ushabti

-Collection of shabtis: upper part of a shabti of Seti I (top left); fragment of a shabti of the Divine Adoratrice Amenirdis (25th Dynasty) (bottom left); shabti, New Kingdom (right).
-Caption: 'Ushabti'.

-Also labels for 'Seti I' and 'Amen-iritis (unique)'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[804] Statuette of daughter of Khuenaten.

-Broken statuette of a women (Nefertiti? One of Akhenaten's daughter?) (El-Amarna (?); Petrie Museum, University College UC002; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
'Statuette of daughter of Khuenaten.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

[805] Statuette of king Sebakemsaf.

-Headless statuette of King Sobkemsaf (II) Sekhemrewadjkhaw in heb-sed costume (Thebes; Petrie Museum, University College, UC14209; Second Intermediate Period, 17th Dynasty).
'Statuette of king Sebakemsaf.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XI Antiquities from Egypt. 1887'.

Results 181 to 210 of 6121