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Kirollos, Samira - correspondence

1 letter from Kirollos.
Kirollos consulting Černý regarding the topic of drama and theatre in Antiquity, also thanking Černý for inspiring him when they met in person.

Kirkbride, Diana - correspondence

7 letters from Kirkbride, 1 carbon copy of a reference on behalf of D. Kirkbride written by Černý.
2 communications from K. Kenyon concerning D. Kirkbride's application to the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, for the position of Secretary-Librarian.
University College London, Kirkbride's studies, and job applications, also reference to the political situation in the Middle East.
Kirkbride congratulating Černý on the Oxford Egyptology Chair election.

Frederick Leslie Kennet Photographs Collection

  • Kenett MSS
  • Sammlung

Approximately 50 black and white photographs and two colour negatives of objects in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Kenett, Frederick Leslie

Kees, Hermann - correspondence

7 letters from Kees, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kees.
Kees's work on priests and priestly genealogies; Kees recommending Schafik Allam as a researcher; Černý writing about changes affecting Egyptological posts in the UK.

Keating, Rex - correspondence

6 letters from Keating, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Keating.
Participation of both in the UNESCO Nubian mission. Keating also made at least one recording with Černý.

Kasser, Rodolphe - correspondence

2 letters from Kasser, 1 carbon copy of a reference on behalf of Kasser written by Černý.
Coptic studies and Kasser's work on the Bodmer papyri, which resulted in a number of publications dating from the 1950s to the early 2000s.

Kaplony, Peter - correspondence

14 letters from Kaplony, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kaplony.

  • Kaplony's studies of Late Egyptian
  • the presence of Late Egyptian elements in 18th Dynasty texts
  • texts dated to the reign of Kamose
  • Coptic etymologies, development of verbal forms
  • consultations with L. Habachi
  • meeting Černý at G. Nagel's in 1956

Kantor, Helene T. - correspondence

4 letters from Kantor.
Černý's visits to Chicago (professional and personal matters), and research interests of both correspondents. Černý enquired about an Amarna tablet with a hieratic docket.

Kampmann, A. A. - correspondence

6 letters from Kampmann, 5 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kampmann.

  • reviewing for Bibliotheca Orientalis (BiOr)
  • Černý's pupil Z. Žába invited to review for BiOr
  • publications by H. Grapow, A. de Buck
  • Congress of Oriental Studies in Prague, 1949, in which Černý was not able to participate

Kákosy, László - correspondence

2 letters from Kákosy, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kákosy.
Coptic etymologies, Černý interested in a hieratic text from Budapest, and records for ostraca also located in Budapest.

Kahle, Paul E. Sr. - correspondence

1 letter from Kahle P. E. (Kahle senior) to Černý, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kahle (senior).
Coptic manuscripts, Černý recommends contacting Plumley.

Correspondence (1953-4)

File of correspondence with:
-Adam, Aland, Alington, Audet
-P.Bellet, Black, British Museum Department of Manuscripts, Burney
-Černý, Clarendon Press, some photographs of Crum manuscripts (published)
-Delbrueck, Driver
-Gray, Grunn
-Rolf Ibscher
-Metzger, Dilly G. Müller
-Paap, Päcks, Plumley
-Quispel, Quinton
-Oxford University Press

Publication by Maria Cramer

Publication by Maria Cramer titled ‘Versuch eines Vergleichs arabischer Coptischer und demotischer Rechtsurkunden gezeigt an einigen Stiftungs - Schenkungs - Auseinander-setzungs – und Verkaufs – Urkenden’.


Material split into three envelopes:
A – Photographs used for plates in Bala’izah
B – Proofs of Preface etc., and plates for Bala’izah
C – Photographs of Bodleian Ms. Copt. D 187 (P); c.15 (P); and of three pages from Turin Sirach

Oxhyrhynchus papyri fragments

Two photographs of Oxhyrhynchus papyri fragments with preliminary translation. Includes letter from Charles Batey (Printer to the University) enclosing the photographs, 9 July 1952.

Index slips

Index slips in 4 boxes:

  • I Greek words in Coptic
    -II & III Dialectical variants of Coptic vowels and consonants
    -IV Coptic Grammatical elements
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