Unidad documental simple Griffith MSS 24.7 - Griffith Notebook Gamaiyemi and Nebesheh

Área de identidad

Código de referencia

Griffith MSS 24.7


Griffith Notebook Gamaiyemi and Nebesheh


  • 1886 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

Volumen y soporte

1 notebook
10 by 16cms
35 pages (pages numbered by Griffith)

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]

-pInside Front Cover: Crossed-through list of workmen and a sketch of a square area with two circles in bottom-left and reclined human figure along bottom-centre.
-p1: Inventory list of expenses including subsistence, accommodation, labour.

  • “inscription on fragment of shabti Nebesheh”.

-p2: Inventory list of expenses from “Hammaden market”, mostly subsistence and bakhshish.
-p3: List of prices and inventory list of expenses.
-p4: “milk accounts”.
-p5: Numbered list of workmen and owed values.

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p6: List of figures and supplies “brought forward”.

-Copy of inscription from a shabti (corresponding to publication’s pl xiii 35.a & 35.b).

-p7: “milk account” & “eggs No”.

-p8: “in tomb south of sheikhs tomb (?) stone sarcophagus” followed by sketch of tomb with one oblong and one ovoid shape inside, ovoid shaped labelled “terracotta 64 inc.” (only reference to a terracotta coffin in publication p.19).
-p10: List of notes on “Temple”:
-“1. clear right(?) side of old working or Ptah from E.”
-“2. clean top of placement(?) & bank against above”
-“3. Final inside of S wall & breadth of N wall to W”
-p11: “Gemayemi. Tomb(?) On Sou[th] side of mound. (almost absolutely level & soil over walls of same consistency but outlines sharp of chambers, owing to dampness over walls.)”.
-Sketch of large square area with (left-to-right) three oblong, three square and two oblong shapes inside, labelled above as “square of 13 paces – many others traceable”.

-p12: List of items bought (expenses) “before P[etrie] left”.
-List of accounts after “P. left” from February 13th to 21st including part of sarcophagus, beads, gold wig & scarabs.
-p13: Accounts for wages paid on February 13th and 20th.
-List of expenses from February 21st to 25th including “scarabs etc”.
-p14: List of expenses February 26th to 28th including beads.
-p15: List of expenses from 7th to 18th and accounts of wages.
-p16: “Nebesheh Private account” including food, antiquities, wages, Petrie, Qantarah personnel and Nebesheh personnel and Cairo personnel as well as the amount of personal funds contributed and sums owed to Petrie.
-p17: Nebesheh excavation list of expenses corresponding to various dates in February, March and May at Nebeshesh, Qantarah and Cairo as well as list of sums settled previously in December and January.

-p18: Brief summary/review of “D.Wright’s book” featuring a discussion on Hittite, Egyptian and Assyrian competition.

-p19-26: Torn out. Remains of writing and diagrams in pencil on pages 21-25, both sides (except page 25).
-p28: 36 blank pages.
-p51-84: Torn out (page numbers inferred). The first 6 of which show evidence of written notes in pencil, the last 9 in pen.

-p85: Four lines of notes in pen which presumably continue from page 84 (torn out). Notes are on afterlife beliefs and the role of Osiris and Ra.
-Pencil diagram headed; “pits for old temple”
-Diagram includes squares individually labelled as certain features, the only point of reference being the “Aahmes Wall” which presumably relates the birds-eye view map to the “first” or “second” temple “built by Aahmes II” described in the publication (11-12) after the point when Petrie had “left the work in Mr. Griffith’s hands”.
-Description in publication includes reference to trial pits which are drawn on this page’s map.
-p86: Copy of a name and title in hieroglyphs.
-One line of notes, presumably on payments.

-p87: Seven lines of notes on payments made on 13th February.
-p88: Inventory notes of “wood in planks” and “bag provisions” (Sunday 21st and Saturday 27th) accounted for “while P. is away”, some crossed through.
-p89: Short list of food supplies crossed through.
-p90: Lists of supplies including “medicine” and “stationary”.

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p91: Copy of a scene and hieroglyphic text, 8 columns above scene (standing female(?) in votive position before a seated male(?) holding flowers) and 1 column to the right.
Labelled: “between Zuwelen & Khatanah in sakiyeah rough limestone”.
-p92: Headed “at Zantinz(?) there is much limestone and shist(?) about” followed by;
Description of “stonebase” with “longside” inscriptions copied, featuring the cartouches of Ramses Usermaatra Setepenra in a text of iry-pꜥt ḥꜣty-a and 2 “shortside” inscriptions, featuring sš-nsw iry-pꜥt and sš-nsw iry-sšw-wr.
-Copy of cartouches of “Ramses” with epithets from “blocks of granite & basalt, a column 80 in diam”.
-Apparently not included in the publication’s description of the attested monuments of Ramses II.

-p93: List of workmen and wages, crossed through, with one line referencing supplies.
-p94: Personal ‘reminder’; “Ragib suleman el Tahaure son. Sad about limestone has put up Petrie two nights & given his house”

Nabêsha (Tell Far’ûn) [TopBib 401-150]
-p95: Names of two “guards” listed.
-Diagram of “tomb l to k” with measurements and description; “doorway to small chambers roughly bricked” “remains of stone coffin” “shabtis numerous”, crossed through and apparently not included in the publication.
-p96: Copy of hieroglyphic inscription corresponding to publication’s pl. IX 1.a. (top and one side of an “altar”) described on page 29 as “dedicated by Amenemhat II”.
-p97: Copy of hieroglyphic inscription corresponding to publication’s pl. IX 1:9, 1.e., 1.6 & 1.d. from the same “altar” “dedicated by Amenemhat II”.
-Note at bottom of page: “4 metres long. 17 broad.”

-p98: Crossed through notes concerning workmen.
-Rough sketch map of the locations of “Nebesheh” and “Hâbsesh” relative to one another with reference to the connecting canal.
-Note concerning “gold” and “silver” quantities.
-Further crossed through notes concerning workmen.
-pBack Inside Cover: Crossed through notes concerning workmen and wages.
-Further list of names of workmen.

Valorización, destrucción y programación


Sistema de arreglo

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso


Idioma del material

Escritura del material

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descripción

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

Existencia y localización de copias

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

Nota de publicación

-p6: Griffith, F. Ll. in Petrie, W. M. F. Nebesheh (1888) 32, pl xiii [35.a, 35.b] (OEB 147114)
-p8: Griffith, F. Ll. in Petrie, W. M. F. Nebesheh (1888) 19 (OEB 147114)

-p85: Petrie, W. M. F. Nebesheh (1888) 11-13 (OEB 147114)

-p91: [unverified – omitted from publication]

-p96: Petrie, W. M. F. Nebesheh (1888) 29, pl ix [1.a.] (OEB 147114)
-p97: Petrie, W. M. F. Nebesheh (1888) 29, pl ix [1:9, 1.e., 1.6, 1.d] (OEB 147114)

Área de notas

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por materia

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control de la descripción

Identificador de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Estado de elaboración

Nivel de detalle

Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




Área de Ingreso

Materias relacionadas

Personas y organizaciones relacionadas

Tipos relacionados

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