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Translation of Vienna Papyrus No. 27

    1. recto: Translation of Vienna Papyrus No. 27 Cf. Bergmann, Ernst Ritter von, Hieratische und hieratisch-demotische Texte der Sammlung aegyptischer Alterthümer des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses (1886) (OEB 134186), platess X-XVIII.
    1. verso: Translation by Kate Griffith (corrected by F. Ll.Griffith) of the Story of Ahure compiled in Griffith, Francis Llewellyn, Stories of the high priests of Memphis: the Sethon of Herodotus and the demotic tales of Khamuas, 2 vols (1900) (OEB 140799), vol. I, p. 17-29, with discussion by F. Ll. Griffith on the title Pḥry.

Griffith, Kate

List of Mahas and Dongolese Nubian words

List of Mahas and Dongolese Nubian words originally published by Cadalvène, Ed. de and J. de Breuvery, L'Égypte et la Turquie: de 1829 à 1836, vols 1 and 2 (1836) (OEB 136004), and L'Égypte et la Nubie, 2 vols (1841) (OEB 136003), with corrections by Murray. [Enclosed with letter Griffith MSS 14.11].

Letter from G. W. Murray (17 January 1912)

Letter from G. W. Murray dated 17 January 1912. Discussion of names of Hill Nubian dialects. Attribution of typed word list of Hill Nuba languages (Griffith 14.15 below) to [J. W.] Sagar, cf. Sagar, J. W., "Notes on the history, religion, and customs of the Nuba" in Sudan Notes and Records 5 (1922), p.137-156.

Nubian vocabulary

  1. List of Mahas Nubian geographical words and place names in and around Serra East. List of family names and two personal names; the second, Daud Kubara at Halfa, said to have been writing a history of Nubia. Mahas Nubian phrases.
  2. Words in Old Nubian and in modern Mahas, Kenzi and Dongolese Nubian.

Letter from George W. Murray (22 May 1909)

Letter from George W. Murray dated 22 May [1909] with notes and queries on words and proper names in Kenzi, Mahas and Old Nubian. Corrections to Griffith MSS 14.5.2 above. Mention of Murray's list of Nubian personal names, cf. Griffith MSS 14.5.4 below.

Letter from W. E. Crum (28 February 1912)

Letter from W. E. Crum dated 28 February 1912 on the original provenance of the Rustafjaell MSS: MS. 1 from [serrah (Coptic transcription)], being dedicated to a church at Edfu, the scribe having been from Esna; MSS. 2 and following taken to Nubia and joined to MS. 1.

Enclosures with letter from Murray [Griffith MSS 14.4]

Enclosures with letter Griffith MSS 14.4:

  1. "Feyadika" [Mahas] Nubian love song: "Alla Dessi Barama". Translation and notes.

  2. Arabic story in Kenzi Nubian: "The Abyssinian Slave". Translation and notes.

  3. Three songs in Kenzi Nubian. Translations:

    • A father thinking of his dead daughter.
    • Insulting song by one woman to another.
    • A woman preparing food for her husband's return, has it stolen.
  4. List of some 18 words in Kenzi and Mahas Nubian. Glosses. List of Nubian proper names: 37 for men and 11 for women.

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