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Notebook 53

Crum’s copy of text published by Schmidt: 1. Festbrief in Göttinger Nachrichten 1898 pp. 167 ff.

Notebook 51

Copies of ostraca mostly published in W. E. Crum, Short Texts from Coptic Papyri and Ostraca (London, 1921) as ‘Crum - Wessely’ [and W. C. Till, Die koptischen Ostraka der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Wien, 1960).

Notebook 49

List of books slipped by various scholars for Dictionary.
Expenses for Dictionary.

Notebook 47

Miscellaneous notes for Crum, ‘Coptic Documents in Greek script’.
List of Fayyumic located texts.

Notebook 46

Coislin 126ff. 244-311 analysis (Apophthegmata).
Burney 50 analysis.
Paris 43, sequence of pages.

Notebook 45

Greek words in Coptic texts CSCO 43 (Hyvernat & Balestri, Acta Martyrum) [see also CRUM MSS 11.43 and Notebook 4].
Budge, Coptic Homilies [see also CRUM MSS 11.11].
Missoin Francaise IV pt. II.

Notebook 44

Copies of Rustafjael ostraca in British Library ([Or.] 44720-44822).
List of numerical equation from publication and list of place names.

Notebook 40

Copies of MSS at Innsbruck (literary).
Pesynthian letters in RE IX & X analysis = E. Revillout, 'Textes coptes. Extraits de la correspondence de St. Pesunthius, évêque de Coptos, et de plusieurs documents analogues (juridiques et économique)', Revue d'Égyptologie 9 (1900) 133-177) and 10 (1902), 34-47 [no notes on 14 (1914), 22-32].

Notebook 4

Balestri/Hyvernat, Acta Martyrum.
Notes on Schwartze’s copies of Lee MSS. and whereabouts of these MSS.

Notebook 38

Extracts from ‘Book of Governors’.
Certain words in C. Butler, The Lausiac History of Palladius.
Certain Greek words from Oxyrhynchus Papyri and PSI.

Notebook 37

Notes on British Library Or. 8664 (Shenoute).
W. E. Crum, Short Texts from Coptic Papyri and Ostraca (London, 1921) - numerical equations.

Notebook 30

Index to Lemm’s works.
Coptic MSS in Vatican.
Biblical texts in C. Wessely, Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme ecrits sur papyrus: textes grecs. 2 vols (Patrologia Orientalis 4. Paris, 1906-1924) - list of contents.
Ethnology - bibliography.

Notebook 3

Notes for Crum, Coptic Ostraca.
Notes on Vita Pachomii (Greek; Life of Pachomius).

Notebook 29

Greek originals of Vatican 57. Reg. Pachom. Hieron.
Extracts from R.H. Connolly, Some early rules for Syrian Monks, Donsie Review 25 (1907), 152-162.
Downside review VI 152.
Copy of Curzon 131
Diptych BM 8805.

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