Stuk Griffith MSS 24.9 - Griffith Notebook Grant Collection, 1886. Clot Bey Collection, 1887.


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Griffith MSS 24.9


Griffith Notebook Grant Collection, 1886. Clot Bey Collection, 1887.


  • 1886-1887 (Vervaardig)



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1 notebook
10 by 16cms
66 pages (pages numbered by Griffith)


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Notes by Griffith on the Collections of M. Pénon Chateau Borèlly, Clotbey, Brighton Museum, and Grant.

-p1: Titled: “M. Pénon Chateau Borèlly”
-Transcript of hieroglyphic text in two columns of “Saxet & Nefertem side by side porcelain a back support”
-“limestone covering hawk with wings. (?) Merert & Chons”
“(?) holding sound eye on knees porcelain”
-p2-3: Transcript of 11 columns of hieroglyphic text, landscape across both pages, untitled and unlabelled - scribbled-through.
-p4: “limestone statuette 8 in high (?) broken” followed by a one column transcript of a hieroglyphic text, source not named.
-p6-7: Transcript of 11 columns of hieroglyphic text, landscape across both pages, untitled and unlabelled - scribbled-through.
-p8: Side profile sketch of chest-like object with two features of decoration, labelled; “lion?” and “girdle tie carnelian”.
-One column transcript of short hieroglyphic text with unidentifiable sketch beside labelled; “section”.
-Finale note: “haematite Eye name of Ramesses II”, followed by a copy of two cartouches, the first Rameses Meryamun, the second, labelled; “scarab”; Meryamun(?) Meryre.

-p11: “ΪΛΣΟ”.
-p12: “339. sycamore coffin lid mummy shaped 5 vertical lines hieroglyphs markedly one demotic”.
-One line of transcribed Demotic.
-One column transcript of hieroglyphic text. Annotated to the side; “etc add(?) to two Truths”
-p13: "stele over fireplace unnumbered round headed. difficult to read names. address sut di hotep lo osiris Xent amente neb anxu."
-"17. stele. rounded. jackals & wing at top."
-"1st line". followed by transcript of 16 short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note above: "meni often wearing panther skin".
-"second register". followed by transcript of 12 short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note below: "wears panther skin".
-Final note: "NB = XXIst dyn."
-p14: "3rd register." followed by transcript of six short columns of hieroglyphic text, with note below: "wears panther skin". Six more short columns of transcribed hieroglyphs beside and below titled: "female".
-"all these time represented offering or being offered to before tables, before address to Osiris Xent Amenti Hor neb alf ast met, aufs Xent neter ha for", followed by hieroglyphic transcription of: The scribe of the king, Mery, true of voice, before the great god.
-p15: "29. Ptolemaic?"
-"a man", followed by a two line transcription of hieroglyphic text.
-"offer to (1) bull headed god", followed by one line and one column of transcribed hieroglyphs, and annotated with the note: "This uprated in a inscription below 2nd in these omitted."
-"(2) smooth capped god", followed by two lines and one column of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"(3) Ptah mummified", followed by a few transcribed hieroglyphs.
p16: "30. adoration to Amenhotep I by a", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs to the side and six underneath.
-"27 erased & eight substituted. very finely sculpted slab." followed by a short line of transcribed hieroglyphs beside labelled "woman", and two short lines underneath labelled "man" and "child" respectively.
-p17: "no number".
-"offerings to Osiris Isis Nephthys from", followed by two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs and "adoration to Osiris of Amenti & Abydosč & Ptah rus anbuf neb anx tawi."
Line division in the page.
-"16 attend to 18. left"
-p18: "15 attend to 21."

-p19: "(?) (?) Tuantnutf." “D. Grant”.
-Two short columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, followed by: "if (?) D. Grant."
-p20: Landscape page annotated: "working(?) black basalt Ramesside style".
-Two sets of columns of transcribed hieroglyphs; the first of seven columns labelled below: "left side"; the second of six columns labelled above: "right side".
-p21: Titled: "final", followed by nine lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-Object presumably that of “Stela of Sebeknakht” attested in object cards (but did not become part of the Anthropological Museum of Aberdeen’s collection).
-p22: Titled: "coffin of", both portrait and landscape, followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.

-p24: "wooden coffin", followed by three lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"another of girl" followed by a few transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"strip of bandage", followed by two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"yellow & green & red coffin lid", followed by two short numbered columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-p25: "double fingers inscribed illegibly have group" mtt.
-"Ptah riding on 2 hedgehogs."
-"porcelain Osiris."
-"bronze sphinx human headed walking."
-Transcription of one column of hieroglyphs, labelled: "seated on throne around" (hieroglyph of sun disk between horns surmounted by throne drawn) "receiving homage from 4 persons apparently forgery."
-"bronze inlaid in palette", followed by a transcription of one column of hieroglyphs.
-p26: "wooden coffin", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"painted coffin", followed by one column of transcribed hieroglyphs.

-p[27]: Very short and rough note.
-p28: Two lines of transcribed hieroglyphs, unlabelled, featuring a cartouche of Neferibra (Psamtek II).
-p29: Six columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, unlabelled.
-p30: "wooden implement", followed by simple sketch of the object in question, which resembles an adze, "with" (one line of transcribed hieroglyphs featuring the cartouche of Menkhperra written) "labelled" "Nou trouve dans le cereneil de Thutmes III" "Deir el Bahari 1881."
-Four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs, opening with an offering formula, unlabelled.

-p32: Page titled: "along Tehel Baroud & Buley Dakun (?)".
-List of topographical names written in Arabic with transliteration and brief notes in English beside.
-List of names and their respective numbers and with brief notes on objects, titled: "May 1889" "names of Belbuis men with inscribed stones & amounts of find much of Gebrawi".

-p34: Note: "Qala' el Tîmeh or mud castle built on a small island formed by driving stakes of palm wood into the mud."
-p35: Page of abstractions, reading:
-"Saya. Aead. \Feb/ 1888 p123."
-"Rapha' sandhills enclosing plain of (?) content. mound strewn with pottery making site of ancient town & 4 Roman columns & Corinthian capital of white marble. & spring of water."
-"\Xtian/ niche long enough to contain the life-size statue of a man protected by shell-shaped roof. early coptic terracotta bowl. Roman lamps & frap of Roman glass. 2 maltese crosses in (?) of lintel of a window in relief. Niches sometimes square sometimes rectangular & made to represent an Egyptian pylon(?)"
-"S. told similar minus al Budowîl.Sabkhal Berdawîl."
-"Tilissiyah below. Qes & El Aîsh. 25 hrs from Pelusian."
-"Qes 1 1/2 days E of Farafra 2 days W of El Aîsh."
-"below. Qantiqih & Farafra oasis known as Românh being slowly buried. thence one road leads W to Farafra, the others E to desolate sandhill Hemdîyeh("many written stones") & S saw Roman marble columns."

1 blank page; 3 torn-out pages; 8 blank pages; 4 torn-out pages

-p37: Blank page. Inserted leaf. Titled: “Brighton museum”
-“wooden figure in box”, followed by one column of transcribed hieroglyphs below.
-"Rokem tablet". "Canopus", followed by four columns of transcribed hieroglyphs.
-"XIIth-dyn tablet Khnumhotep & neb of" iwnw.

25 blank pages

-p[38]: Top of page: “3.215”.
-“silsileh & compare Rovell.M.S.III.215. for the stela (?)”.
-“Manetho. (?) (?) find king”.
-Bottom of page: “Ae60753 r 994”.
-p[39] (33): Titled: “seated statuette basalt of D. Grant. Between knees”, followed by transcript of hieroglyphic text of three lines, a fourth line labelled “in front”.
-Potentially related to the inscription described on the statue of “High Priest of Ptah, Pedu-pé” no. 1405 in; Reid, R. W. Illustrated catalogue of the Anthropological Museum: University of Aberdeen (1912) 1181
-p[41] (32): Six line transcript of fragmentary hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled. No name apparent in the text.
-p42: One short line transcript of hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled.
-Labelled: “Dr Grant’s B(?) (?)”
-Sketch of a floor plan. Labelled; open on two sides and rounded on a third, the sides measuring 5, 11 & 8 inches respectively, with final side unlabelled and unmeasured.
-Six line transcript of fragmentary hieroglyphic text, untitled and unlabelled, relationship to diagram above is uncertain. Name is featured: pꜣ-di-ꜣst.

-p[43] (29)

-Title page: “Dr Grant. 1886.” With later insert “MUSEUMS Dr GRANT 1886 CLOTBEY 1887”

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-p[39]: Reid, R. W. Illustrated catalogue of the Anthropological Museum: University of Aberdeen (1912) 1181


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