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Tattam - Prophetae majores

Material relating to Tattam, Prophetae majores, in dialecto Coptica. 2 vols. (Oxford, 1852). Includes postcard from A. Möhle, 1933 and L. Delaporte, 1931.

Thompson - multiple publications

Material relating to:
The Coptic Version of the Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Epistles in the Sahidic Dialect (Cambridge, 1932).
Material relating to:
A Coptic palimpsest containing Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Judith and Esther in the Sahidic Diclaect (London, 1911).
The Coptic (Sahidic) Version of certain books of the Old Testament (London, 1908).
Theban Ostraca (Toronto, 1913)

Turaev - multiple publications

Material relating to Turaev, Koptskie teksty (Moscow, 1902) and Koptskiia Ostraca, Bulletin de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersburg 10 (1899).

Worrell - publications

Material relating to Worrell, The Proverbs of Solomon in Sahidic Coptic (Chicago, 1931) and The Coptic Manuscripts in the Freer Collection (New York, 1923). Includes review by Crum and correspondence from Worrell, 1932-3.

Author A-B

Material relating to:
Ainalof: Vyz Vrewm IX138 on Strygowsky
Ainalof: Vyz Vrem IX152 on de Buck
Bell / Thompson: “A Greek/Coptic Glossary to Hosea and Amos” JEA XI (1925), 151 ff.
Bouriant: Rec. XI132-135

Crum - An Egyptian Text in Greek Characters

Notes, photographs and letters for Crum, An Egyptian Text in Greek Characters, JEA XXVIII (1942) with off-print. Includes photograph and notes on Schmidt Papyrus, three photographs of Papyrus Mimaut, annotated off-print and notes.

Author H-L

Material relating to:
Hall: “Two Coptic Acknowledgements of Loans” PSBA XXXIII
Heer: “Neue Griechische Koptische Evangelien Fragmente”
Jernsted: “Die Koptischen Papyri des Asiatischen Museums”
Krall: “Neue Koptische und Griechische Papyrus”
Lopareff: review: The Christian East - the Patriachate of Alexandria I
Lange: “Ein Faijumischer Beschwörungstext” Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith, 162ff.
Munier: “Les Actes du Martyre de Saint Isidore” BIF XIV pp. 97 ff.
Libri: Mons. Inédits 1862 XXXIX

Author P-T

Pellegrini “Piccoli Testi Copto-sa’îdici del Museo Archeologico di Firenze” Sphinx X
Piehl “Ostracon Piehl no. 1” Sphinx VI p.60
Reitzenstein: “2 Religionsgeschichtliche Fragen”
St. Paul Girard: “Ostracon from Mazoura” ASAE. XXVII 62
Schmidt: “Das Koptische Didache - Fragment des British Museum” ZNTW XXIV (1925) 81 ff.
Schmidt: “Die Paulusacten” Neue Heidelberger Jahrbücher VII (1897) 117 ff.
Till: “Zu Wiener koptischen Zaubertexten” Orientalia IV (1935) 195 ff.

Crum - multiple articles

Material relating to:
“Notes” PSBA (1899)
“Chapter of St. John in Greek and Middle Egyptian” JTS 1 (1900)
“A “Manichaean” Fragment from Egypt’ JRAS (April 1919)
“Un Psaume en Dialecte d’Akhmim” Mem. Inst. LXVII
“A Nubian Prince in an Egyptian Monastery” Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith

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