Item Griffith MSS 24.4 - Griffith Notebook Kum Afrin

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

Griffith MSS 24.4


Griffith Notebook Kum Afrin


  • 1885-1886 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 notebook (10 x 16 x ?cms; 9 pages, numbered by Griffith)

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História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Kôm Firîn of [401-690] & Kôm el-Ḥiṣn of [TopBib 401-700].

Kôm el-Ḥiṣn [TopBib 401-700]:
-Front Cover: Contents page of notebook with erasures where leaves were removed.
-Description of places and their locations relative to Naucratis (several sites of which listed in the publication).
-p1: Copy of inscription on “sandstone ? apparently of Rameses”, left side (not in publication). Sketch of inscription from front of the throne between the figures.
-List of various place names, presumably from the surrounding area, and description of “Ramsys”. Statue of Rameses labelled I in pl xxiv.
-p2: Sketch of the left side of a seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv) and accompanying note; “Right side similar but throne name in upper cartouche”.
-p3: Measurements of, presumably, the left side of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p4: Sketch of inscription “on back” of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p5: Note concerning the removal of a [great] stone by Effendi 6 years previously; “Canopus Decree”.
-p6: Sketch and measurements concerning the “quartzite groups”, statue of Rameses (labelled II in pl xxiv).
-p7: Note concerning inscription “on back” of the aforementioned statue (II in pl xxiv) with the conclusion; “so evidently a statue of Hathor at the side”.
-p8: Notes concerning; No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) “standing holding inscribed staff”. Sketch of inscription “on back pilaster” (not in publication).
-p9: Sketch of two columns of inscription from right side of No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) (one not in publication).
-p10: Notes concerning location of No.4 sandstone with respect to No.3 and No.1 and No.2 proximity to the pylon.

-p11: Basic sketch of the Tell.
-p12: Sketch of pylon with notes on measurements of the pylon and the bricks of which it was constructed.
-p13: Basic sketch of settlement/site locations.
-p14: Notes and sketch of a column inside the mosque of Gebâris (site 17. of publication) and notes on further granite columns inside the dome (not in publication).
-p15: Blank sketch of column/lintel(?).
-p16: Notes concerning; Zemrân el Kom (site 7. of pulibcation; Kûm Zemrân) and limestone slab at entrance from sebil to mosque and granite column bearing the names of Rameses.
-Notes concerning; limestone and marble fragments, but no granite, from Zanyet Mesallim (site 10. Zanuyet Mesallem of publication).
-Notes concerning; Bueqa (site 3. Biyûqa of publication), Tut (site 2. Ṭût of publication), Besûme (site 1. Besûm of publication), Khême (site 4. H̱ême of publication) and Abu Semadheh (site 5. Abû-Samadheh of publication).
-p18: Sketch of inscription from “back of sandstone statue” (labelled III in pl xxiv).

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Descrições relacionadas

Nota de publicação

Griffith, F. Ll. in Gardner, E.A. Naukratis II (1888)

-Front Cover: 79
-p1: 77-78 pl. xxiv (I, front of throne)
-p2: 77-78 pl. xxiv (I, left side)
-p3: 77-78 pl. xxiv
-p4: 77-78 pl. xxiv (I. back)
-p5: 77
-p6: 77-78 pl. xxiv (II)
-p7: 77-78 pl. xxiv (II)
-p8: 77-78 pl. xxiv (iii)
-p9: 77-78 pl. xxiv (IV, a)
-p10: 77-78 pl. xxiv
-p12: 77-78 pl. xxiv
-p14: 79
-p16: 79-80
-p18: 77-78 pl. xxiv (III, back)

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Línguas e escritas



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