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Four sketches of view and reliefs from a Roman tomb in Ghineh, near Ghazir (Lebanon), copy of a Greek inscription from a village nearby and copy of Latin inscription from Deir el-Kalaa (Lebanon)

Four sketches of view and reliefs from a Roman tomb in Ghineh, near Ghazir (Lebanon), copy of a Greek inscription from a village nearby and copy of Latin inscription from Deir el-Kalaa (Lebanon):

  • inked pencil sketches on paper
  • loose
  • 22.6 x 35.6
  • [on sketch] 'Der el Kalla near Beyrout' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'The first year of Trajan was 421 of Alexander's death.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Inscription built into a wall over a door of a ruined house in a village called Kenna (?) near Gazir' (ink note; name of village in pencil)
  • [on sketch] 'View of the Roman tomb near Gazir' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Bassorelievo in the tomb' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Bassorelievo in the tomb' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Bassorelievo in the tomb' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] '3.1/3' / '5 1/4' (pencil note)

Page of handwritten catalogue of Egyptian antiquities

Page of handwritten catalogue of Egyptian antiquities:

  • ink text on paper
  • loose
  • 16.0 x 31.6 cm
  • [on verso] '66' (ink note)
  • [on verso] 'Material' (ink note)
  • [on verso] 'pieces of the dried stem of the Payprus Plant. - Such rolls of papyrus are made up of the fragments of papyri that are sometimes found about the mummy by the present inhabitants of Thebes.

    This specimen was purchased at the sale of antiquities by Mr Sotheby.

    Papyrus Roll - A Coptic and Greek roll of Papyrus unrolled by Mr Bonomi at Hartwell Sep. 3. 1847. Very imperfect - This is also one of the fabricated rolls. See No 3114

    Do - A hieratic and Coptic roll of papyrus, unrolled by Mrs Lee at Hartwell Sep 3. 1847. In the centre was a part of the stem of a reed which is preserved among the fragments in No 3102.

    This roll like the two former was made up of fragments. Originally, perhaps, it may have been a Coptic book written over the more ancient Hieratic characters; or the fragments of all Hieratic manuscript have been ignorantly rolled up with some Coptic fragments by the present inhabitants of Thebes, to sell to travellers.

    Pallet of a Painter, presented to me by R. Catherwood Esqre who brought it from Egypt in 1835. Mr C. had another Lot 229 of Mr Bartons collection of antiquities; and No 230; 231; and 232 consisted of Pallets of this description of two of which there are drawings July 1836.

    This is a remarkably fine specimen 16 inches long and 2./8th wide. It has two circular cavities for the red and black pgiments, usually employed in writing, and likewise an inclined cavity for the reeds used as brushes. This instrument is seen in the hands of the scribes represented on the monuments: it served at once for a ruler, and sometimes a measure, besides its office of inkstand and penholder. penholder On the front at the top is the scribe making an offering and prayer to the judge of the Amenti (the region of the West) behind whom' (ink note; with '3114' and '3102' in pencil).

Coloured lithograph of Greek vase by Nikosthenes, discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton

Coloured lithograph of Greek vase by Nikosthenes discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton; published on 23 April 1848 as plate XV to illustrate "Observations by the Marquess of Northampton, Pres. R.S., F.S.A., upon a Greek vase discovered in Etruria, now in his Lordship's possession, bearing the name of the fabricator Nicosthenes", in Archaeologia: or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London 32 (1847), p. 255-262:

  • multi-coloured (orange, red, black) lithograph
  • loose
  • 24.4 x 29.7 cm

Coloured lithograph of details from Greek vase by Nikosthenes discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton

Coloured lithograph of details from Greek vase by Nikosthenes discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton; published on 23 April 1848 as plate XVI to illustrate "Observations by the Marquess of Northampton, Pres. R.S., F.S.A., upon a Greek vase discovered in Etruria, now in his Lordship's possession, bearing the name of the fabricator Nicosthenes", in Archaeologia: or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London 32 (1847), p. 255-262:

  • multi-coloured (orange, red, black) lithograph
  • loose
  • 24.3 x 29.4 cm

Architectural drawings of the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Agrigento, Sicily (Italy), with measurements

Architectural drawings of the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Agrigento, Sicily (Italy), with measurements:

  • blue ink sketches on tracing paper
  • loose
  • 49.4 x 44.2 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Plan of half the Temple of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigentum.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Length of side 369.5' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Length of End 182.8' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Windows' / 'Profile' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Centre not roof?' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Elevation within the Centre or nave.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Section of outer wall Large scale.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Elevation Large scale.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Restoration of the Temple of Jup. Olympius Agrigentum' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'with comparison of relative scale of Temple of Concord at Agrigentum & Parthenon at Athens.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Temple of Concord Agrigentum.' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Parthenon at Athens.' (ink note)

Five ornamental/commemorative column designs from ancient Greek pottery decoration, traced from publications

Five ornamental/commemorative column designs from ancient Greek pottery decoration, traced from publications. Upper left: column shaft with decoration on top; upper middle: Ionic column; upper right: Doric column on altar; lower left: column or pillar with palmette [detail from Tischbein, W., Collection of engravings from ancient vases of Greek workmanship discovered in sepulchres in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies but chiefly in the neighbourhood of Naples during the course of the years MDCCLXXXIX and MDCCLXXXX, now in the possession of Sir W. Hamilton..., vol. III (1795), pl. 51]; lower right: herm and part of altar.

  • pencil tracings on tracing paper
  • loose
  • 15.4 x 27.3 cm
  • [on tracing] 'Vol II Pl. 96' (pencil note) and erased 'Pl. 72'
  • [on tracing] 'Vol II Pl. 89' (pencil note)
  • [on tracing] 'Vol II Pl. 72' (pencil note)
  • [on tracing] 'Tischbein Vol III' (pencil note)
  • [on tracing] 'Vol II Pl 97' (pencil note)

Diagram of the pediment of the temple of Jupiter at Elis

Diagram of the pediment of the temple of Jupiter at Elis:

  • ink sketch on paper
  • loose
  • 21.6 x 7.3 cm
  • [on sketch] 'all the figures / are the work of / a Peonian of Meride / a town of Thrace' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Pediment of the temple of / Jupiter Olympius Elis' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Pausanius. BV. / Description of Elis' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'CLADÉE' / 'UNKNOWN' / 'UNKNOWN' / 'MYRTIL' / 'STEROPE' / 'ŒNOMAUS' / 'JUPITER' / 'PELOPS' / 'HIPPODAMIA' / 'L'ECUYER CILLA or SPHERUS' / '1 - 2 } PALFRENIERS' / 'ALPHEE' (ink labels)

Drawings Egypt

Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt / JB' (ink)
Pencil note: '15'
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'E' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Various - mostly Thebes' (underlined) (almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Ink table of contents with some pencil notes on piece of paper partially glued to cover:

  • '1 Alphabet'
  • '2 Three pieces some women and a child from / a tomb at Thebes (underlined in pencil) / Pillar of a tomb at Sakkara / Name on Trail's block of Basalt'
  • '3 Name on a tablet Cairo / Name of the Faioum'
  • '4 Note'
  • '5 Hierogs invented by Birch'
  • '6 Hierogs found at Carthage'
  • '7 Name of places mentioned in the Bible / in and near Egypt'
  • '8 Hieroglys on the stem of a head rest / Walter Hawkins'
  • '9 Bull Great Court Medinet Haboo'
  • '10 Tracing of a soul being weighed Tomb Thebes'
  • '11 Beautiful outline Memnonion Zodiac Chart(?)'
  • 'Design restoration / restorations' (pencil additions above 11)

Pencil notes partially covered by piece of paper glued to cover: 'This is a / rubbing / from some / Hieroglyphics / found among / the ruins of / Carthage / Given to me in Egypt'

Pencil note on small piece of paper mounted on verso of cover: 'Ask Prisse where lives / the man who cuts paper / inscriptions'
Pencil note on small piece of paper mounted on verso of cover: 'Lahaf / Vermilion / House'.

Hieroglyphic alphabet

List of hieroglyphic signs with their corresponding phonetic values in English, and some examples:

  • ink and pencil text and hieroglyphs on paper
  • mounted
  • 9.7 x 19.4 cm
  • [on mount] 'By Max Weidenback / The Pyramids' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '1' (pencil note)

Heart scarab (not identified)

Squeeze [recto] of a heart scarab (not identified):

  • squeeze highlighted with pencil on paper
  • loose, between Bonomi MSS 4.8 and Bonomi MSS 4.13
  • 4.7 x 6.5 cm

Egypt. Thebes. East Bank. Karnak. Great Temple of Amun. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Obelisk of Tuthmosis III, now in Istanbul (note on pyramidion and copy of cartouches)

Note on the pyramidion and copy of the cartouches of an obelisk of Tuthmosis III, originally erected in front of the South Face of the Seventh Pylon in the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, on the East Bank of Thebes, and now in Istanbul ("Obelisk of Theodosius") (TopBib ii.171):

  • pencil text and sketches on paper
  • loose, between Bonomi MSS 4.8 and Bonomi MSS 4.13
  • 5.2 x 8.5 cm
  • [on sketch] 'The W face of Pyramidion of the / obelisk of Constantinople / the god holds the king / by his right hand / and gives him life' (pencil note)

Egypt. Thebes. East Bank. Karnak. Great Temple of Amun. Portico of the Bubastides. Pilaster (129). Register I, Osorkon I receiving heb-sed from Amun holding scimitar

Scene depicting Osorkon I receiving heb-sed from Amun holding scimitar, in register I of pilaster (129) in the Portico of the Bubastides in the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, on the East Bank of Thebes (TopBib ii2.36(129).I):

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • loose, between Bonomi MSS 4.8 and Bonomi MSS 4.13
  • 5.2 x 8.2 cm
  • [on sketch] 'DYN XXII / AB III BI 257' (pencil note)

Note on two publications

Note on two publications:

  • pencil text on paper
  • loose, between Bonomi MSS 4.8 and Bonomi MSS 4.13
  • 5.2 x 8.2 cm
  • [text] 'The Churchman's / companion / Vol 6 / Masters Aldersgate / Scriptural Coincidences / J J Blunt' (pencil note)
Résultats 661 à 690 sur 8675